Sword Spirit

Chapter 873: Shadowless

"Lu Xuan, you can't continue to hold on! You will die!" Bingling's anxious voice came.

"Xuange, I will take you away." A raccoon also promptly out of the channel, this level of combat, its ability to play out is really limited, but it still has a virtual shuttle!

Without hesitation, A raccoon instantly exerted the power of blood. Seeing this scene, Dong Ruyi suddenly looked at it, and it was this trick!

She has been dealing with Lu Xun several times. The strength of Lu Xuan is clear. The last time she was in the desert, Ashi was trying to use the empty shuttle to take Lu Xuan to escape, and she was stopped. This time, how could she watch Lu Xuan escape?

"Space ban!" Dong Ruyi screamed, and the power of a powerful space suddenly came. Among the people in Sikong Tiancai, only Dong Ruyi realized the law of space, and only she was able to stop the raccoon.

At this time, the emptiness shuttle of A raccoon was also displayed. For a moment, the figures of Lu Xuan and A raccoon disappeared.

But then, with the sound of a bang, the raccoon was forced out of shape, and it directly hit the space barrier laid by Dong Ruyi.

Seeing this scene, Dong Ruyi was quite a kind of hateful feeling. Haha laughed loudly: "Escape, see where you can escape!"

"Kill him!" Chur whispered, and the rapid direction of Lu Xuan rushed over, and the power of the thick soul rushed out.

Lu Xuan’s sword wants to stop, but A raccoon knows Lu Xuan’s current state, and refuses to let Lu Xuan take another shot. He suddenly pushes the blood force again and continues to use the virtual shuttle. Although Dong Ruyi has built a space barrier around him, but here Within it, A raccoon can still move freely.

It's just that it is tantamount to drinking and quenching thirst. Once the blood of the raccoon is exhausted, they will be shackled except for the hands. There is no other way.

"Oh, is the game of cats and mice?" Looking at the raccoon and Lu Xuan appeared on the other side, Sikong Tiancao showed a sneer. Immediately urging the power of the tree of life, the overwhelming branches slammed toward Lu Xuan, and the raccoon could only dodge again.

The situation today. As Sikong Tiancai said, it became a game of cat and mouse. Although Ashi continued to move, as long as it appeared. It is an overwhelming attack.

I noticed that my blood's power was consumed sharply. A raccoon said anxiously: "Xuan Ge, can you break this space barrier, it only takes a moment, and it takes only a moment, I can move it out."

Lu Xuan thoughts rapidly turning. At this moment, suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind. Out of the channel: "I have a way, A raccoon, to the outside of the virtual shuttle, I will help you break the space barrier!"

"Good!" A raccoon did not ask Lu Xuan what to do, but it believes that Lu Xuan will not be untargeted.

A little urging the blood of the blood, A raccoon decisively rushed toward the direction of the space barrier, this time it took out 10 to 10 of the power, even if the space barrier hit the head and broke the blood flow.

Looking at the raccoon disappeared again, Dong Ruyi just sneered. There are space barriers, and there is absolutely no way to escape from the raccoon.

Lu Xuan's spirit is very tight, holding the dusty sword tightly, his power is almost exhausted, but at this moment, he still has the power to send a sword!

"Heaven and Man!"

Lu Xuan screamed at this moment, he felt that he was completely integrated into the dust sword, integrated into the heavens and the earth, the Tianjian people are extremely incomparable. This is definitely the most amazing move he has ever made.

The sword gas burst out, only heard a bang sound, blocking the space barrier of the raccoon, the hard-born Lu Xuan stabbed a gap!

Dong Ruyi was shocked, and A raccoon was overjoyed.

It is now, A raccoon spurs the power of the blood to the maximum, and suddenly passes through this gap. From then on, the high bird is flying, and the sea is wide.

The crack in the space barrier only existed for a moment, and it was re-closed by Dong Ruyi, but it did not help.

