Sword Spirit

Chapter 913: Breaking out

Seeing the power of the five planets Luo Jian array is no reason to improve, Lu Xuan is not a fool, a little thought can be guessed, it must be outside the people on the formation of the law.

However, this is in the Tianjian Mountain. There is no one who will frame himself. The only possibility is that the two ancestors are testing their own strength. Thinking of this, Lu Xuan couldn't help but smile, and today he still has to take out this battle!

At this time, Ye Yucheng’s several people have already been scared by the power of this big array. They watched countless swords screaming in front of their eyes. They stood in the five-planet Luojian array and did not dare to move. The power of it, even a small sub-sword, is enough to kill them easily.

Fortunately, the sword array seems to turn a blind eye to them, even if they pass by them, did not make an attack, they can only warfare to continue to inform Lu Xuan, this is the only thing they can do.

Ye Yucheng wiped the sweat and shouted: "Gold!"

When the voice just fell, he felt a gust of wind. Lu Xuan appeared in front of him like a lightning bolt. He smashed this sharp gold sword array with a sword, and then disappeared instantly and rushed to the wooden sword array.

Looking at the figure that Lu Xuan disappeared, Ye Yucheng admired his heart. He has no doubt about the strength of Lu Xuan. This is absolutely true and too virtual. Otherwise, where can I deal with the whole Five planets Luo Jianzhen, now think about it, he is still very annoyed, if you know that Lu Xuan said that the strength is true, he will not invite Lu Xuan to fight together, this is simply to find yourself uncomfortable They are the four warriors of the Yuanyuan, and three of them even did not even return to the Yuan Dynasty. How can they cope with this sword of the virtual power?

Ye Wenjun touched the messy beard on his chin: "This kid is very clever. He has been staring at the attack of gold, wood and earth. He only needs to break the strength of these five elements. The five elements are not looping. When I get up, I can't play the strength that I should have. When the power of the Five Elements is completely cut off, it is when he breaks out."

Ye Wenyan looked at him with a smile: "What do you want now? People have to use their own power to break through the five planets that are two times higher than him. Isn’t this strength enough to accept? Your inheritance?"

Ye Wenjun heard a smile and said: "I just want to see where the limit of this kid is. Ye Family has not had a decent talent for a long time. I have been born for the sword in my life. I have been living in the legendary Tianyu. Yearning, and want to pursue the ultimate martial art, must go to the Tianyu, when I was young. I thought I could break the shackles that blocked the Tianjian continent for many years. Later I knew that this was a difficult thing, so I was disappointed. I will be among the swordsmanship of the ancestors in Tianjian Mountain. Now I have almost realized the swordsmanship of the ancestors, and my heart is empty. Now, I have a hunch, this kid must be the Tianjian continent for thousands of years. The most eye-catching star. If someone can break the blockade of Tianjian mainland, then this person must be him!"

In the end, Ye Wenjun’s eyes became very bright, and Ye Wenyan was somewhat surprised. He did not expect Ye Wenjun’s evaluation of Lu Xuan to be so high. In fact, in his generation, Ye Wenyan was the owner, but the strongest. The person is Ye Wenjun, between genius and genius. There is often a feeling that it is unclear and unclear. Sometimes it can be determined with only one eye, so he believes in Ye Wenjun’s words.

"Take him to force another." Ye Wenjun patted the shoulders of the old man of Shoushan: "Get out the four little babies, there are four of them, and where can be regarded as a person."

The old man of Shoushan did not dare to neglect. Even Ye Wenyan acquiesced in Ye Wenjun’s practice. Why should he stop it? With the old man control of the mountain, Ye Yucheng and other four people only felt an irresistible force, but they directly moved them out of the five planets, and shaken them twice to stand firm.

Ye Yucheng initially thought that the sword array was broken. Before he even had time to be happy, he saw that the sword array was still running, but Lu Xuan did not see the figure. He wanted to ask the old man of the mountain, but found that he stood still beside him. Two white-haired old men, one of them is unpredictable, and could not help but have a glimpse of it. This is definitely the ancestor of Ye Family.

Thinking that Lu Xuan still had not escaped in the sword array, Ye Yucheng soon linked a series of abnormalities. Needless to say, this is the two ancestors who tested Lu Xuan, and thought of this in his heart, it seems that Lu Xuan really It is an unknown genius child of Ye Family. It is no wonder that there is such a strong strength. Before I lost myself to Haikou in front of others, I think Ye Yucheng still feels a fever on his face.

"Yu Chengxiong? Ye Yuxiong?" Lu Xuan found that no one had notified the position, and could not help but shouted loudly, but unfortunately did not get any response, only the sound of the roar of the long sword flying.

