Sword Spirit

Chapter 914: The first six mountains and the latter three mountains

"Well, since you broke the sword array, it is considered to have passed through Tianjianshan. Go on the next mountain. You have learned a lot, and you can get a lot of gains, but there are a few mountains behind. It’s as easy as Tianjianshan.” Ye Wenjun waved his hand.

After all, Ye Wenjun looked at Ye Yucheng and others and said: "The power of this sword array is too strong. It is not something you can cope with, but it can be resisted for two rounds. It is also qualified. Let's go together."

Ye Yucheng heard a few words, and they thought that this round would not let them pass, but they still need to re-enact once, but did not expect Ye Wenjun to let them pass.

"Thank you for your uncle." For a time, four people marched in a courtesy manner, and then the old man waved his hand, and he took Lu Xuan and his five people to the previous hut. Don’t fly directly from here to the second mountain. Far away, but in fact, Jiuhua Mountain is full of prohibitions everywhere, and you don't want to sneak in. You can only go to the next mountain through a proprietary transmission array.

After the old man of Shoushan sent Lu Xuan a few people away, he couldn’t wait to find Ye Wenjun. He could always remember that Ye Wenjun had just said that he would pass on his own two tricks.

"Lu brother, I didn't expect you to be really too imaginary. Before I was really blind, I didn't want to see it." At the foot of the second mountain, Ye Yucheng turned to Xu Xuan and smiled.

Lu Xuan smiled and waved: "I just recognized my ancestors and I have never seen me before. The misunderstanding is also a matter of reason."

"Uncles have been enlightening in Tianjianshan all the year round, never paying attention to others. Now they have come to evaluate Lu Xiong deliberately. I want to come to Lu Xiu, who is definitely a genius child in our family. Don't forget that we still have a mountain together. Edge." Ye Yucheng said with a smile.

He is a versatile person. Lu Xuan is not only powerful, but also able to get the elders of the two generations of Ye Family. They will definitely have a promising future. At this time, they will not have a good relationship. There are still good opportunities in the future.

"That is natural. But when I first came to see it, I was not very familiar with this Jiuhua Mountain. I also asked Yu Chengxiong to introduce it to me." Lu Xuan arched the arch.

Ye Yucheng has a clear heart. I want to come to Lu Xuan to be sent to experience, and let the homeowner make an exception to open Jiuhua Mountain. It is indeed enough to see Lu Xuan’s identity.

At the moment, he is out of the air: "Jiuhua Mountain is the brainchild of our ancestors of Ye Family. All kinds of inheritance are contained in these nine peaks. I think you know it."

Lu Xuan nodded and gestured to Ye Yucheng to continue. After a pause, Ye Yucheng once again said: "The nine peaks of Jiuhua Mountain are self-contained, but because the inheritance of the nine peaks is different, the difficulty is different. We are divided into two. Part. The top six mountains and the latter three mountains."

Lu Xuan reveals a trace of interest: "I want to hear it."

Ye Yucheng smiled slightly: "I will first talk about the top six mountains. These six peaks have their own names, namely Tianjian Mountain, Wanshi Mountain, Wuxing Mountain, Zhenshen Mountain, Wanshou Mountain, and Lingfeng Mountain. The reason These six peaks are divided into the former six mountains, except that the difficulty is much lower than the latter three mountains. More importantly, the inheritance of these six peaks is purely single."

"The first mountain Tianjianshan, we have already experienced, and it contains the various kinds of swordsmanship, swordsmanship, kendo, swordsmanship, and so on. Mountain, as the name implies, is among the mountains. There are countless arrays of methods, and the array of layers is tens of thousands. The Wanshen Mountain is the perfect place for spiritual practitioners to practice. Here, you can see countless The spirit array, for your deduction, comprehension, only need to learn one or two of the mountains, it is enough to famous Tianjian mainland, become a true master of the array."

Lu Xuan heard the words: "So, here is the paradise of the spiritual master."

After all, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but think about it. Unfortunately, entering the Jiuhua Mountain requires Ye Family’s blood. Otherwise, Xiao Han can come in and realize that Xiao Han’s understanding in the way of the law can be much stronger than himself. Can become a master of the law.

Ye Yucheng naturally does not know what Lu Xuan is thinking, and continues to say: "The third mountain is the Five Elements Mountain. There are five kinds of energy in the Jinmushui and the fire. If it is a warrior specializing in the Five Elements, it is enough to cultivate the sentiment in this mountain. I have seen the effect of half the effort with half the effort. I saw Lu Xiong before you broke the five planets Luo Jianzhen also used the principle of the five elements of each other, want to come to the five elements of the road is quite accomplished, I think you can certainly benefit a lot in this mountain."

Lu Xuan nodded lightly, the five elements of the road, the same way, the same as the self-cultivation, and now the five elements of the gods gathered, this five elements is indeed a wonderful place.

"The fourth mountain town of Soul Mountain, the exercise is the power of the soul. Although I value the realm of my own, but I can not ignore the improvement of the power of the soul, so even if it is not a charm teacher or a magician, it will be here. Do a good job of exercising the power of the soul."

