Sword Spirit

Chapter 910: Another ancestor (third)

Lu Xuan is also secretly complaining at this moment. The old man’s sword is indeed too subtle, and he has been studying swordsmanship all the year round, and he has been able to find out the tricks of the family. Initiating a counterattack, this feeling is like knowing your own right, but the other side is knowledgeable, and it is hard to be wrong.

Forced to take out this trick, Lu Xuan heart secretly. Immediately after Lu Xuanjian became a fierce battle, a sword forced the old man to retreat and turned to attack!

The old man is trying to attack, but Lu Xuan’s momentum suddenly changed. He saw Lu Xuan, but he felt that he saw a sword, a flawless sword, and shocked. Next, he couldn't help but stop the offensive on his hand and decided to look at Lu Xuan.

And Ye Wenyan stood up straight, his face was awe-inspiring, and he couldn't help but close his eyes and feel the release. He clearly felt that Lu Xuan was there, and there was a sword meaning running through the heavens and the earth. It is so strong that it is like a dazzling light in the darkness that cannot be ignored.

"The atmosphere of harmony between man and nature is definitely the breath of heaven and man!" Ye Wenyan’s muscles on his excited face trembled, then opened his eyes and stared at Lu Xuan, wanting to see Lu Xuan’s Every detail, the combination of heaven and man, he only heard, but never seen it, did not expect to see it in a younger generation.

At this moment, Lu Xuan has no foreign objects in his eyes. Only the sword in his hand and the sword in his heart, the dusty sword has not waved in a slight fancy, and a stunning sword light burst out, and a sword comes to the west, and the world bows!

At this moment, whether it is Ye Wenyan or this quirky old man, there is only one kind of heaven and man in the eyes. In the face of this sword, the weird old man seems to be crazy, not flashing, but the lips are not stopped. Zhang He. I seem to want to say something, but I don't know what to say.

Jianguang stabbed on the body of the weird old man, and then collapsed into pieces and disappeared. This sword Lu Xuan did not use the force to mobilize, but purely intentional, so it is not lethal, otherwise. The weird old man dared not to avoid it, and had already lost his life.

Ye Wenyan closed his eyes and his tears fell from the corner of his eyes. It wasn't that he cried, but he was too focused on seeing the sword, so that he used his eyes too much. Tears are just physical self-protection. If he did not close his eyes in time, he might even be blind.

Ye Wenyan is the genius of the former Ye family. After returning to the Qing Dynasty, he cleaned the ladder on this day of Jianshan. He subtly accepted the innumerable sense of swords. The more he knows, the more he desires the legendary combination of heaven and man. Now I see with my own eyes that the sense of satisfaction cannot be said.

All three felt very happy, and Ye Wenyan was willing to see the unity of nature and man. The eccentric old man saw the power of "no move", and Lu Xuan debated with the eccentric old man for so long. Now he personally displays the combination of heaven and man, and combines these days in the understanding of Tianjianshan, and feels that he is united with heaven and man. The sentiment is deeper.

"This style, powerful, no move, it really is no move." The weird old man sighed a sigh, in fact, just in the process of his fight with Lu Xuan, he noticed that Lu Xuan's artistic conception is higher than himself. Just not willing to lose the mind, so that he constantly changes all kinds of moves, hard to live with Lu Xuan in the fight, now see this style, I already understand that no matter what moves, can not win, perhaps the only way to win is Take advantage of the strength of Lu Xuan to force the crush, but that, what is the point.

"Oh, Wen Jun, can you take it?" Ye Wenyan looked at the weird old man laughing.

Lu Xuan is a thought, Ye Wenjun? The same is a generation of words, is this old man a failure of Ye Wenyan's generation?

Ye Wenjun gave a wry smile and threw the sword in his hand to the ground. He said: "I can sigh and study the kendo for a lifetime with Tianjianshan, but it is a detour. Oh, sadness is more than this."

"The predecessors said this difference, but the younger generation did not dare to agree." Lu Xuan arched.

Ye Wenjun looked at Lu Xuan and said: "You have just won me. What do you mean by saying this now? Is it necessary to ridicule me, good guys and bad guys?"

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "The exquisite swordsmanship of the predecessors is the first thing that the younger generation saw in his life. He dared to speak ironically. The so-called no-winning tricks, in fact, no move is also a move, but it does not focus on the shape, the predecessors have The words are well said, the sword is the move, no matter how to talk about it, just the seniors and the younger generations have so many rounds, of which there are no fewer than dozens of swords. In fact, according to the younger generation, the predecessors are almost ready to be themselves. There is no way to win the battle."

Listening to Lu Xuan said, Ye Wenjun's face became better, and he clicked on it to continue listening to Lu Xuan's words.

"Swords and swords, complement each other, are indispensable, the swordsmanship of the predecessors is so subtle, and now I understand the meaning of no move, why not accumulate in countless years, integrate and form a self-contained martial arts, never have the most Ok, only the one that suits you is the best."

