Sword Spirit

Chapter 912: Detecting the bottom

"Fire!" Lu Xuan once again reported the power of his own attack. His left is Ye Jianxing, Ye Jianxing's left is Ye Yu, Ye Yu is next to Ye Yucheng, and Ye Yucheng and Lu Xuan are Ye Kai. This is the position occupied by five people.

Hearing Lu Xuan is responding to the sword of fire at this moment, Ye Jianxing could not help but hurriedly shouted: "Block the fire sword, don't let it come, I am here wood!"

Ye Jianxing only has the six strengths of the Yuanjing. The first sword power of the sword array makes him very incomparable. This is not the power he can stop. Now the wood fires, once the fire sword strikes, with the power of the wooden sword, the power At least 30% increase, I am afraid he will be forced out of the sword array in an instant.

You don't need Ye Jianxing to say that Lu Xuan will also try his best to attack. This level of attack, let alone Ye Jianxing, a few of the five or six heavy weapons of the Yuan, even if Ye Yucheng is a guy who is a big man, he can't resist it. To break the line, you can only rely on himself.

Immediately after Lu Xuan’s sword changed, the dusty sword in his hand suddenly became extremely singular, and the power of the five elements of the body was instantly stimulated at the same time. The power of the five elements continued to flow, and the fire of the wood, the fire of the fire, the fire of the fire, the earth Geng Jin, Geng Jinsheng drowning!

The power of the Five Elements is changing, but it is only an effort in the moment. When all the power of the gods in the body is transformed into the power of the gods, Lu Xuan sings out the sword, which is the set obtained from the collection hall of the Emperor Palace. Shentong - the five elements are broken.

The five-planet Luojian array uses the principle of five elements, so now Lu Xuan takes the five elements of the gram to deal with, the water gram fire, facing the sword of the fire made up of the 81-handed sword, Lu Xuan sway Out of the hands of this trick, the five elements of the water!

Only heard a bang, the fire system composed of eighty-one swords was broken and the attack could not be launched in time.

The five elements of the cycle are endless, but as long as one of them is missing, the power is greatly reduced. Ye Jianxing is waiting for the arrival of the sword of fire, but even the discovery of joy. These eighty-one-handed swords have not yet had time to re-form the sword array, and they will not be able to exert their due strength, even if he can barely support it.

However, Ye Yucheng and other three people did not have such a good luck. Although the fire sword array was broken by Lu Xuan, the power of the five-planet Luojian array dropped a lot, but this is ultimately the swordsmanship with the power of too much virtuality, even if it is a five-line sword array. They are also extremely uncomfortable.

Just as a few of them forced this wave of attacks, and the next round of attacks has arrived, the five planets will continue to operate, and will not give the enemy any breathing time unless the five people break at the same time. Sword array. No longer. It is also necessary to gradually consume a certain amount of five elements, resulting in five lines of circular partition.

Unfortunately, the power of the five planets in their swordsmanship is too strong. Except for Lu Xuan, who can break the sword array, the other four can only barely guarantee that they will not be injured, and there is still room for them to break. Ye Yucheng, who had previously boasted of Haikou, has a mouthful to say at the moment. This is no stranger to him. If the power of the sword array is really only a matter of gravity, perhaps it is possible to pass their strength, but unfortunately Lu Xuan’s participation. . It has made the power of the sword array more than a few times, and it is already rare to be able to guarantee that you are not lost.

In the face of the next round of the earthen sword array, Lu Xuan’s five-line break has already been converted into the power of the wood. After a big drink, he broke it again, but now the five elements of the sword array have gradually The beginning of the five-line cycle, the power is gradually increasing.

Lu Xuan couldn't help but feel anxious, so that it wouldn't work, and it would be useless to break a sword. Ye Yucheng and other four people can't make much contribution. If they want to break the battle, they can only rely on him.

"This set of swordsmanship is good, but it is also the power of the five elements of the use, but it does not seem like a martial art?" Ye Wenyan and Ye Wenjun, the two brothers do not know when they have come to the side of the sword array, observe In the battle of the Lu Xuan five people in the battle situation, of course, the main observation is Lu Xuan, the person who just spoke, is Ye Wenjun.

Ye Wenyan touched the beard and said: "Xuan Er is not a pure refining warrior. I have seen it before. He is not only a powerful soul, but also a **** force. So he must be a three-law Man, the set of five-sword swords he uses today should be the magical technique of a physical repairer, but the ability to display this magical power is enough to see that he will surely condense the five basic lines of the bodybuilder. ”

"Hey? The ancient method of repairing the ancients still survived in the world?" Ye Wenjun said: "He can use the magical technique to break the sword array, which at least reaches the level of the four-star god, and it is still the five elements of the gods. According to your big brother, he was not trained in our Ye family since childhood. Where did he come from so many precious resources?"

Ye Wenyan shook his head and smiled: "Along the opportunity, you can say it clearly. Can you still remember the one that he had before him? That is not something that ordinary people can create. If I guess it is good, he should be In the outside world, we have received the inheritance of our ancestors of Ye Family."