"The fifth mountain Wanshen Mountain, the beasts of the beasts in the mountains of the beasts, this mountain is very different from the previous four mountains. The front four mountains are mainly based on inheritance. It is not difficult to climb to the top of the mountain, and this mountain is not difficult. However, it is mainly based on fighting, and the degree of danger is greatly increased. Because there are a lot of monsters in this mountain, the monsters in the realm of the demon are not uncommon. If you want to reach the top of the mountain, you have to defeat the monsters along the way. Strength, and once the strength is not good, it is easy to escape and escape, and then become the food in the mouth of the demon."

Having said that, Ye Yucheng also seems to have some guilty feelings, swallowing a slobber: "It was not uncommon for people who used to enter Jiuhua Mountain to be buried in the Wanshou Mountain, and Wanshou Mountain is also the mountain with the highest casualty rate. There is not enough. The strength is almost no one dares to smash the mountain. Most people just stay in the former four mountains and feel the cultivation. I am not afraid of Lu Xiong’s jokes. I am completely unsuccessful in the heart of the Beast Mountain. There is something to gain, and it has already been met."

Listening to Ye Yucheng’s sinister danger, Lu Xuan’s face was slightly dignified and asked: “Where is the monster in this beastly mountain, what is the strength?”

"Oh, although this mountain is for me to fight, but after all, it can only be ranked fifth, so the strength of the beast, the strongest is also in the third-order demon, perhaps there is a four-fold existence of the demon However, there are not many people who want to come." Ye Yucheng looked at Lu Xuan and said: "With the strength shown by Lu Xiong, it has the strength of Lushan."

Lu Xuan gently sighed, the original strongest is no more than the fourth-order demons, this is not a problem, not to mention their own three methods and repairs, even if you arbitrarily come up with a strength, it is enough to deal with.

"That is the sixth mountain Lingfeng Mountain, I want to come to test the body?" Lu Xuan took the initiative to ask.

Ye Yucheng nodded and said: "Yes, the difficulty of Lingfeng Mountain is still above the Beast Mountain. Wanshou Mountain can only smash the past if you have enough strength, but if you are not fast enough, you have no possibility of smashing the past. The dangerous winds in Lingfeng Mountain are mainly based on the traps and arrays of the organs. If you want to reach the top of the mountain, you can only get out of the way with a very fast body, otherwise you will be trapped."

"But most of these institutional traps and formations are also tied up, not too much lethal, so they are most vulnerable to minor injuries and do not seriously hurt the commandments."

Lu Xuan nodded, it seems that the former six mountains, is the root of the Ye family heritage, and has a strong pertinence, Tianjianshan inherits the kendo, the Wanshang Mountain inheritance method, the Five Elements Mountain inherits the five elements, the town of Soul Forging the power of the soul, the law of the beasts of the beasts, and the practice of practicing the law.

"The first six mountains are so powerful, then what are the three mountains after that?" Lu Xuan asked curiously.

Speaking of the latter three mountains, Ye Yucheng could not help but reveal a trace of longing for the look: "The first six mountains are only for the ordinary children to accept the inheritance, and this three mountains, is the real elite children of our family, I am almost dreaming Going to see the three mountains, but the existence of the Fifth Mountain and the Sixth Mountain makes it impossible for us to step into the back three mountains before we have enough strength."

Realizing that he was out of his mind, Ye Yucheng quickly returned to God to introduce Lu Xuan: "The seventh mountain in the latter three mountains, named Shenwu Mountain, is said to contain all kinds of precious martial arts. It is the ancestor of our Ye family. If you are able to search for the Wuwu Mountain, you will not be able to cultivate the martial arts. If you don’t cultivate the martial arts, you will have a great improvement in your vision and sentiment."

Lu Xuan heard a slight sigh, he was just thinking about why Jiuhuashan wanted to set up the existence of Wanshou Mountain and Lingfeng Mountain, so that the disciples with poor strength could not go to the back three mountains. Now it seems that this is profound.

The martial arts that can be collected by the ancestors of the past dynasties are not everything, but without sufficient strength to practice, it is completely harmful, and the powerful martial arts has a natural attraction for the military. It is conceivable that Once Shenwu Mountain is open arbitrarily and indulged in the warriors who are unable to extricate themselves, I don’t know how many.

Seeing Ye Yucheng’s appearance, he knows that when he mentions Shenwu Mountain, he is looking forward to the color. Once he really let him go, it may be lost in an instant. If you are indulged, you will not be able to extricate yourself, but you will lose your mind and become a waste. .

Suppressing his desire for Shenwu Mountain, Ye Yucheng continued: "The eighth mountain is called Shura Mountain. This mountain may be regarded as an enhanced version of Wanshou Mountain. Shura is almost synonymous with fighting and bloody, and all can be from Shura. Among the mountains, all of them are strong in mind and strong in strength. Those who can pass through Shura Mountain are the true strongmen of our family, who can protect the family heritage, and will also be owned by the Ye family. Admiration and respect."

After Lu Xuan finished listening, there was a sense of militancy in the bones. Xiuluoshan, when listening to this name, people couldn’t help but excite, but before the leaves said that Lu Xuan should be able to cross the Seventh Mountain, but there is no When mentioning the Eighth Mountain, it is very difficult to repair the Mount Luo, and there is no trace of Ye Xuan. (To be continued~^~)

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