Sword Spirit

Chapter 917: Fortunately, you met me.

The swordsmanship in Tianjian Mountain has always been learned by Ye Jiazi's children, but now it has been made by this girl. Lu Xuan knows that this misunderstanding is probably too big.

The changeable chain of swords almost played the dazzling and dazzling swords to the extreme, but the most exquisite swords that Lu Xuan has seen so far, especially in the hands of Ye Wenjun, it is a sense of dizziness. Although the changeable swords that this girl has made are not as deep as Ye Wenjun’s essence, they are quite three-pointed.

Seeing dozens of serial swords attacking, Lu Xuan guilty, but did not dare to do their best, but constantly shot, even if there are many counterattack opportunities, he did not have any thoughts.

Only heard the sound of gold and iron, and the girl’s attack rushed through a wave. The sword was constantly flowing. She seemed to have noticed that Lu Xuan did not want to fight back, and immediately played harder. Only attacking and defending, the shots are all killing tricks, Lu Xuan wants to control her, it is simply a matter of ease.

One to two, Lu Xuan is full of nearly a hundred strokes in the blink of an eye, this girl has too virtual strength, Yuan Li is extremely honest, until now it is not exhausted, but Lu Xuan is somewhat intolerant, can not help Said: "I have received you more than one hundred strokes, almost?"

"Almost? It's a long way off! You don't have the ability to stop, let me cut you a sword!" The girl was so angry that she was violently violent, and her heart was even more shy and angry. This thief dared to slap himself when he was restless. It’s **** 10,000 times!

"Really?" Lu Xuan showed a hint of happiness, and she kissed her, and it was also appropriate to marry her.

The girl snorted: "I am afraid you can't get down!"

"As you said, you cut me a sword, I will never give up, but I will say first, after this sword, we will clear up." Lu Xuan, righteously, said that it was really put down the dust. Sword, close your eyes and stand still, not moving, a look of fate.

See Lu Xuan’s appearance as a death. The girl is a little hesitant, and she really wants to slash Lu Xuan with such a sword. She still can't get it. But then she was heart-to-heart: "I want to marry me? Not so easy, since you are willing to die, then I will fulfill you!"

After all, the girl once again raised the sword. With a squeaky voice, a sword filled with all strength slammed out. After the sword, she was staring at Lu Xuan. If Lu Xuan dared to dare to flash, her sword would definitely be cut down.

"Call!" A strong wind swept over Lu Xuan's face and blew his hair. But it was delayed to see the long sword cut down. He couldn't help but blink at first, only to see that the sharp blade was only half an inch away from himself, but did not reach his body.

He looked slightly at the girl, only to see her biting her teeth, and the slender jade clasped the hilt. Although her heart was full of resentment, she did not have any more degrading thoughts.

Lu Xuan suddenly showed a smile: "Why don't you cut it? Say it, after the sword, we will clear it. If you don't cut it, I will leave."

The girl bite her lower lip, and the long sword is slightly biased. She is directly placed on Lu Xuan’s neck and shouted: "The thief, let me say, why are you thin and light, I can’t say why, I must kill you today. ""

Although she spoke in her mouth, Lu Xuan could see that she was not killing her heart. Otherwise, just this sword will be cut down directly, Lu Xuan is trying to explain, but looking at the girlish look is quite cute, he could not help but turn his eyes, and turned to laugh: "Nature is to see you look beautiful, If you are an ugly woman, I will not care about you."

Under the words of the girl, the girl’s neck could not help but quickly climb a blushing color, and her face was even brighter. Although she was a little beautiful from a young age, there was no such thing as Lu Xuan’s use of teasing. The tone has been said. No woman doesn't like others to praise that she is beautiful, but this is said from the population that has just been thinner than her own, but she does not know how to behave herself.

She thought that Lu Xuan would find out what excuses to get out. Who knows that Lu Xuan is so arrogant, as if he is beautiful, it is also a mistake. For a time, her chest is ups and downs, but she doesn’t know what to say. Just put Lu Xuan? That is impossible, how can it be so cheap?

Looking at her chest ups and downs, Lu Xuan could not help but look at the past, the girl looked down at Lu Xuan's gaze, suddenly mad, angry and said: "You, you thief, so shameless! We How can Ye Jia get out of this shameless person!"

Lu Xuan’s appearance now is no different from Deng’s son. I saw him smile and said: “Although I am a Ye family, I have never been a parent of Ye, and I have never been well versed in Ye’s family. ”

"Sure enough, hey, I said that we will not have your thief in Ye Family." The girl looks a little brighter, obviously Lu Xuan is not proud of Ye’s parents, but then she thinks about it, The long sword pressed down the pressure: "Hey, you are living and dying between me, how can you dare to talk to me like this, are you afraid of dying?"

