Sword Spirit

Chapter 880: Sikong North

"Since you are dying, I naturally can't let you down." Sikong Tiancai showed a sly smile, his right hand raised instantly, and an emerald green force suddenly burst out from the tree of life.

In the face of Sikong Tiancai's attack, Zhao Ying naturally did not dare to neglect. Although she saved the mortal ambition, she would never be embarrassed, at least to consume some of the power of Sikong Tiancai.

I saw that the long sword cut through the air, and a cold light was rushed to the sky, but the green light emitted by Sikong Tiancai was extremely flexible. In the face of Zhao Ying’s attack, it was an instant turn, and it would fly quickly. Zhao Ying's sword light entangled, a powerful force came, and immediately broke the sword, and then the rest of the momentum, and quickly rushed over to Zhao Ying.

Sikong Tiancai is the dual strength of Taixujing, and it is stronger than Zhao Ying. Moreover, he still holds the tree of life and deals with Zhao Ying.

I saw that Zhao Ying had already played against Sikong Tiancai, and one face was falling in the wind. Long Boming was furious, even if he died, he would never let Zhao Ying die before himself!

"Don't dare to start with the lady, look for death!" Long Boming screamed, and his momentum suddenly rose sharply. Because of the wilting state caused by the injury, this moment seems to have completely dissipated, and the strength has risen sharply.

The two six-star soul emperors who dealt with Long Boming were all repelled under the attack of Long Boming, and they were completely ignored by Long Boming, and they were unstoppable and rushed to Sikong Tiancai.

Sikong Tiancai's face changed slightly, and a seven-powered person who used the secret technique is not the current one. He can resist it. Without the power provided by the huge forest, even if the tree of life is in his hands, he also At most, it can only compete with the mid-term strong in the virtual world.

"Endless entanglement!" Sikong Tiancai screamed, and several tens of forces turned into an imaginary branch quickly extending out, trying to bind the footsteps of Long Boming, but Long Boming did not care, long sword wave Under the shackles, the fast-moving stellar sky was washed over.

"The tear of the soul!" Two identical forces came from the back of Long Boming, quite powerful. The two souls who had just been forced to retreat by Long Boming had already taken shots. With the restraint, Long Boming could not completely attack Sikong Tiancai. Have to share a great part of the power to deal with the two soul emperors.

For a time, Long Boming alone two souls and Sikong Tiancai, together with Zhao Ying from the side of the strategy, even played a split-level situation.

"Damn! Actually use the ban!" Sikong Tiancao secretly cursed, he did not expect Long Boming actually did not want to die. As soon as you come up, you will fight with each other.

"Break him, wait for the old guy to run out of power, it's a waste!" Sikong Tiancao roared, the power of the ban was only a short time, once the time passed, the sequelae broke out. The power of Long Boming will fade rapidly. When you don't need the two soul emperors to shoot, just one of Sikong Tiancai is enough to cook.

"Through all three of you, you are trying to stop me!" A roar of anger came from the side, but Nangong Lie was impatient with Dong Ruyi and Kur. The three men couldn’t help him, but they were waiting for him. The materials and other people will free their hands, and he will never have the opportunity to escape. He must take advantage of this time to open Dong Ruyi.

"Fire dance Yaoyang!" Nan Gong Lie violently screamed, a huge fireball appeared out of thin air. The endless fire system is condensed, and the power of this fire dance is obviously stronger than when Nangong Lie used to deal with Ma Yuan. Chur and Dong Ruyi are not weak. Nan Gonglie’s natural strength is all out. .

When the fireball came out, the three people of Chur had to temporarily avoid the edge, the strength of the eight-powered strong man, or the power of deterrence. Chur tried to use the soul force once, but was the flame of Nangong Lie. The burning is clean.

Although the overall situation of the boss, Sky Tiancai and others have the upper hand. However, in a short period of time, it is impossible to open the situation, and Nangong Lie is likely to take advantage of this opportunity to escape. This is absolutely unacceptable for Sikong Tiancai.

At the moment, he couldn't help but turned his head and turned to the old man who had not been moving. He said: "The Northern Elders, it seems that you need to take the shot, and then solve the problem with Nangong Lie."

Since Sikong’s daring to launch an attack in the land of seals, he was able to take the lead in the joint venture between Sikong and the illusionist gods. Of course, it is not the Sikong Tiancai holding the tree of life, but it has never been hands-on. This northern elder, Sikong North.

In fact, the tree of life in the hands of Sikong Tiancai was obtained with the help of Sikong North. It is in order to obtain this tree of life that Sikongbei has consumed a lot of power and suffered a certain degree of darkness. It is precisely because of this that in the aftermath of the battle, Sikong Tiancai did not let Si Kongbei shot, but now want to quickly end the battle, can only let Si Kongbei hands.

Si Kongbei did not say a word, but the body suddenly disappeared from the place, and it was in front of Nangong Lie.

"Sikong North?!" Nangong Lie stared at the white-haired old man in front of him, and a heart suddenly slammed.

As a five-pronged sect, the strength in the dark is far stronger than that on the bright side, because the Tianjian continent is sealed and cannot rise, so many old monsters are retiring behind the scenes and become the occult elders of Zongmen. This is the first of the divisions. Nangong Lie has not seen him, but he knows his existence. Two hundred years ago, Sikong’s main force at that time was the four elders of the southeast and northwest, but as the younger generation gradually grew up, These four people retired behind the scenes, but did not expect that this time Sikong North actually appeared again, and still quietly entered the land of this seal.

Sikongbei grinned and looked at Nangong Lie Road: "The younger son of Nangong, the old man looked at you and grew up. I thought you only had six strengths in the virtual world. I never looked at it, but I didn't think you were still hiding. The strength has reached the limit of being too imaginary. If you give you some strength, maybe the old man is not an opponent, and the potential of young people is good."

Listening to Si Kongbei's words, although Nan Gonglie's face is not moving, but his heart is bitter, this time I am afraid I can't escape. Although the older the warrior, the more hopeless it is, the more the Sikong North hides for so many years. Progress, but at least it is also a strong and powerful person, but it is still a real virtual reality. If it is not the age limit, it is not difficult to break through to the virtual environment.

A singularly empty squad of Sikong North, a strong once powerful, now the strength of the decline to the seven stars of the soul of Chur, plus Dong Ruyi and Sikongjia another too virtual six strong, how to see, not like The opportunity to escape.

"Sikong is really strong like a cloud, but when I think of being able to kill so many empty people at once, it’s really a little excited!" A clear voice came, and the first word seemed to come from people. There is a short distance here, but when the last word falls, a figure has already stood up. (To be continued~^~)

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