Sword Spirit

Chapter 925: Shura Jedi

The energy in these three smoldering crystals is extremely rich. If you can find a way to resolve the suffocating gas, it can be regarded as a good treasure. Lu Xuan temporarily collected it.

Looking up at the Shura Mountain, where I couldn’t see the top, Lu Xuan climbed up again, but only climbed less than three feet. Lu Xuan suddenly surrounded a thick fog and surrounded it tightly. real.

Lu Xuan could not help but be surprised, it is the battle! Unexpectedly, in addition to these wandering flaming devils, there are large arrays of sorrows in the mountains.

This big battle came so awkward. After experiencing the experience of the Wanshang Mountain, Lu Xuan did not even notice it and fell into the battle. Xiu Luoshan was really worthy of the name.

Surrounded by the fog, even if Lu Xuan rushed to the extreme, he couldn't see his own situation. Without hesitation, Lu Xuan quickly spread the knowledge and wanted to use his knowledge. Around the situation, but after the gods spread out, Lu Xuan’s heart sank slightly, and the gods with strong perceptual powers actually failed in this fog!

Under the perception of God, although the effect is better than the naked eye, but it can not see three feet away, obviously, this fog is not an ordinary fog, and there must be something that interferes with the existence of God.

"It's a little tricky." Lu Xuan whispered to himself, and holding the hand of the dusty sword was even more difficult. The three-foot range of perception does not have any effect on this level of combat. If an attack comes, it is extremely dangerous and must be broken quickly!

At this time, a broken voice suddenly came from the right side of Lu Xuan!

When it was said that it was late, at that time, Lu Xuan’s muscles were tight and tight, and the dusty sword was almost swept away to the right by him. He only heard the sound of “嗤” coming into the flesh. The thing is falling at the foot of Lu Xuan.

Under the horror of a glimpse, Lu Xuan discovered that this is a small snake with a blood red color, but at this moment, Lu Xuan has become a two-piece sword. I know that this snake is absolutely poisonous. It is a place of volcano, and it is very likely to be fire. If you are bitten a bite, the fire poison invades, it is difficult to survive in this big battle, let alone come out.

Lu Xuan’s vigilance suddenly increased to the maximum. This Xiuluo Mountain is not a harmless experience. It has the danger of losing its life at any time. It is only when you go out of this life and death experience that you have the capital to become a strong person.

But at this time, Lu Xuan unexpectedly happened. This Lu Xuan thought that the snake had died. The half of the body where the snake head is located is so fast and incomparably flying, it is not yet angry!

The snake is like a red lightning bolt, and rushes to the neck of Lu Xuan. If it is bitten in the throat, even if it is not toxic, it will have to lose half life.

At this moment, Lu Xuan was almost shocked that even his hair was erected. Whether it was a sword or a punch, it was too late, at the time of this millennium. The power of Lu Xuan’s law is fluctuating, and the law of time and space law appear at the same time, forcibly reducing the speed of the snake’s assault, and even pulling the limit between himself and the snake, and the law of space to the depths. Shrinking into the inch, it can naturally be reduced to inch.

Under the blessing of the power of the two laws, Lu Xuan made a valuable respite, followed by a word that he screamed: "Flock!"

As the word came out, the half of the snake's body was suddenly set in the air. Lu Xuan’s throat is only less than three inches away. It seems that time is still at this moment. Of course, this is just an illusion. This snake is only forcibly sealed by Lu Xuan’s seal. Lu Xuan can Feel that the snake is struggling desperately, fearing that it will be able to struggle if it is less than three.

However, the time of the three interest rates was enough for Lu Xuan. I saw him banging out in a fist and directly slammed into the head of the snake. For a time, the flies flew and the snake was completely smashed into slag. In order to prevent the contamination of the toxins, Lu Xuan also took a half step back in time, otherwise the blood of the snake snaked on himself. Now that he has realized the greatness of Shura Mountain, it is not an exaggeration to be careful.

It’s just that Lu Xuan hasn’t had time to catch his breath, and his look is a glimpse. He clearly heard a few broken sounds coming again. Although this fog can stop Lu Xuan’s line of sight and isolate his knowledge, he can’t hide his. Hearing.

This little snake is so difficult, so fierce, if it comes back, Lu Xuan can hardly imagine. Without any hesitation, Lu Xuan’s dusty sword instantly waved up. Under the force of the force, the long sword pointed to the sky, and then Lu Xuan’s violent voice came: “The next day!”