At this time, a huge sword attacked, it is the fire sword array composed of eighty-one swords!

Lu Xuan screamed loudly, and the dusty sword that weighed more than a thousand pounds slammed down and forced a wave with the fire sword. But it just broke the fire sword, and a heavy breath was struck. It was a sword.

In a short period of time, the five major five-line sword arrays were successively attacked one after the other. One ring and one ring, the power of the five elements that Lu Xuan pressed down was revived, and the five elements of the cycle re-run.

Now, Lu Xuan still doesn't understand what is going on, biting his teeth, the two ancestors are really embarrassed, and they even got them out, so that they want to break through the five elements. The idea of ​​the array has been completely shattered. The attack of the five elements of the sword will not give him any chance. If you want to break the battle, you will only be able to come!

The dusty sword ran across the front, and the endless swordsmanship emerged from Lu Xuan's body. The kendo field suddenly appeared, and then rapidly expanded to cover the entire sword array.

Ye Wenjun nodded slightly and said: "Yes, I have mastered the power of the field, and I have learned several kinds of kendo."

At this moment, Lu Xuan’s face was abrupt, and suddenly there was a whistling sound. It turned out that the Jinjian array and the water sword array were attacked at the same time. One hundred and sixty-two long swords were brushed and attacked. The sound was extremely horrible. Covering the sky is general.

Lu Xuan violently screamed, did not retreat, and suddenly stepped forward, the dusty sword slammed down, and a sword light suddenly burst out!


When the sword gas came out, a breath of destruction of the earth suddenly came. At the same time, the speed of the Jinjian array and the water sword array was rapidly reduced. The comet sword seemed to be a real meteor falling. The situation between the tigers and the flocks rushed into the sword array. The two sword arrays did not have the slightest blocking power, and were suddenly blasted.

"Destroy the Kendo! No wonder the power is so strong." Ye Wenjun whispered.

"There is still the power of time and space law." Ye Wenyan added a voice, and his eyes were also colorful. If Ye Wenjun tried to explore the five planets, he did not expect that Lu Xuan's foundation was so profound.

A sword directly broke through the two sword arrays, followed by the wooden sword, the sword, the sword, and the three swords. They were joined together. Lu Xuan was not afraid. After the opening, a round of the moon appeared.

"The moon!"

When the power of the powerful time rule came out, the three sword arrays seemed to be bound by an irresistible force. Then the sword gas burst out, and the hard-working forced retreat of the five planets. A wave of attacks.

After two swords succeeded, Lu Xuan rose sharply and fought for so long in the sword array. His strength was also huge. He was not ready to give Ye Wenjun the opportunity to continue to increase the difficulty. This time, he would break the battle. .

I saw Lu Xuan coming straight out, and the five swordsmen had not re-aggregated. The long sword pointed to the sky and screamed: "The next day!"

Lu Xuan’s kendo field was instantly condensed, and the inexhaustible swordsmanship became a dazzling white light. Then it burst into bursts. The next day, after learning the immortal kendo, the next day has become Lu Xuan. Second only to the Tianjian nine heavy killer, the fire law, the law of time and space, the immortal kendo, the destruction of the kendo and the blessing, the attack power is extremely powerful.

A series of sounds of jingle sounded, and the four hundred and five-handed swords of the Five Planets Luo Jian were successively shot down, and there was no counterattack.

"The five elements are reversed, give me a break!" Lu Xuan screamed, the power of the five kinds of five elements of the chaotic soil in the body suddenly bucked to Lu Xuan's body, the five elements can be born together, can also be gram, with five elements to five elements, Without the blockage of the four hundred and five-handed swords, the five planets of the Luojian array have existed in name only.

A loud bang came, and the array of places where Lu Xuan was in the air suddenly vanished, and the Qingming was restored again, leaving only the long sword to the heavens.

This time, Lu Xuan not only broke the five-planet Luojian array, but even the roots of the sword array were destroyed. The power of the five elements was completely broken by him. Without enough materials, it could not be repaired.

Ye Wenjun blows his beard and blinks at Lu Xuandao: "The kid, just let you break, why are you ruining this sword array?"

Lu Xuan put away the long sword and smiled at Ye Wenjun: "Since the grandfather and grandfather wants to see my strength, let you see that it is good enough. If you want to come, you will not care about this small sword array. ”

Ye Wenjun angered and sighed, and sighed: "Who said that I saw enough, I didn't expect your kid to have a lot of cards, at least not to force your sword and heaven to be forced out, or let your kid leave. The cards will give me a surprise at the time."

Ye Yucheng and others on the side could not help but blame. Lu Xuan ruined the entire sword array, and even did not give up all the strength, what is this freak. (To be continued~^~)

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