"Combine through, self-contained ... suitable for their own, is the best?" Ye Wenjun muttered to himself, seems to have some understanding, after a long while, suddenly laughed: "well said! Well said! The old man has spent countless years in Jianshan on this day. His mind has been bound by the thoughts of many ancestors. He only wants to absorb the essence of the swordsmanship of his ancestors, but he never thought about taking the essence, going to its dross, and making his own pulse! ”

"Three brothers, you have realized." Ye Wenyan caressed and smiled.

Ye Wenjun smiled happily, and he did not win. He said to Ye Wenyan: "Big brother, I want to go out of the mountain. I thought that I was also a generation of people, but I was attracted by the swordsmanship in Tianjianshan. This is a hundred years. Time, the outside world may have forgotten my person, and now it’s time to go to the epiphany. It’s time to go out and see.”

"Excellently excellent, according to the traceless words, as the sword mainland seems to be re-emerging today, I am afraid that I can’t stay out of it. You are now a martial art, and you will be able to make a difference after going out of the mountain, which will greatly increase my strength. "Ye Wenyan laughed."

Then he looked at Lu Xuandao: "Xuan Er, I haven't seen your uncle grandfather yet."

Lu Xuan had already guessed the identity of Ye Wenjun, and smiled slightly: "Luxuan Lun, who met his uncle grandfather."

After talking, Lu Xuan’s heart was a bitter smile. This trip to Mount Huashan was a recognition of many ancestors, and the two are probably the biggest ancestors of Ye’s existence today.

The strength of Wupin Zongmen's heritage is really not to be underestimated. Ye Family's 20,000-year inheritance is even more terrifying. Ye Wenyan and Ye Wenjun are both in front of them, although they are only too imaginary, but Lu Xuan I don’t doubt it at all. With the strength of the two of them, any one has the strength of two or three ordinary imaginary peaks. The accumulation of sentiments for hundreds of years cannot be underestimated. From the fight with Ye Wenjun, And can glimpse a trace.

Listening to Lu Xuan called his uncle grandfather, Ye Wenjun could not help but sighed, looked up and down Lu Xuan said: "Are you this generation of Ye Jiaxuan?"

"The younger generation is the only son of today's family."

Ye Wenjun smiled and said: "The little baby who has no trace of the baby is so big? Oh, it’s not bad. You have a better life than the little baby." He also advised me, but he I can't tell you the subtle martial arts, and you can't make such a powerful sword."

After all, Ye Wenjun slammed the handcuffs: "Xuan Er is, come, grandfather and grandfather to discuss with you, after I have integrated the kendo concept accumulated over the past 100 years, you will be my successor? I have seen a lot of Yejia children in this century, but none of them can get half of you. I don't think they can inherit the essence of the old man."

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "Grandfather and grandfather valued the grandfather, the younger generation naturally refused to refuse, but the younger generation also had to agree with the uncle grandfather, if your kendo is not good enough, the younger generation can not learn."

Ye Wenjun heard a loud laugh and pointed to Lu Xuandao: "A good boy, even dare to bargain with me, but I like this, if the old man created something is not good enough, I will immediately ruin it. Where will it be passed on to the world? Hey, just rush to you, the old man has to spend a lot of time."

"Xuan Er, you have just made this kind of sword trick, but the legendary combination of heaven and man?" Ye Wenyan is still obsessed with this sword of Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed the unity of nature and man. This style is the general outline of a set of swords. The name is called Heaven and Man."

"Sure enough, I don't know which sages I was able to create." I think that the swordsmanship is the first in the mainland, but there is no such thing as a rumor. It really is someone outside. "Ye Wenyan sighed.

Seeing that Ye Wenyan seems to have a heart, Lu Xuan could not help but say: "Grandpa does not have to care so much. In fact, this set of swords is also created by my ancestors of the Ye family. As for who, I still hope that the younger generation can not confide, timing. When you arrive, the younger generation will tell you."

Ye Wenyan stunned: "You said that this day is a one-of-a-kind, is it created by my ancestors?"

"Not bad."

After receiving Lu Xuan's affirmation, Ye Wenyan suddenly won't win, and laughed loudly: "It seems that my Ye family is still the first family of swordsmanship. Since you are temporarily inconvenient to tell, then I don't ask much, as long as it is I am the sword of Ye Family, that would be fine."

At the level of Ye Wenyan, it is not his own, but the inheritance of Ye Family. He thought that in addition to the Ye family, there are people who can create such a school, and this is a worry, now know the day. The unity of man is also the hand of Ye Jia, then there is no worries, but he did not think that the unity of heaven and man was created by the ancestor Ye Tian, ​​and it was created when the gods were reached. Before enough realm, Lu Xuan could not play the true power of heaven and man. At that time, Ye Tian was able to fight against the top races of the heavens, such as the Soul, with the Heavenly Sword and the Heavenly Sword. .

PS: Chapter 3 is coming. (To be continued~^~)

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