Sword Spirit

Chapter 885: Yin and Yang

Under the words, Nangong Lie also showed a smile. Although he was older and more senior than Lu Xuan, he did not feel that he was condescending with Lu Xuan.

Among the cultivation circles, only the genius and the strong can be respected, and both of them, Lu Xuan is in full. In Nan Gonglie’s view, Lu Xuan is much more important than Long Boming. If it is time to let Lu Xuan grow up The achievement is absolutely limitless, and at this time, I have a good relationship with Lu Xuan, and maybe I can get an unexpected return.

Lu Xuan strode to the front of Sikong Tiancai, Jianguang flashed, the dusty sword was placed on the neck of Sikong Tiancai, cold channel: "Hand over the antidote, I spare you not to die."

Sikong Tiancai looked up slightly, and looked at Lu Xuan with a slanting look. He sneered aloud: "When you kill, you can kill, where is so much nonsense, you can kill your two women, presumably you are suffering? Hahaha, I know early. You valued your woman so much, I should have killed them all at the beginning."

During the talk, Sikong Tiancai did not forget to look at Zhao Ying and Chen Xiaohan. Obviously, he was very mindful that he had not poisoned Zhao Ying and Chen Xiaohan before.

"They are not ordinary poisons, but the secrets of Sikong's family, the yin and yang break the soul." Nan Gonglie's voice sounded from Lu Xuan, and he was the same as the Eight-Party Temple, and he always did not deal with Sikongjia. Nan Gonglie naturally knows Sikongjia very well.

"The information of the Nangong family is doing well. Even the yin and yang have broken the soul, but they know how it is." Sikong Tiancai disdain.

Lu Xuan brows slightly wrinkled, it is no wonder that he has given Jin Wuhua poisonous Dan to Zhao Binger, and now he is not awake. It turned out to be scorpion venom. The poison scorpion is not a pure poison. The general poison, even if it is intense, as long as there is antidote. On the line, but if you are vicious, you must use a specific method to be able to lift it.

"How can we resolve this yin and yang broken soul?" Lu Xuan asked.

"Yin and Yang break the soul. They have always been in pairs, yin murder, Yangshuo save people. Your friend is a haze, it is reasonable to say that you should have been poisoned at this moment, but now it seems that toxicity has been The solution is that the locust is not removed. Therefore, it is impossible to wake up. If the soul is isolated from the body, it is to break the soul." Nan Gonglie said his understanding of the yin and yang.

After a pause, he said again: "In fact, this yin and yang breaks the soul, not only poison, but also a medicine. If it is taken together with Yin and Yang, Yangshuo can swallow the haze, used by the warrior, you want to save you. This friend, just need to find the corresponding Yangshuo."

"Hey." Sikong Tiancai swelled his palms. "It's good to say that yin and yang break the soul. It's not something that ordinary people can take. I just planted a yin and yang for your woman." It is a pity that I accidentally killed the impotence."

Nan Gonglie swiftly swept Sikong Tiancai and said: "Don't believe him, Sikong's family is very sinister. They like to put the haze on others, absorb the power of others, and then use Yangshuo. It devours itself and makes up for itself, so Yangshuo will definitely not be killed by them."

"Hand over Yangshuo!" Lu Xuan gritted his teeth. The dusty sword was pressed deeper, and the blood continued to flow from the neck of Sikong Tiancai.

However, Sikong Tiancai did not care about his injury. Lu Xuan’s other woman was already dead. He knew that Lu Xuan would not let himself go. Since he was defeated, he was ready to die.

"I am a family member of the empty family, always with a haze, no impotence, want Yangshuo? Then go to the Sikong home to find it." Sikong Tiancai said indifferently: "Oh, yes, you have to remember What Nangong Lie has just said, yin and yang are all in pairs, you have to find the right one. If you find the wrong one, the yin and yang are incompatible, then it is really a **** and it is difficult to save. Haha!"

Sikong Tiancai's unscrupulous appearance completely angered Lu Xuan, Jianguang flashed, accompanied by a scream, a **** ear fell on the ground, Sikong Tianqi could not help but reach out and wanted to hold himself to bleed The left ear, but Lu Xuan is a sword, and the left hand raised by Sikong Tiancai was cut off. At one time, Sikong Tiancao was even more tragic.

