Sword Spirit

Chapter 882: Shenlong

Sikong North madly waved his hands, and the woods came to him with madness, and even he screamed: "The arrows are all right!"

Countless arrows shining in the green color appeared out of nowhere. There was no pause. In an instant, Lu Xuan shot in the past. For a time, the whole world seemed to have turned into an ocean of arrows. The name of Wanjian was really worthwhile. .

Sikongbei was awesome, and the strength of the nine-fold peak of Taixujing was vividly displayed. The Nangong martyrdom in this array of arrows was stunned, and he did not dare to stay. In an instant, he left, although he also had too much Eight-fold strength, and Sikong North seems to be only one boundary. However, although the strength of Sikong North has not been able to enter the world for hundreds of years, the strength has been confined to the extreme, far from being comparable to Nangong Lie, he can only hope. With Lu Xuan, he can make a big splash and suppress Sikong North, otherwise no one will be the opponent of Sikong North.

Lu Xuan is also slightly discolored, he is still a little stunned by the strength of Si Kongbei, an old monster that has lived for more than three hundred years, is not so good to deal with. The power of each arrow is definitely not inferior to the powerful blow of the strong man in the late virtual world, not to mention the all-embracing arrows at this moment.

Taiyi Guiyuan’s crazy operation, the power of Lei Zhen’s gods was pushed to the extreme by Lu Xuan, and Jin Leizhu in Dantian became extremely bright at this moment. The light of lightning on the bamboo body was looming.

"Quiet thunder!"

The power of a thunder suddenly appeared, and the strong force of Sikong North’s wood system was squeezed to the other end. The entire battlefield was turned into a confrontation between the power of Thunder and the wood system. Lu Xuan did not use the starry sword, and there was no In the general case, Tianjian Jiuzhong is undoubtedly Lu Xun's strongest killing trick, but at this moment on the thunder land, relying on Jin Leizhu, the power of Lei Shen Shen is actually more important than Tianjian To be strong, if not holding the gods such as Jin Leizhu, even Lu Xuan is genius. How can we use the dual strength of the etheric and imaginary realm to fight the emptiness of the virtual world?

At this moment, the battle really entered the white-hot state, and the sound of the arrow breaking through the air and the sound of the Thunder explosion were endless. The power in the whole space has become disordered. Under the full force of Lu Xuan, except for the power of Thunder and the power of the wood system, the rest of the power has almost been squeezed out.

Both sides are still in the middle of the battle. Seeing this scene involuntarily stopped, everyone can see that their victory and defeat, the impact on this battlefield is almost negligible, Lu Xuan and Sikong North is the person who decides who wins.

"It's a thunder treasure, it's definitely a thunder treasure!" Sikong Tiancai stared at Dafa Shenwei's Lu Xuan gnashing his teeth: "Damn Lu Xuan. No wonder they have to let them escape the forest. It turns out that he has long been Control the thunder treasures."

For Lu Xuan's etheric realm of duality, but it shows the strength of Sibei North, Sikong Tiancao is not surprised at all, because when he was in the land of wood, he was able to fight Nangong Lie by himself. It is the power of the tree of life. However, the tree of life is not the main attack, so he can only maintain the situation that is comparable to Nangong Lie, but now Lu Xuan is in control of the destructive treasures, even if it is facing Sikongbei. It is also not at all.

Seeing that Lu Xuan and Si Kongbei were deadlocked, everyone was worried, because the victory and defeat of the two of them would directly determine the life and death of both sides, and at this time, a figure suddenly rushed toward Lu Xuan’s battlefield. The past.

"Northern elders, holding this!" Sikong Tiancai sipped out the channel.

Sikong North looked back in his busy schedule, but it was the emptiness of Sikong Tiancai, who was not afraid of death. He still firmly grasped the tree of life. When the lower division of the empty north quickly running the practice, countless arrows to protect the Sikong Tiancai, to ensure that he will not be attacked by Lu Xuan.

"Stop Sikong Tiancai!" Zhao Ying shouted.

"I am coming!" Long Boming's strength has not completely subsided. A big drink is rushing up.

Sikong North has a cold voice: "Looking for death!"

As he spoke, the arrow that attacked Lu Xuan suddenly turned, and the rapid Chaolong Bo Ming attacked. Long Boming was shocked. He screamed and waved the long sword, and the arrow that was shot was broken, but the body was Instantly repelled, and can no longer stop Sikong Tiancai.

Taking advantage of this effort, Sikong Tiancao suddenly slammed forward and quickly broke into the protection of Sikong North. Lu Xuan had no time to stop, but he was in the moment of Sikong North attack slack, will count Dao Jingxin was sent to the front of Sikong North, and the cockroach was on him.

"Hey!" Sikong North spewed out an old blood, and the breath was wilting. However, at this moment, Sikong Tiancai had successfully arrived at the side of Sikong North, and the tree of life was stuffed into the hands of Sikong North.

