Sword Spirit

Chapter 911: Lushan (fourth more)

After bidding farewell to Ye Wenyan and Ye Wenjun, Lu Xuan once again walked up to the Tianjian Mountain. While walking, he still remembered the battle with Ye Wenjun. This battle brought him a lot of gains.

And Ye Wenjun is indeed a generation of geniuses, no matter how complicated the sword is recruited to his hand, they can make the flow of water, and there is no slight delay in the change of the sword. It can take hundreds of years to immerse in the Tianjian Mountain and traverse a lot of swordsmanship, which is enough to be the name of this sword.

Thinking of these two ancestors, Lu Xuan could not help but think of the Sikong family. Although the foundation of the Sikong family is not as generous as the Ye family, it is also a veteran family that has been inherited for nearly 10,000 years. The Ye family ancestors have such strength, and the ancestors of the empty family What?

"I hope that my father can use Sikong Tiancai to exchange the antidote of Binger. Otherwise, Sikong and his party are not so easy." Lu Xuan thought a little heavy, he never gave up the idea of ​​revoke Zhao Binger, if it can not be used Sikong Tiancai exchanged for antidote, and even if it was difficult, he had to go to the Eight Temples.

I have to hurry to improve my strength. Lu Xuan sighs and converges, and goes to the next stone sword.

All the way up, Lu Xuan did not encounter anything very desirable. Now his vision is too high, he has been passed down by Ye Tian, ​​feels the power of the Enlightenment Court, and has seen many powerful martial arts and ordinary things in the collection. It is really impossible to enter his eyes.

Although the things here are all precious inheritances left by the outstanding ancestors of the Ye family, the strongest of them are only super-existing, just the ten swords left by Ye Tian in the past, Lu Xuan now There is no cultivation, because the power is not enough compared with the starry sword, let alone the sword.

Unknowingly, Lu Xuan found that he had already reached the top of Tianjian Mountain. He could see the second mountain in front, but at the top of the mountain, there are still a few people gathered here.

"At last, someone came. It’s not easy to wait for five people." One of them saw Lu Xuan coming, and he took a breath and listened to him. Obviously I have waited a lot of time here.

Lu Xuan was a little curious and couldn't help but walked forward and asked: "I don't know how Xiongtai is called? Also, why are you gathered here?"

"My name is Ye Yucheng. Don't you know that you want to go to the next mountain. First of all, have you ever passed the assessment of the previous mountain?" Ye Yucheng asked.

Lu Xuan shook his head and said: "This is not clear, what is this assessment?"

"The assessment is a random selection. This time we are not lucky. We have drawn a sword array called the Five Planets." Ye Yucheng began to explain to Lu Xuan: "The five planets are surrounded by gold swords. Sword, wooden sword. Water sword. Fire sword, soil sword five kinds of strength, the five elements of power are running, once you enter it, it is easy to get lost, so at least five people need to be at the same time, timely notification of the position, cut off between the five lines of sword Contact, otherwise the power of the five elements of the sword will be fully exerted. The power is huge."

Lu Xuan is slightly stunned. It is no wonder that Ye Yucheng saw that he was coming to breathe a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a five-line sword array. The sword array formed by the power of the five elements, most of the principles can not escape the five elements, only need to cut off five lines, then you can It broke.

Seeing Lu Xuan did not speak, Ye Yucheng thought that Lu Xuan was somewhat worried. He immediately patted his shoulder and said: "Do not worry, although the five planets Luo Jianzhen is said to be powerful. But I am there, I will never have The problem, you and the three of them only need to inform me in time, I will be able to pass you easily. Since you are still in Jiuhua Mountain, you want to come and study at least one and a half years of swordsmanship, this point Still no problem?"

Lu Xuan took a look at Ye Yucheng's strength, and returned to the Yuanjing Eight, but it was quite good, and immediately smiled and said: "Yu Chengxiong put down, I will not drag your hind legs."

"Come on, I will introduce you to you first. Everyone is a younger brother of Ye Family. In the future, they will be able to support each other. The next generation of Ye Family will rely on us." Ye Yucheng patted his chest and said.

Lu Xuan followed him to the other three people, only to hear Ye Yucheng introduce: "This is Ye Yu, returning to the Yuanyuan five strengths, this is Ye Jianxing, returning to the six strengths of Yuanjing, this is Ye Kai, but also Guiyuan Six strengths, right, I haven't asked you what the name is, hey, I can't see your realm?"

"Oh, my name is Lu Xuan, and I am too imaginary." Lu Xuan arched the four of them.

"Lu Xuan? How do you name Lu?" Ye Yu could not help but ask.

"Since it can be verified through the blood of Jiuhuashan, it is naturally the people of our Ye family." Ye Yucheng took the initiative to solve the problem for Lu Xuan, but then it was doubtful staring at Lu Xuandao: "But you have too much virtuality? Brother, don't marry me."

"I grew up in my father's family, so with the father's surname, as for strength, I am really too virtual." Lu Xuan helplessly.