"My name is Lu Xuan, don't call it, you can call my name. As for fear of not being afraid of death... Hey, my life is here, you take it." Lu Xuan leaned over the neck and gave the girl a better. Laughing in the posture of the sword.

It’s obviously difficult for a girl to make a choice. If this kid is inadvertently thin and self-conscious, and he is willing to take his life to change his innocence, then his performance is too frivolous. It’s not like this kind of gentleman. If you say no, you can easily take his life away.

In fact, the girl really wants more. Lu Xuan is self-sufficient in her own body. She may suffer a little injury from her sword, but she wants his life, but it is still not enough. In his opinion, It is also appropriate for this girl to see him venting his anger, but he did not expect that the girl’s heart is still good, and she is reluctant to start.

For a time, the two could not help but stalemate here. After a long while, the girl bite her teeth: "The little thief, I will give you a chance to redeem. Since you can walk into this big array, it proves that you also have a battle." Good rumors, if you can crack this big line within three days, I will spare you!"

Lu Xuan turned his eyes and said: "My strength is stronger than you, you are not afraid of you to let me go, I am thinner you?"

The girl snorted: "Do you think I will be unprepared? I have a very poisonous poison here. You have eaten it now. Without my antidote, you can't live."

After all, she is taking out a black scorpion, which looks very consistent with the image of poison in people's minds.

After taking out the medicinal herbs, the girls still have some reluctance, and added a sentence: "You don't want to force the antidote from me. The antidote to me, each one can only keep you for three days, the real solution. Medicine, I have to wait for me to get it out, oh, if you don’t obey, you will die."

During the speech, she directly threw the poison to Lu Xuan, indicating that he would take it quickly.

Was picking up this black medicinal medicine, Lu Xuan sniffed, could not help but smile, bullying himself do not understand the remedy? I am also a person who is in the sky, and this is clearly a purple yang dan, looks like a black scorpion, but it is actually a good baby to enhance the power of the soul, good medicine.

Since this girl is honed in the mountains, it is obviously also the person who is practicing the tactics. It is necessary to enhance the power of the soul. This should be the remedy that she cultivated in her own daily practice. Now she is fooling herself and thinking of it. This, Lu Xuan said nothing, in front of her face calmly put this Ziyang Mingdan down, then did not forget to run the exercises to resolve the drug, of course, the face still has to pretend to be awkward appearance.

Seeing that Lu Xuan was finally scared, the girl was somewhat proud of taking back the long sword. She thought that she had already played Lu Xuan in the applause. Hey, as long as he does not give him a "antidote", this kid will always be right. I bowed my head to report the previous... a kiss.

"Okay, break it, remember, only three days!" The girl stretched out three fingers and shook.

Lu Xuan took his hands and walked around, looking at this big array. When he stepped in, he noticed the fluctuation of the formation. He thought that this girl was a big circle, and this had a misunderstanding. However, I did not expect this girl to be trapped here. It seems that this large array is really unusual. The pattern of the formation is very secretive, so that I did not have the first time to distinguish what this is.

"Right, how can you sleep here, but fortunately I met me. If you meet someone else, you may not be so lucky." Lu Xuan suddenly began to look after a long while.

"I haven't been made by this big bang. I haven't been able to break through the three days and three nights. I'm only a little tired when I'm tired. Who knows you..." The girl subconsciously, then suddenly reacted, shy and incomparably : "What is fortunate to meet you, only you thieves will make such a shameful thing, do you be the same as everyone else? To the gentleman's heart!"

Lu Xuanyi smiled and did not explain it. He asked: "Since you have studied for three days, I want to come to you to have a good understanding of this big battle. Let's talk about it, let's break together."

"Who wants to break with you." The girl said with anger: "I am limiting your time for three days. I will not help you, hey, can't break it, you will die."

Lu Xuan spread the stalls: "The ultimate goal of yours is just to break the battle, not to kill me. If you just want to kill me, you don't have to be so troubled. Just a sword is over, since it is to break Array, that's not as good as we have studied together, I don't have to die, you can break it, right?"

Although Lu Xuan said that it was a ruling, but the girl thought for a long time did not figure out how to refute, but just nodded: "It seems a bit reasonable..."

But what she can't figure out is that since Lu Xuan stepped into the big battle, it would have been broken, but now he is inexplicably breaking with him. It seems that Lu Xuan has not suffered any losses. Instead, he has given himself a free landing. Xuan a bit.

PS: The second chapter is coming. (To be continued~^~)

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