Sword Spirit

Chapter 924: Another fire

"Is the Sikong family finally showing ambitions?" Ye Guangjian stunned his beard and chuckled: "When I was in charge of the Jiuhua League, Sikongjia had already shown all kinds of signs, and then I wanted to be with me. Marriage, I am afraid that marriage is a fake, it is true to inquire about Ye Family."

"Now the situation of the five major sects is tense. Although I am worried about the poison of my friend, I dare not disturb the layout of my father. I dare not borrow the strength of the Jiuhua League, so I can only go to Sikong. A trip." Lu Xuan firmly said.

Ye Guangjian looked at Lu Xuan and said: "You are really a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers. You can think about what kind of crisis will you face once you expose your identity in the temple?"

"Although I now recognize my ancestors, my father is not arguing about this matter. If I know my identity, there will only be some close people, which may not attract too much attention from Sikong." Lu Xuan replied: What's more, Sikong and the Nangong family fell out, and now I want to be anxious, not necessarily noticed me."

Ye Guangjian’s words for Lu Xuan are irresponsible. Instead of asking this question, he said: “You can think about it, really want to enter Shura Mountain? Although I am your grandfather, the rules are set by the ancestors. If you can't cross the Shura Mountain by yourself, then I will never save you."

"This is nature. I have already thought about it. If I can't get through Shura Mountain, I can only prove that my strength is not enough, but the strength is not enough. Going to the Eight-Party Temple is also a dead end." Lu Xuan's determination is very big.

Ye Guangjian laughed happily: "Well, the descendants of Ye Family should be like this. Although you have the opportunity to marry Shura Mountain with your current strength, you are very talented. You only need to give you some time. It is definitely able to From the middle, but you remember, after the Shura Mountain, you can not be recklessly broke into the last mountain, the mountain of life and death, life and death in the mountains. One life, one death, your strength today. Not enough."

"Remember the grandfather's teachings."

"Go." Ye Guangjian waved his hand and Lu Xuan took a ritual, and even walked up the hill.

Looking at the back of Lu Xuan, Ye Guangjian said: "Jiuhuashan has been built since it was built. Only two people have passed before the age of 30. I have to see if my great-grandson can become a third person."

Personally stepping into the Shura Mountain, there is no isolation of the formation, Lu Xuan can clearly feel the suffocation from the Shura Mountain at this moment. If the strength is not good. I am afraid that stepping into this mountain will immediately be affected by the suffocation, and the wisdom will be lost. Even if Lu Xuan has the strength of being too imaginary, he has to work all the way to resist the suffocation and keep the sorrow clear.

In addition, Lu Xuan feels the burning of the mountains, and almost has a fight with the lava land in the seal. After carefully feeling it, Lu Xuan whispered to himself: "I didn't expect this Xiuluo Mountain to be a sleeping volcano. No wonder the environment looks extremely bad."

At this time, a few dull footsteps, suddenly sounded in the right side of Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan in the heart, a quick convergence of the heart, holding the sword to the right.

I saw three giant lava monsters up to nearly a foot, and took a heavy step to force Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan took a few steps back a little, and said: "Inflammation?"

This monster turned out to be very similar to the smoldering that Lu Xuan encountered in the seal land. It was made up of hard lava stones, and the sound of walking was known. This thing is endless.

Thinking of the environment of the Shura Mountain, Lu Xuan was slightly stunned, and the sorcerer in the land of the seal was separated from the fire, and these enchantments were probably produced by the lava under the Shura Mountain.

However, the smoldering in the land of the seal is controlled by fire, and these smolders have been affected by suffocation all the year round. There is no sorrow at all, and there is only endless attack on the enemies that have entered the Shura Mountain.

Sure enough, when the fire demon appeared, the fire that was hidden in the dusty sword was a head out, curious: "These guys look like my toys."

"Can you control them?" Lu Xuan asked.

"I try." The fire quickly dissipated from the dusty sword, and turned into a flame of rapid rushing toward the three heads of the fire, but it just rushed to the front of the three-headed enchanted, greeted it It is six thick arms.

After the fire circled for two laps, the wolverine fled back and said: "No, no, these guys are in a mess, and they don't listen to me at all."

Lu Xuan smiled and said in a good heart, these fires are not caused by the fire, and when they are eroded by the suffocation, they will care about the fire.

"If this is the case, then it can only be killed all the way." Lu Xuan glimmered in a glimmer of color, just Ye Guangjian said, Xiu Luoshan represents fighting and killing, want to come to this Xiu Luoshan road to stop the inflammation I don't know how many will be there.

With a light drink, Lu Xuanfei violently rises, and the long sword is like a rainbow, suddenly attacking the three heads of the fire.

A trick of flying dragons in the sky, attacked three heads of fire, sharp dusty swords on the solid body of the fire, suddenly a burst of Mars, was actually no return, Lu Xuan strange, three heads of fire The attack has already been launched, and the huge arms suddenly squat and exert a speed that is completely incompatible with their bodies.

"Dragon battles in the wild!" Lu Xuan violently screamed, and in a moment the body was divided into three, and the dusty sword carried the infinite force and crashed.

With the sound of the screaming of the sorcerer, three thick arms composed of lava stones were directly destroyed by Lu Xuan. It seems that this defensive defense is not as strong as it was imagined. Lu Xuan sighed with a sigh of relief, and at the same time kept moving, screaming at the time of their injuries, holding their hands and dusting swords, screaming and slamming Falling, it is a move to pull the mountains and rivers.

"Boom!" A loud bang came, and the head of a flaming demon was born and smashed by Lu Xuan. For a time, the body of the whole sinister suddenly fell apart.

It’s too late to look at it, and the other two sorcerers have already clipped Lu Xuanbao in one after the other, leaving only the two arms of the one-armed sorcerer, quickly reaching out to the lava arm and directly grabbing Lu Xuan, with their power, Lu Xuan has no doubt that as long as he is caught, even if his own defense is amazing, the shoulder bones will be broken instantly.

Wind and thunder!

Lu Xuan body flashed in an instant, and suddenly came out from the encirclement of the two sorcerers, and then the backhand sword shot, the dusty sword swept out, slamming, and another smolder was killed.

The only remaining flaming demon has been difficult to support, and less than three rounds were successfully killed by Lu Xuan. In addition to the body of the flaming magic scattered, there are three dark red diamond-shaped crystals. Lu Xuan looked up and found that it contained a force of flame, and there was a strong suffocating gas. It seems that this crystal, It should be the thing that the sorcerer relies on to survive. Lu Xuanmo thinks of the dark red crystal.

This is just at the foot of the mountain. It is a three-headed inflamed demon. I don’t have to think about it. As I go up, my opponents will become stronger and stronger. Ye Guangjian said that he only has 30% chance to pass. Lu Xuan is very familiar with his own strength, but now it seems that there are only up to 50% chance. (To be continued~^~)

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