Ye Yucheng is not convinced. Among the younger generations of Ye Family, there are only a handful of people who are too virtual. If Lu Xuan is too imaginary, he may not know, but then he slaps his head, haha ​​smiles: Ah, I know, you must have hidden the strength with the secret method. Hey, this trick is really good for swearing. Oh, after the assessment, the brothers will teach me this."

Lu Xuan was helpless. When he was in the land of seals, he clearly had only the strength of returning to the Yuan Dynasty. Nan Gonglie only decided that he was a strong man in the late stage of the virtual world. Now he clearly has the dual strength of the virtual world, but Ye Yucheng is also stubborn. I think I have hidden my strength. There is no longer more explanation at the moment, and they are not believed to believe it anyway.

Under the leadership of Ye Yucheng, a group of five people walked toward a small house on the top of the mountain. Lu Xuan was the first to see that there were buildings in Jiuhua Mountain.

I saw Ye Yucheng’s hut arching ceremony: “The guardian of the predecessors, the late Ye Yucheng, and four companions came to Lushan.”

Ye Yu whispered to Lu Xuan on the side: "Every mountain in Jiuhua Mountain has an old man who guards the mountains. They are the predecessors of our Ye family. They want to go to the next mountain, except for the need to experience obstacles to reach the summit. In addition, you need Lushan to succeed."

Lu Xuan nodded gently and asked: "Is there a lot of obstacles? How come I have come up all the way and have not encountered anything that can't be overcome?"

Ye Yu smiled and said: "That is because our Ye family is a sword, so the inheritance of Tianjian Mountain can be freely enlightened, but the latter mountains contain various martial arts essentials. If you can't get through the obstacles, then It’s not going up.”

Lu Xuan was slightly stunned. At this moment, he heard an old voice coming out from the hut: "You can be sure to go to Lushan? This is your turn to evaluate the five planets, the sword array in Tianjianshan. In the assessment of Lushan, the difficulty of this array ranked third. Once it was trapped in the battle, it was in danger of being injured."

"I am ready to go." Ye Yucheng answered.

Subsequently, a white-haired old man came out of the hut and looked away from Ye Yucheng and others. When he fell on Lu Xuan’s body, he could not stop the two-time time. He carefully looked at Lu Xuan’s eyes. This is only removed, Lu Xuan knows that the old man of the mountain is sure to see through his own realm.

Under his leadership, Lu Xuan and his entourage followed closely, only to hear the old man guarding the mountain while walking and said: "The five planets Luojian array is a big array, the golden wood and the fire, the five elements, each line has ninety-nine Eighty-one swords, the whole big line has four hundred and five swords."

"It is not easy for the people of Lushan to pass through, so the power of the sword array, I will arrange according to the strongest of you, so the strongest must bear most of the responsibility, Lushan, not so good. ”

Ye Yucheng said with confidence: "Please keep your mother in front of the mountain, I am confident."

Going to an open space, the old man of the mountain guard started an organ, and suddenly there was a big array on the ground. The old man of the mountain sang his life and said: "The people of Lushan are in the battle!"

When the voice fell, Lu Xuan flew at the same time and landed in five directions. The place where Lu Xuan was located was the place where the water sword was born, but with the large array of operations, the five elements of the sword will constantly change direction. The so-called five-planet Luojian array is that once the big array is running, it will be dazzling in the middle of the battle.

"Everyone, please also inform the position in time, and strive to cut off the power of the five elements." Ye Yucheng's face is dignified, and now he does not dare to be scornful. In his view, the strength of several people here is the most, he certainly wants To bear most of the responsibility of breaking the line.

"Swordsmanship!" The old man of Shoushan once again sang a big drink. In a flash, a series of long swords, golden golden swords, green wooden swords, blue water swords, red fire swords, and yellows flew from the place where the five people were. The sword of the earth sealed the whole line in an instant, and immediately followed by a magical array, completely obscured the light of the five elements.

"Water!" Lu Xuan shouted, followed by the remaining four people respectively reported the position.

The voice has not yet fallen, and the small sword array consisting of eighty-one water swords is coming in an instant. This is not a sword, but a real sword. The eighty-one swords are suddenly scattered, from all directions. Lu Xuan came over and the sword was extremely fierce.

Lu Xuan took a dragon fight and went out to the wild ambassador. He screamed and forced the countless long swords to forcefully open, and the sound of screaming was endless.

The old man of the Shoushan Mountain is really worthy. The attack power of this sword array is absolutely comparable to that of the two powerful powers. The five planets, Luo Jian, must not be underestimated.

Lu Xuan is trying to win the battle. If he can break the water sword array first, then the power of the five planets Luo Jian is almost gone, but at this time, the atmosphere of the sword array has suddenly changed, just very cold. In an instant, it became extremely hot and mad.

Lu Xuan's face changed slightly, and the five-planet Luojian array really deserved its reputation. The transformation was so fast, and it became a sword of fire in an instant.

Unlike the ice sword's sneaky attack, the fire sword array attack is extremely arrogant, and the eighty-one handles are instantly combined and unique, forming a huge sword, which is fiercely attacked by Lu Xuan.

At this time, Ye Yucheng is already crying, Mama Mia, how is the attack power of this sword array so strong? Is this the one that should be dealt with by this?

PS: The fourth is even more. (To be continued~^~)

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