"That makes sense." Ye Wenjun nodded, and then he smiled again: "I don't know if this kid can break the battle. The other four people face such a big battle, they can't contribute much power. He wants If you break the line, you can only rely on yourself. This is a lot more difficult."

At this time, Ye Wenyan suddenly said: "Look, he started to move. Obviously, he realized that he couldn't break it when he continued. Only in this way, he is easily lost in the five planets."

Ye Wenyan said that it was good, but before Ye Yucheng chose to gather five talents, it was right. The reason why the five people gathered together was to be able to clearly understand the position of the five planets, the five points. Keeping your position can guarantee that you won't get lost in the big battle.

Now Lu Xuan has chosen to leave the position he has guarded and continue to guard. He can only passively resolve. Only by taking the initiative to attack, can he break the sword.

"You inform the direction, I am coming to break!" Lu Xuan shouted loudly, reminding Ye Yucheng and others.

"Fire!" "Water!" "Wood!" "Turt!"

Ye Yucheng quickly shouted out, and after shouting, Ye Yucheng did not forget to add a sentence: "Lu Xuan brothers, you are careful, today this sword array has some evil doors, the power is too strong, we are almost impossible to protect ourselves."

"Wind and thunder!" Lu Xuan whispered, and his body was instantly raised to the extreme. In an instant, he flew to Ye Yucheng's side, but he was shocked by Ye Yucheng, but Lu Xuan completely ignored his existence. Drinking a sword and smashing out, instantly smashed the wooden swords in front of him, and then did not return to the head, and quickly came to Ye Kai to help him resist the water sword array.

Now Lu Xuan has completely used Ye Yucheng and other four people as the things to be used for positioning. As long as the four of them do not leave the guardian position, Lu Xuan will not be lost in this sword array, and thus relying on one's own strength, Planet Luo Jian array.

"Fast body!" Ye Wenjun could not help but praise.

Ye Wenyan nodded and said: "I didn't expect him to be so fast, and he was able to fight for the five major swords with his own strength. If this continues, the five planets Luo Jianzhen can't stand him anymore. Time, he can easily break out."

Ye Wenjun’s eyes turned and he smiled and said: “Just let him break out, it’s too cheap for him. I want to see what kind of cards this kid has, what surprises I can bring.”

Ye Wenyan looked at him and asked, "What are you doing?"

I saw Ye Wenjun walking to the side of the old mountain guardian, and put his hand on his shoulder and said: "Good manners, come, listen to the teacher's words, and mention the power of this sword array."

This old man on the hill is actually a disciple of Ye Wenjun! Under the rumor, the old man’s mouth could not help but twitch, whispered: "Master, this is not good, this can be illegal... Four of them are not too virtual, the power of the sword It’s a big difficulty to upgrade to a virtual environment. If it is to improve again..."

Ye Wenjun’s eyes glanced at Lu Xuan Road, who was flying in the queue. “Do you think this is difficult for this kid? Hurry, and then dragging on for a while, this kid is coming out, and the old man has just realized it. If you are obedient, I will pass you two more tricks."

The old man of the mountain sang heard the words, and suddenly his eyes brightened. Since he was a disciple of Ye Wenjun and was stationed in Tianjian Mountain all the year round, it was also a real sword idiot. At this moment, he did not hesitate, and he was stuffed in the control body of the big array. Six pieces of the best stone.

Lu Xuan’s brows, which are constantly flying in the queue, suddenly wrinkled. This is how it happened. The swordsman who felt that he was going to be broken by himself suddenly turned out to have improved his power. Not only that, he was finally wiped out by him. The power of the five elements seems to have resumed again, and the five-line cycle has reconnected.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan bites his teeth, the soul force is instantly released, and a big drink: "Feng!"

Innumerable runes are laid out under the traction of Lu Xuan's soul force, and a rune is instantly formed. It is the seal of the gods!

It is very difficult to engrave the charms, and it needs to have a deep understanding of the Fudao. Before entering Jiuhuashan, Luxuan did not have the strength of portraying, but the prefecture world before Jiuhuashan made him understand The sentiment has improved a lot, and at this moment it can barely make the seal.

The symbol of the gods can be used to seal everything in the world. Of course, it is just an exaggeration. However, it is exerted by the power of Lu Xuan’s soul, but it can also have a great influence on the power of the five elements in the sword array, although it cannot be completely Sealed so that they no longer flow, but can greatly inhibit the speed of their operation.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wenjun’s eyes were once again widened. This kid’s ecstasy was so high, and the seal of the gods almost reduced the power of the entire sword array by 50%!

"Add it! Power again!" Ye Wenjun shouted.

At this moment, the old man of Shoushan also understood that Ye Wenjun wanted to explore Lu Xuan's bottom, so he simply obeyed Ye Wenjun's command, and in a flash he raised the power of the sword array from the three-fold virtual reality to the four-fold virtual reality! This is a transition from the early to the middle.

PS: I got a party last night, I was drunk, and Xiaobao came back directly. Now I will send a chapter. (To be continued~^~)

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