Sword Spirit

Chapter 886: Tomb of a loving wife

Under the words of the news, Zuo Yu suddenly changed color. He did not expect that Lu Xuan would not take himself seriously. He is a strong and powerful person. How can he kill and kill?

"Lu Xuan, you can't kill me!" Zuo Yu hurriedly shouted: "I am different from them. They kill you when they kill, but I am more precious than their lives, as long as you are willing to put me back." Shenzong, the magic **** is absolutely willing to spend a lot of resources in exchange for."

The big knife that he lifted in the future couldn't help but stop in the air. At this moment, the strength of the left-handed one was all banned. At this moment, there was no resilience. He only needed to cut the knife. The left-hander did not have a slightest way to live.

However, in the end, Zuo Yu and others are considered to be Lu Xun's spoils. Even if the days and other people's generations are higher than Lu Xuan, they still follow Lu Xuan's thoughts. What's more, Zuo Yu said it is really good, one too. The seven strong people in the virtual world are worth more than those who are returning to the Yuanjing disciples or even the low-order warriors. The magic gods are absolutely willing to exchange a large amount of resources for the left-handed life, and want to cultivate a too strong virtual seven strong. Not only resource issues, but more time issues.

"Put you back, and then let you go back and kill the people of Jiuhua League and Wansha Island?" Lu Xuan sneered: "Your life is life, others' lives are not life? I Lu Xuan, There is no shortage of resources for your illusion, kill!"

Hearing Lu Xuan’s unrelenting words, he did not hesitate in the future. The big knife was smashed in an instant. A big head was rolled to the ground, even if he died in the first place, his left eye was When he got rounded, he didn't think of it. Lu Xuan didn't give himself any way to live, saying killing would kill.

If it was before, Lu Xuan might have thought of conquering Zuo Yu, using the power of the oath stone to bind him, but after comprehending the law of destruction, Lu Xuan’s killing was stronger than before, not to mention watching if he died. In his own arms, Zhao Binger is still unconscious. Only by killing can he make his heart feel better.

Even the left-handers were killed, and the rest of the people did not have a living reason. A group of people who are too imaginary, including Dong Ruyi, have been killed. Although Dong Ruyi has been ruined several times, Lu Xuan said much more lazy. Killing is a hundred years. For the military, death is always the heaviest punishment.

Seeing Lu Xuan's decisive decisiveness, Long Boming and Nan Gong Lie both glanced at Lu Xuan Gao, and all of them were appreciative colors. In the field of cultivation. Absolutely not tolerant, now the Sikong family and the illusionist have completely offended the Jiuhua League, Wansha Island, and the Nangong family. In the future, it will be a deadly enemy. If this is the case, it is better to kill now, leaving a disaster. .

"I didn't expect it to be an action against the Soul. In the end, it became the infighting of several big five-category gates." Long Boming gently shook his head: "But this is the best ending. After all, we only It is the ultimate winner."

Listening to Long Boming's words, Lu Xuan feels the same feelings. At the same time, he has a deeper understanding of Ye Tian's original feelings. He clearly knows that the Soul is the real enemy, but for his own benefit, Sikong and the illusionist are willing to join hands with the Soul. To deal with the compatriots, it is conceivable that what will happen in the Tianyu, sometimes. It’s not that you want to fight, but someone is the first to provoke, you have to pick up.

"I am very worried about the situation outside. Since Sikong Tiancai has provoked such a big battle in the land of seals, I am sure that the empty house has already joined the rest of the eight temples to the Nangong family." Lie looked a little worried and said that now that the enemy has been removed, he is worried about the situation of the Nangong family.

"Now, although the period of March has not yet arrived, the seal of the seal has been lifted by me. We can leave at any time. If you are worried about the situation of the Nangong family, you can return now." Lu Xuan said.

Nangong was surprised to see Lu Xuan, the seal has been lifted by Lu Xuan? This is the seal that the Terran has left for 10,000 years ago. The power of the five-category ancestral gate can only open a space channel to bring them in. How can Lu Xuan unblock it?

However, he did not have any doubts about Lu Xuan's words, because Lu Xuan did not need to lie to him at all, but this made Lu Xuan more mysterious in the eyes of Nangong Lie, excellent talent, powerful strength, and quietly obtained many treasures. Now, it is still possible to unravel the eternal seal of this eternal life. In his view, Lu Xuan has absolutely unimaginable secrets.

Nan Gonglie did not ask more questions, but he confessed to Lu Xuan arch: "If this is the case, then I will take the first step. You will have a period later."

"If Nangongjia needs help, he can make a sound, and my Jiuhua League will definitely help each other." This time it was Long Boming, and Long Boming’s status in Jiuhua League was extraordinary. It can be said that it is a leafless confidant. Speaking from his mouth, it is more secure than Lu Xuan said.

Nan Gonglie showed a smile: "Jiuhua League Gaoyi, thank you in the first place, if necessary, I will definitely speak."

Although Nangong Lie knew that Jiuhua League also took a fancy to their strength and wanted them to help deal with Sikong, but now it is not a time of ruthlessness, because the Nangong family has reached the end of life and death, not to mention the position of dealing with Sikongjia. The interests of Nangongjia and Jiuhua League are the same.

After Nangong Lie took the remnant of Nangong Lie to leave, He Ridi also said: "I am also gone. I have to go back to the big brother to explain everything that happened here. I have to guard against the sneak attack of the Eight Temples and the Magic God. ”

After all, the place is again, Lu Xuan grin and smiled: "You, kid, you are very good, I have seen so many younger generations, you are the best one."

With the departure of the sun and the earth, there are only nine Huameng people left in this place. Although the final winner is himself and others, it is only a tragic victory. Half of them, there are many who are too imaginary and strong, and the great four-class sect is even more costly.

There are only two people in the Promise Gate and the Erosion Cave. The Emperor Pole is surviving, and the Peony Palace does not have one person to survive. Only the Xuan Bing Court is a little better, at least there are Lu Xuan, Zhao Ying and Chen Xiaohan. And the unconscious Zhao Binger.

From the hands of Chen Xiaohan, if the corpses that depended on each other came over, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but sigh with a hint of sorrow and grief. The scene that once lived with him was clearly flashed in his mind.

"Lu Xuan, don't be too sad. As a warrior, you have to look down on life and death. If you die, you can't resurrect. You will be buried together. After you have become a martial artist, take the entire temple and give it to you." Zhao Ying Advise.

Lu Xuan said nothing, holding the straight forward and walking, I don’t know how long it took, finally left from the thunder and returned to the dense forest.

This forest is so prosperous, it is full of vitality, and if you gently put it on the ground, Lu Xuan did not use Yuanli to take the dusty sword and dig the soil until it digs a deep big pit.

"Reciprocal, this place is flourishing, I want to come here, you will have a good time, become the most beautiful peony in this forest." Lu Xuan gently said: "The road of the warriors, endless, I want to know, After the real martial arts peak, there is no power to change the sky, I believe there will be, then, you and I will see you again."

A small tomb appeared on the edge of the forest, and above the grave, stood a wooden stone monument, the book: the wife of the wife, the Lu Xuan erect. (To be continued~^~)

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