Sword Spirit

Chapter 872: Wind and cloud

A gust of wind blew up without warning. Lu Xuan’s robes were blown to hunter, and the surrounding trees swayed violently. The giant trees that were dozens of feet seemed to be blown directly by this squally wind.

Sword out!

As the dusty sword swept over, the endless energy seemed to find a venting vent, and all of it was poured into the sword for a moment, and the wind became more fierce. This is not an ordinary wind, but a wind composed of endless swords. .

"The wind is cruel!" Lu Xuan whispered, and the third-style power of Tianjian was completely erupted.

The power of destruction comes, and the wind and the cloud are the same. The fusion is to destroy the kendo. Everything that is in front of it will be destroyed and destroyed.

It is a pity that Lu Xuan has not yet mastered the law of the wind. Otherwise, the power of this type will be further enhanced. However, the style that he has burned all the blood has been exerted, and the power is still unprecedented.

On one side is Lu Xuan's sword, and on the other is the joint force of Sikong Tiancai. The two powerful forces don't let anyone. Finally, at the moment of the collision, a loud noise is heard, and the sound is almost spread throughout. forest.

Nangong Lie, who was escaping, couldn't help but look back at the place where the bang came. The power is so big, I can imagine how fierce the battle there is.

"Lu Xuan has officially played against them." Long Bo Ming Shen Sheng.

Zhao Ying bites her lower lip: "Unfortunately, I can't even protect my own disciples. Instead, I want him to risk his life and fight for a chance."

"Madam, you should be proud, it is a great blessing to be able to teach such a good disciple." Long Boming comforted.

Zhao Ying showed a bitter smile: "In fact, I didn't teach him anything. He spent a lot of time on his own, and stayed at Xuanbingge. I am afraid that he will not be half of the time he stayed outside."

When I heard this, Nangong Lie couldn’t help but say: “Lu Xuan... is your disciple?”

Zhao Ying glanced at him and nodded: "Not bad."

Nangong Lieton felt ridiculous, Lu Xuan was actually a disciple of Zhao Ying? That said. He is not the top of the nine Huameng League? Isn't it an old monster with a hiding power? However, he was first prevailing, and he was also fooled by Lu Xuan.

"How old is he this year?" Nan Gonglie couldn't help but ask.

"It should be twenty-one." Zhao Ying replied.

Nan Gong Lie touched his forehead. Twenty-one-year-old, barely able to be his own son, but understand that Lu Xuan gave a flicker, but Nangong anger is not in the slightest anger. A 21-year-old warrior has such a strong sense of strength, which proves that Lu Xuan’s talent is absolutely one-of-a-kind. More importantly, a young age can make such a choice and use his own strength. Block strong enemies. Give them a chance to escape. It is really rare.

"Hey!" Lu Xuan squirted a blood, and was instantly shaken back by dozens of feet. Even if he had the third style of Tianjian Jiuzhong, but with so many powers facing so many strong players, still not an opponent, if not because His body is strong, and the defensive power under burning blood is extremely amazing. I am afraid that this force will be enough to kill him.

Although it was awkward, Lu Xuan successfully blocked the joint attack of Sikong Tiancai and others. Shaking his body and straightening again, Lu Xuan violently wiped the blood next to his mouth, showing a hint of perseverance in his eyes, himself, has not fallen!

Sikong Tiancai and others were not in a hurry to shoot, because they were also shocked. What kind of freak is this kid? Too virtual and a realm of realm, but with such a strength, with the power of a sword, hard to take the people to attack and not die. Looking back at the sword of Lu Xuan, they measured in their minds that if they face Lu Xuan alone, they may not be opponents.

"The Soul Eater!" Chur whispered, and the power of the thick soul swarmed out. He was a soul. He was always hateful for the human genius, because once a human genius grows up, it will have a huge Threat, the original Emperor of Heaven was like this, many of the great powers of the soul family regretted that they did not kill the Emperor in the cradle.

So the Souls have no contempt for the Terran. Once they discover that there is a genius in the Terran, even if it costs a huge price, it must be assassinated. The genius that has not grown up is the most vulnerable time, such as when it was created. The human genius of the starry sword.

Kur is the Seven Stars of the Emperor, and the soul is stronger than the original Buon. Even if Lu Xuan has two soul lakes, he will never dare to swear. One type of star does not hesitate to appear, and comprehends the destruction of kendo. In the middle, the power of the falling star is once again enhanced. Under the crush of powerful power, the soul-killing technique of Chur is instantly weakened, but the remaining soul power is still rushing into the soul lake of Lu Xuan.

Soul Eater!

Lu Xuan chose this most direct soul attack. In the two soul lakes, there was a rush of wind and waves, and he and the body of Chur were shocked at the same time. Cul’s heart was shocked. The power of this kid’s soul turned out to be so. powerful.

After feeling the power of Lu Xuan's soul, Cul had to dispel the idea of ​​killing Lu Xuan's soul by his own power. He turned his head to Zuo Yu and Sikong Tiancai and said: "Don't kill him, that group of people. I can't catch up."

"Come on again, he thought who he is, and he wants to stop us so many people. I have to see how many attacks he can bear!" Sikong Tiancai looked a little bit screaming, Lu Xuan's talent let He felt threatened. He called Tiancai. He also thought he was a genius, but he now finds that Lu Xuan seems to be more genius than himself.

This time, Sikong Tiancai and others no longer gave Lu Xuan a breather, attacking one after another, facing such a powerful attack, Lu Xuan, in addition to the wind and the sword, there is no martial art that can resist. So he can only fend a long sword desperately, blocking it again and again.

However, the martial arts with such great power can be used endlessly. Five swords were displayed in a row, which was enough to withstand the five attacks of Sikong Tiancai and others. Lu Xuan was already exhausted, and all the meridians had The signs of damage, the burning of blood has played more than his own strength, not to mention the wind and the cloud is extremely overbearing, mixed with the power of destruction, which has exceeded the load he can bear.

Blood is full of clothes, Lu Xuan is already a little fuzzy, but he is still strong.

Now, it should have passed the ten-minute time? I want to come to the master. They have already arrived at a safe place... Lu Xuan’s heart flashed through this thought. (To be continued~^~)

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