Sword Spirit

Chapter 916: Sleeping beauty kissed by a kiss

The Wanshen Mountain is still a 10,000-foot mountain, but the nine big trees that have just disappeared have disappeared. It seems that everything is just a dream of Nanke. The entire 10,000-foot mountain is shrouded in a huge array of methods, and the illusion is unclear.

Lu Xuan could not help but think that if you really stay in the mountains for a long time, I am afraid that there will be problems. You don’t know whether it is real or illusion in front of your eyes, whether it is outside the formation or in the formation. .

Sighed aloud, Lu Xuan walked forward again, his knowledge on the formation of the law is still very weak, it is very good to use Wanyanshan to study well, after all, the use of array method is extremely extensive.

Staying up late, the time passed quickly, and in the mountains, Lu Xuan now has no idea where he is, and he does not know how many bursts he has broken. He only knows that his understanding of the formation is getting more and more. profound. In general, the array is actually the same. In general, the array is actually a big one. For Lu Xuan, who has already realized the way, it is not difficult to understand the mystery of the formation. This is not a difficult thing. It is the so-called one law pass, Wanfatong.

Lu Xuan took a wooden sign from the storage ring and saw that there were thirty-two scratches on it. Then he added another one, which means he has spent thirty-three days in the Wanshang Mountain. The reason why he did this is to prevent himself from focusing on research and forgetting time. After all, once you are fascinated, it is too easy to lose yourself.

When the wooden sign went less than a few steps, Lu Xuan suddenly felt the atmosphere of the battle. At the next moment, a beautiful girl in a light green dress suddenly appeared in front of Lu Xuan. At the moment, she seems to be Leaning on a big tree, Xiao Yan, beautiful and beautiful, Qiong nose slightly tilted, between the breath and the breath, the towering chest slowly rises and falls, it is actually a sense of heart and soul.

Lu Xuan’s eyes stared at the woman without hesitation. It was not lustful. He had seen a lot of beautiful women. Resistance is still barely passing, and the reason why she will stare at her is because Lu Xuan is guessing what this is.

Is it a fantasy? Still a temptation?

Lu Xuan could not help but secretly confessed to the Ye family ancestors. Along the way, among the arrays he has experienced, at least four magical arrays have used the method of color temptation, and one is more realistic than one. One is more than a temptation, as if to fear that the descendants of the Ye family are not tempted.

With a glimpse of appreciation, Lu Xuan slowly approached his chin, not to mention that this method is more and more advanced, this girl is not exposed at all. Can be such a small gesture. It seems that it is even more difficult to suppress the inner passions, which is much more sophisticated than the methods of the previous arrays.

Hey, why are you still not awake? Lu Xuan curiously thought that, according to the usual practice, this girl should not wake up when she broke into the big array, and then smiled and hooked her neck and sent a kiss.

This girl does not move, Lu Xuan is not impatient, not to follow the script. How can I break the battle, hehe, maybe there is a problem with the array. It seems that only he has taken the initiative to trigger the formation. At that time, Lu Xuan is gently leaning down, when he is less than three inches from the face of the girl. At the time, almost every detail of the girl's face can be clearly seen. The eyebrows are curved, the eyelashes are slightly curled, and the thin lips are as delicate as petals. There is no trace of sorrow on the face of Bai Yu, but there is a sense of thrilling beauty.

Knowing that it is an illusion, but this moment Lu Xuan could not help but move the passions, can not help but gently kissed the girl's red lips.

At this moment, the girl was suddenly awakened, looking at her lost eyes, Lu Xuan could not help but sing a sigh of praise, this illusion is really awful, much stronger than the illusion that directly seduce by the flesh, himself Almost no one can hold it.

However, Lu Xuan’s thoughts have not been finished yet, and he saw a powder punch flying fast in front of his own eyes. Without any precautions, Lu Xuan was actually smashed by this fist, and then the left eye was followed. Acute pain.

"Rogue! I want to kill you!" The screaming voice came, the girl who was still asleep, and instantly entered the state of violently, a beautiful sword with no warning appeared in her hands. Infused with a full force of a sword, the rapids of Lu Xuan stabbed.

Lu Xuan was shocked. The power of this sword at least reached the beginning of the illusion. It turned out to be a phantom killing. First, the beauty of the squadron was used to reduce the defense of the squad, and then it was violent and unpredictable. Underneath, it is too easy to recruit.

This sword came very fast, but relying on his powerful body, Lu Xuan quickly evaded sideways, but this girl's sword method is not bad, in an instant change, obviously a straight stroke, is actually a hard life The cross was cut over, Lu Xuan was flashing, and a glimpse of blue silk slowly fell.

Touching his head, Lu Xuan stunned a cold sweat. Just if he was slower, I am afraid that it is not his own hair, but his own good head. However, now that there is defense, it is difficult to make Lu Xuan in danger.

The dusty sword slipped into the palm of his hand, and the girl was attacked by a sword. The sword was arrogant. Lu Xuan snorted and poured a sword of Yuanli. Just now he has judged that the strength of this girl is limited. Fighting is not his own opponent. The so-called one-force drop ten will, he is not afraid.

Sure enough, the two swords intersected, the girl's long sword was instantly shocked by the powerful force of Lu Xuan, almost out of hand, but the girl is in a state of anger, where will pay attention to these, the sword is slightly removed, followed by a splendid Oh, it’s even a man with a sword.

For the girl's desperate life, Lu Xuan is not surprised, the things that have been illusionized in the illusion, the attack has always been endless, just like the tiger's forest that he first encountered.

"Give me a break!" Lu Xuan sighed softly, and the dusty sword slammed out. He wanted to defeat the girl with a trick, but in a hurry, the girl was forced to stop her own momentum, and the sword turned around. Lu Xuanjian was a little lighter on the body and bounced with this force, avoiding Lu Xun’s powerful blow.

"Change the chain sword!" The girl just landed, it was once again rushed up, but this time the sword trick has become extremely embarrassing, can not capture where her long sword should point, Jian Zhao In succession, in an instant, it was actually attacking a dozen swords.

Seeing this move, Lu Xuan’s heart screamed and broke...

Of course, he is not afraid of this trick, but this set of swordsmanship is also too familiar. This set of magical chain swords is clearly a subtle swordmanship in the Tianjian Mountain!

PS: Xiaobao’s reply has finally passed! I only need to change the paper, and I feel a lot easier in the moment. Thank you brothers for your blessing. From now on, I will resume the stable update. I will send a chapter first, and there is still today. (To be continued~^~)

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