Sword Spirit

Chapter 881: Thunder

The speed of coming people was so fast that it exceeded everyone's expectations. For a time everyone was shocked and couldn't help but look up.

"Lu Xuan!"

"Lu brother?"

A few exclamations sounded, Zhao Ying and Chen Xiaohan flashed a hint of surprise color, Nan Gonglie looked a bit strange, but Sikong Tiancai is full of face anger.

"It turned out that you didn't die, and I was worried for a long time." Chen Xiaohan was so excited that his face was red. Before Sikong Tiancai said that Lu Xuan was dead, she was almost desperate, but she did not expect that Sikong Tiancai was lying.

"Of course I am not dead." Lu Xuan laughed: "You are not out of danger, how can I die."

Nan Gonglie looked at Lu Xuan deeply, and his heart was shocked. He slowly said: "Too virtual world."

By the reminder of Nangong Lie, everyone was surprised again. In the middle of the forest, they watched Lu Xuan break through to the virtual world, but before and after this time was just over an hour, Lu Xuan had already reached too It’s unbelievable if you don’t see it.

"How is it possible, how could this kid recover so quickly, he obviously suffered such a serious injury." Sikong Tiancai gnawed his teeth, he simply refused to believe this scene, Lu Xuan not only recovered, but also do Breakthrough, this has almost violated common sense. Whoever saw the short time of two hours is a person who has broken through from a virtual reality to a virtual one.

Lu Xuan took a deep breath. Here is the world of Lei. The strong thunder force makes him feel extremely comfortable. Even if Jin Leizhu has already earned him, even if the battle is actively revoked by the ice spirit, it has accumulated over the years. The power of the lightning system will not dissipate for a short time.

His eyes swept over the crowd and finally fell on Sikong North in front of Nangong Lie. He felt that the breath of Sikongbei was the most powerful among the people present.

"It seems that you are the boss of the Sikong family?" Lu Xuan made a sound, while the body fell to the side of Nangong Lie.

Si Kongbei's old face showed a hint of gloomy smile, and said: "Young people really can't be underestimated. These talents make the old man crazy. If the old man has your talents, I am afraid that it is not the strength of today. It is."

"Lu brother, be careful of this old guy, he is the strongman of the empty house two hundred years ago, Sikong North, and now the strength is unfathomable. Absolutely reached the peak of the nine-fold peak of the virtual world." Nangong Liesheng reminded, although Lu Xuan When he arrived, he saw a glimmer of hope again, but the strength of Sikong North was still pressed on his heart like a mountain. As far as he knows, no one has ever broken through the realm of the sky on the mainland of Tianjian. People are too imaginary peaks. And besides these few powerful ones. Too virtual and nine strong peaks are almost incomparable.

Lu Xuan nodded, compared to Sikong North, who is too imaginary. He’s too imaginary and the strength of the two is really not enough. If it’s not before Sikongbei wants to recover, he doesn’t want to shoot, he’s afraid Can't escape.

"Chur, I heard that your soul family has a means to take other people's bodies for their own use. I don't know if I can change my body for this kid?" Sikongbei licked his lips and said, he is not laughing. He is really eye-catching Lu Xuan this body.

Cul took a look at Sikong North: "This kind of means can only be used by our souls, but if there is a strong person from my domain, I can't do it."

"That's so settled, his soul belongs to you, the body belongs to me, after you return to the Tianyu, remember to ask your soul strong to help the old man change the body." Sikong North laughed out loud.

Chur sneered in his heart. But the mouth is full of promises, Sikong North really thinks too simple, want to help him change his body, at least the soul of the holy level of the shot, but also need the soul power of Sikong North to a certain extent, Chur It's extremely difficult to get in touch with the existence of the Soul level, let alone the hard work of helping people.

"You first look at the little baby of Nangong Lie, don't let him take the opportunity to slip away. The old man first took the kid named Lu." Sikong North told him that he obviously regarded himself as the master here, too virtual. Jiufeng’s peak strength gave him enough capital.

Sikong North took the initiative to deal with Lu Xuan's mission. Kur is naturally happy. Although Lu Xuan seems to be much weaker than Nangong, but before Lu Xuan blocked them so many people, Cul's heart Lu Xuan has a kind of taboo that he can't say. He came down from Tianyu. He has seen too many human geniuses. Many geniuses can't be ruled by common sense. Lu Xuan in front of him is probably this. Kind of people.

"The soul flies!" Chur gave a low voice, and a soul burst out. He immediately smashed away at the Nangong, and first entangled Nangong Lie, not letting him join Lu Xuan, and Dong Ruyi followed. Then launched an attack.

Once again caught in the siege of the three people, Nangong Lie also took a break from time to time, let alone help Lu Xuan to deal with Sikongbei, only to secretly pray in the heart, Lu Xuan can once again show up in the lava land That kind of strength, otherwise, there is no resistance to Sikong North.