"Lu Xuan! You have the ability to kill me!" Sikong Tiancao screamed, from small to large, where he suffered such torture, under the pain, he was going crazy.

"I use your life, change Yangshuo, I Lu Xuan, say one thing!" Lu Xuan stared at Sikong Tiancai, although he wanted to kill Sikong Tiancai for revenge, but he must first save Zhao Binger Let's talk about it, even if you put Sikong Tiancai back, you will not hesitate to kill him, and some are opportunities.

However, Sikong Tiancao did not believe Lu Xuan’s words at all. He endured severe pain and gnashed his teeth: “Dream, even if it is dead, I will never let you do it!”

"Ah!" Lu Xuan screamed in anger, and the dusty sword took a sword and the sword, the ears, the nose, the limbs After such a hand, even if it was originally cold and autumn, there is no such torture, but Sikong Tiancai is the first person to let Lu Xuan make such a move.

"Continue! Hands-on! Have the ability to kill me!" Sikong Tiancai's face is now extremely horrible, blood is covered with this face, looks very embarrassing.

"Xuan Ge, calm down, search the soul, search his soul." A raccoon suddenly came over.

When he heard the words of A raccoon, Lu Xuan suddenly calmed down. It was really a fan of the authorities. He only wanted to save Zhao Binger quickly. Under the madness, he was even ignorant and almost forgot his own means.

At the moment, he looked at Sikong Tiancao and smiled: "Don't say? It doesn't matter, I find it myself!"

Lu Xuan suddenly reached out and held the Tianling cover of Sikong Tiancai. Running Soul Art was invaded the soul of Sikong Tiancai and searched for information about Yin and Yang.

"Ah!" A burst of inhuman screams came from the mouth of Sikong Tiancai. For his soul search, Lu Xuan could not be merciless, and the power of the soul was stirring in his soul, as if A robber who enters the room is generally looking for belongings everywhere, smashing the contents of the cabinet, the pain of the body, and the pain of the soul. Sikong Tiancai is almost crazy. He feels that he is going to be torn by Lu Xuan at this moment.

After Si Kong Tiancao screamed for a while, the sound was low, because his voice was dumb, he could only dry up, but he couldn’t make a sound. The process of searching for souls continued for a long time. Sikong Tiancao feels as if it has been a long time. If he knew it, he might choose to tell Lu Xuan directly.

Lu Xuan released his hand, and Sikong Tiancao stared at the front with no eyes. He looked motionless and looked very empty. The guy’s will was strong, and he experienced such a great pain, but he still had not passed out.

"He is right, Yangshuo is in the empty house." Lu Xuan voice is a bit low, want to save Zhao Binger, I am afraid that only to go to the empty house.

Now that I understand that I can't solve the drug lords for Zhao Binger, Lu Xuan can only force this thing to be put down. Sikong Tiancai, he will not kill it for the time being, because if he kills it, it would be too cheap for him. . Lu Xuan immediately turned his eyes to Zuo Yu and others.

On the eyes of Shang Lu Xuan, Zuo Yu could not help but some scalp numbness, just the horrible shape of Sikong Tiancai, but he looked at it, so he did not hesitate. Zuo Yu said directly: "Tell your condition, as long as I can Do it, I will satisfy you."

Lu Xuan turned to the south of the palace and asked: "Can you take him to the illusion?"

Nangong Lie shook his head: "Zuo Yu is also a strong figure in the name of the illusion of the gods, but he is not qualified for the illusion of the gods."

Lu Xuan nodded gently: "That is no use?"

"Oh... you can say that." Nangong Lie said, a military man who is too imaginary is not useful in Lu Xuan’s eyes. It is ironic.

"If this is the case, then kill it, colluding with the soul family, death is cheaper." Lu Xuan shook his head.

"I came to work." He Day stood up. He asked himself that Wansha Island and the Magic Gods were innocent. There was no hatred in recent days, but Zuoyi did not hesitate to join forces with Sikong to kill them. forgive.

PS: Today, the two sent it, the plot of the seal land is finally over. (To be continued~^~)

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