"People!" Sikong Tiancai glared at the search for Lu Xuan's trace. He always regarded this as a cat-and-mouse game, but now the mouse has disappeared.

"They... ran away." Dong Ruyi’s silver teeth clenched.

"Running?" Sikong Tiancai's voice suddenly increased by eight degrees: "You said that he has blocked us for so long, but now it runs without any loss? What do you eat, you are not saying that you can trap them!"

Seeing Sikong Tiancai angered Dong Ruyi, Zuo Wei slightly frowned, and coughed a sigh: "Sikong Tiancai, just enough, Dong Ruyi is my illusionist, not your empty man."

"I didn't expect that Lu Xuan was so heavy that he could still issue such a powerful sword. It was my mistake." Dong Ruyi took a deep breath and let Lu Xuan escape easily. Her heart would never be better than Sikong Tiancai. Well, among the people, she is the deepest for Lu Xuan’s hatred.

Sikong Tiancai is still not willing to let Lu Xuan give away, Lu Xuan's talent, gave him great pressure, it will be a huge threat to grow Lu Xuan in time.

"I must find him out. It is a game of cats and mice. Is it a rat cat?" Sikong Tiancai snorted: "As long as he is in this forest, he can't escape!"

After all, Sikong Tiancao sat down directly on the knees, and all his mind was used to spur the tree of life. For a time, the entire forest was turned into his eyes and ears, and everything was in sight.

But soon his brow was wrinkled. He perceived Nangong Lie and others who were escaping. He also perceived some warriors who did not know the inside story and just broke into the forest, but did not find Lu Xuan. trace.

"Is not seen? How is it possible?" Sikong Tiancai opened his eyes and held his fist tightly. In such a short time, Lu Xuan could never escape this huge forest. He did not see even Nangong Gong and others. Didn't escape?

Although he refused to believe it, no matter how he searched, he couldn’t perceive Lu Xuan’s breath. He searched it twice, although Sikong Tiancao was still unwilling, but he had to give up.

"The kid didn't know where to hide, I couldn't feel him." Sikong Tiancai stunned Dong Ruyi with a glance.

Zuo Yu gently shook his head and said: "This kid is very different in strength. Maybe there are other means. But in order to stop us, he has overdrawn a great strength. Without long-term cultivation, he will never recover. It is not enough. There is no need to put all my thoughts on him, now we should go after the people who fled."

"Nan Gong Lie, they have not escaped from the forest. I know the direction in which they fled, but when we chase it, I am afraid they have left the forest." Sikong Tiancai said.

"No matter, Long Boming was seriously injured, and the consumption of the day was huge. Nangong Lie was difficult to support. Even if he escaped from the forest, it was definitely not our opponent, chasing." Zuo Yu decisively made a choice.

Everyone has no objection. If Lu Xuan suddenly showed great strength, Nan Gonglie and others have already turned into corpses. Now Lu Xuan is seriously injured, and I don’t know where to go. Not enough to worry about, for a time, Zuo Yu and others have set off, under the guidance of Sikong Tiancai, the rapid rush to the Jiuhua League coalition forces to chase the past.

A leaf fell lightly from the tree, but it did not fall to the ground, but fell into the air, as if there were intangible things below.

Needless to say, the hidden here is Lu Xuan and A raccoon, who survived the space barrier. Lu Xuan immediately found a quiet place to hide, and then displayed a shadowless scene. Trace.

The shadowless trace is absolutely a good escape skill. It is with this hidden charm that Lu Xuan can avoid the investigation of Sikong Tiancai. In his current state, if it is found out by Sikong Tiancai, it will definitely die.

"Xuan Ge, can you hold on?" asked the raccoon worriedly.

In order to block Sikong Tiancai and others, Lu Xuan has already been on the verge of collapse. In the end, he is forced to use a combination of heaven and man to break through the space barriers, and the power of blood burning is exhausted. At this moment, Lu Xuan is extremely Weak, but in order to avoid Sikong Tiancai, he still insisted on spreading the shadow without a trace. (To be continued~^~)

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