"Lu Xuan got the thunder treasure, able to control the thunder of this world, the North elders can not care." Sikong Tiancao uttered the channel: "This piece of wood is not able to play in the forest. It’s so powerful, but it still has a strong wood energy, and it’s used as a weapon, and its power is multiplied.”

Lu Xuan's face is gloomy, even if it is not in the forest, but the power of the tree of life is still not to be underestimated. Now it has been taken by Sikong North, which is undoubtedly more difficult.

"Ha ha ha!" Si Kongbei screamed and laughed, suddenly turned his head and stared at Lu Xuan Road: "Lu Xuan children, see how you are now in front of the old man, how to converse!"

Holding the tree of life in his hand, Si Kongbei urged the power. The injury he had just suffered was immediately restored to seven or eighty-eight, and more than that. With the tree of life in hand, he felt his strength once again. A very large increase, just Lu Xuan can only play a fair share with himself, and now his strength has improved, what does Lu Xuan take to fight with himself?

"Wan Wan Qi Qifa!" Sikong North is a scream, the same trick, but at the moment with the tree of life to make it out, the power has improved by at least 30%, even if it is a side of the battle, Nangong Lie is frightened, if If you change yourself, I am afraid I can't make three moves in the hands of Si Kongbei.

Facing the more violent attack on Sikong North, Lu Xuan took a deep breath and once again reached out and waved, the endless thunder crashed down, but this time, there was no thunderball appeared, a thunder of the seal, under the control of Lu Xuan The cohesion.

“Thousands of Thunder Prints!”

The huge Thunder's seal, crushed by Lu Xuan all the way, the power of the thunder to cover the sky, as if to destroy everything, the arrow hitting Lu Xuan under the bombardment of the power of Thunder.

Lu Xuan spent a full month in the space of Tai Yi Ding. Although he did not really practice this magical power, he has already mastered its method of display. Now the wave is a success.

However, the Thunderbolt can be superimposed indefinitely. Lu Xuan’s first shot, only superimposed on the 12th floor. The twelve-layer Thunder Seal, although powerful, faced Sikong North, which holds the tree of life, but it was not enough to see. Soon, the majestic Thunder’s seal collapsed under the attack of Sikong North.

Seeing this scene, Sikong North is a big laugh. With this artifact in hand, what does Lu Xuan take with himself?

Nangong Lie and Zhao Ying and others are a heart that mentions the blind eyes. Can Lu Xuan not stop? Although they have always had such concerns, they still do not want it to become a reality. It’s just that Sikong North is the ultimate in the virtual world. Nowadays, it has also received treasures from the hands of Sikong Tiancai. Lu Xuan is also incompetent and excusable.

However, at the time of their worries, Lu Xuan’s look did not change at all. The thundercloud at the top of the head did not show signs of dissipating. The constant power of Thunder still came to Luxuan, and a new Thunder’s seal was born again. This time, the print of the Thunder has reached 13 floors.

Sikong North is immersed in a powerful force at this moment. For these slight changes, there is no slightest awareness. It is only to exert its strength to the extreme and to achieve its merits.

With the appearance of the fifth Thunder, Sikong North finally noticed that there was something wrong. He felt that Lu Xuan’s attack seemed to be getting stronger. The previous Thunder’s print would be defeated by his attack. But now a print of Thunder can actually stick to the time of three interest.

Although he can get a lot of talents from the tree of life, but here is not the land of wood, there is no endless energy to provide him, in contrast, Lu Xuan, but can mobilize the thunder of the whole world, their own consumption Not big.

Can't drag on any more, Sikong North is clear and clear, and instantly made up his mind.

Lu Xuan is immersed in the understanding of the Thunderbolt, and now he has been able to superimpose the Thunder's seal on the 20th floor, but suddenly found that the endless arrows in front of him have completely disappeared.

"Aoki Xuan Tian Jin!"

A three-foot-thick green light, carrying a strong force from the tree of life suddenly burst out, compared with this strength, Dong Ruyi's magical destruction is simply not worth mentioning.

Lu Xuan's pupils were instantly reduced, and the power of Lei Zhen's sacred lines was running wildly. He screamed and threw a thunderous print again. At this moment, the Thunderstorm was forcibly superimposed by Lu Xuan to the 25th floor!


The sound of the explosion sounded, the blue-purple Thunder's seal was directly shattered by Si Kongbei, and Aoki's Xuan Tianjin's momentum not only went straight to Lu Xuan.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xuan did not hesitate, angered out the channel: "God Dragon!"

As soon as this statement came out, a piece of black scales shining with metallic luster suddenly appeared on Lu Xuan's body, covering him with a full body. At first glance, it was like a humanoid monster, which was daunting. (To be continued~^~)

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