"Kid, if you are attached to our empty house, the old man promises you how to let you live for a while, you have this body, the old man does not want to be damaged." Sikong North smiled.

Lu Xuan shook his head gently: "You have lived for two or three hundred years, and you should live enough. What is the meaning of lingering, let me send you on the road today."

During the talk, Lu Xuan raised his left hand and immediately shouted: "Ray!"

As soon as this statement came out, if there was a general law, there would have been some gloomy sky, and suddenly it was thunderous, and the sound of a booming sound was endless. Countless thunderballs quickly rallied beside Luxuan.

When I noticed the change of the sky, Nangong Lie could not help but reveal a hint of joy. This feeling is familiar. When Lu Xuan was in the lava field, wasn’t this the case? Can it be said that Lu Xuan has the same strength as before?

"The law of the thunder system? You are really a lot of means." Sikong North smiled and looked at Lu Xuan. He is now more than three hundred and twenty years old. In the face of Lu Xuan, who is not too young, where is there any fear? At the moment, I am looking at Lu Xuan’s strength with great interest.

Since Sikong North is big, Lu Xuan will naturally not be merciful, a sneer, palms, endless thunderballs suddenly rushed to the north.

"Quiet thunder!"

This kind of supernatural power of Jingxin Lei can be described as quite sinister. Before it bursts, you will never think of the strength of this little thunderball. What's more, Lu Xuan is in Leizhi at this moment. The land uses this trick.

In the face of the many Thunderballs that have been attacked, Sikong North has waved a hand, and a force has exploded, as if in an instant, the endless Thunderball can be directly annihilated.

But when Yuanli collided with the Thunderball, the world was discolored!


A burst of sound broke the prelude to the battle, a quiet and thunderous blast, igniting countless meditation.

boom! boom! boom!

The thunder roared, the electric light flashed, and Sikongbei became a thunderous sea in the surrounding moments. The violent thunder powers attacked and bombarded, and almost all the space was torn. The powerful blasting aftermath would almost distance the nearest Nangong. The fierceness is overturned.

Chur, who is fighting with Nangong Lie, is pale and hurriedly put away his own soul. Just this moment of effort, his soul power is annihilated by Lu Xuan’s power of Thunder, the power of Thunder It has always been the nemesis of the power of the soul.

No one thought that Lu Xuan and Sikong North Gang had a fierce battle. The people in the battle were involuntarily stopped, and they brushed their eyes to this side. This kind of violent power is simply I can't believe that this was sent out by a dual-armed warrior.

At this moment, Lu Xuan was unsuccessful, his hands swiftly waved, and the extremely calm and quiet sighs continued to appear. Without a slight pause, he was shot at Sikong North. He wanted to make this big squad. The bomb is dead here.

Whether it is a Sikong family, a phantom god, or a Jiuhua League person, at this time, one mouth is very big, and it’s such a situation. Lu Xuan is like a son of a thunder. The imperial thunder system between the heavens and the earth is the suppression of Sikongbei. Under the thunder, the figure of Sikong North has been completely invisible. They can only see the endless thunder in the vicinity of Sikongbei.

Taikong, who is too imaginary, is actually being beaten by Lu Xuan, who is too imaginary. They even suspected that Sikong North would have been killed directly by Lu Xuan’s endless bombing at the moment.

"A single tree into a forest!" A sound of screaming sounded from the sea of ​​Thunder, a green glow of light thundered with a blue-violet light, and then the green light skyrocketed, an incomparably powerful breath suddenly burst into the air, endless The Thunder's Sea was forcibly pushed away by this green light.

Lei Guang dissipated, and everyone finally saw the figure of Sikong North, but at this moment, Si Kongbei simply did not have the ease and ease of expression before, and the robes had become a root strip, which was hanged on Si Kongbei. The whole person's hair was scattered, completely covering his face, and it was extremely embarrassing. It was a short time before and after, and it was as strong as Sikong North, which turned out to be this appearance.

Forced to put a handful of hair, and then smashed it to the back of the head, Si Kong North's gaze almost chooses people! He didn't think that Lu Xuan's attack would be so fierce, and he was completely unprepared for him. The endless thunder was almost overwhelming him. If he had not accumulated for three hundred years, he would be very solid. It is really impossible to break the attack of Lu Xuan, and it will be killed in the sea of ​​thunder.

He has not eaten a loss, can live to the present, has such strength, Si Kong North has suffered a lot of losses, but this is the first time since his strength, the first time in the realm is far worse than his own juniors, or almost let He has lost all his losses.

"Kid, I want you to die!" Sikong Beisheng said, at this moment he no longer intends to Lu Xuan's body, he wants to lift Lu Xuan to the bones, in order to solve the hatred of the heart. (To be continued~^~)

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