In the next day, there are too many things, the law of time and space, the law of fire, the law of destruction, the law of immortality...

With the dust-sword as the center, a flaming red light spreads rapidly around the place. Wherever the light shines, the fog of one or four days is all annihilated invisible, and it instantly illuminates the surroundings.

Under the cover of Lu Xuan’s knowledge, all the things that were attacked were all perceived by him. I saw the scorpions, poisonous snakes, cockroaches, spiders, cockroaches and other poisons that didn’t know where they came from, all of them rushed over quickly. Said to be all five drugs, Lu Xuan almost saw the scalp numb.

This big array is also too vicious, using fog to cover people's sight and perception, and then making these small, but extremely fast, extremely toxic things to attack, is simply killing people.

However, although these things are very ferocious, they have lost the opportunity to secretly attack. For Lu Xuan, it is not enough to fear. The next day, all the poisons that are caught in the light of the next day are killed. In order to prevent the situation of the previous snake, Lu Xuan completely killed them before they stopped.

At the same time, when the fog was forced to retreat by the next day, and the perception could be dissipated, Lu Xuan quickly deduced this method. At this time, some training in the Wanshan Mountain was finally helped. Lu Xuan’s great enthusiasm, when the light of the next day is about to recede, Lu Xuan finally pushed the big line of the array. Seeing that the next wave of attacks has not yet arrived, Lu Xuan reached out and shouted: “Go !"

With a bang, the fire slammed into the dusty sword and shot at the land pointed by Lu Xuan, and then stabbed it!


When the dust was flying, the fog that covered Lu Xuan was visible at the naked eye, and the scene disappeared in an instant. The scene of Xiuluo Mountain fell into the eyes of Lu Xuan, and the big array was broken.

Lu Xuan’s knowledge was carefully scanned around this time, and it was only when there was no danger at the moment that he was relieved. This is simply a step by step. Now he has finally seen the power of Shura Mountain. At first, he thought that Shura Mountain was only stationed by those sorcerers. Now it seems that this is totally wrong. This is almost a fierce battle to the ultimate realm. The fire is just the most common roadblock.

Before Ye Guangjian said that it was not bad at all. This Xiuluo Mountain is completely a Shura land. It fights for the war. It is all the best. Even the five poisons are used. The ghost knows something terrible behind. Waiting for yourself, if you can go out from here, Lu Xuan believes that there is no difficult environment that he can't stand.

After real recognition of the terribleness of Xiuluoshan, Lu Xuan decided to regain his mind and resumed his state, and then he re-entered the journey. Next, he walked with great care every step of the way.

In fact, this prudentness has also brought great help to Lu Xuan. If he is not always ready to maintain a strong vigilance and prepare for all attacks, he has not known how many times he died.

Although Wan Bein Mountain is also a place for combat training, it is only a powerful monster, but it is a Ming gun. The attack of Xiu Luoshan is completely a dark arrow.

After spending half a month, Lu Xuan was finally struggling to reach the hillside of Shura Mountain. During this period, he suffered a large number of attacks by the evil spirits. He fought against some powerful monsters who used to volcanic environment and was trapped. In the battle, two days and two nights of fighting not only broke out.

Although it was difficult, Lu Xuan felt that the battle in the past two months had greatly improved himself. What’s more, the anger that he had been neglected before was actually unconsciously improved. The power of his soul, the effect is almost comparable to taking a few bottles of Ziyang Mingdan, in addition to making him have a lot of resistance to hernia.

The discovery of this point made Lu Xuan somewhat overjoyed. I must know that many places that have been called Jedi have been engulfed with strong suffocation all the year round. They have no ability to resist suffocation and cannot enter it at all, and rely on Yuan Li to resist suffocation. How can it be more resistant to radon attacks than itself?

However, I am delighted to be delighted, but now Lu Xuan is facing a difficult problem, because in front of him, there is a very strong "roadblock".

This guy is similar to the flaming demon. Except for the bigger one, the whole body is blood red. Of course, the color is not the most important. The most important thing is that this guy seems to be a mutated inflammation, in addition to inheriting the inflammation. In addition to the magical talents, the speed is amazing!

Lu Xuan has handed it three times, but every time he has failed, he is not without the strength to defeat it. He just wants to overcome it. Lu Xuan himself has to pay a lot of money. Serious injury is certain. In this crisis-ridden Shura Mountain, Lu Xuan did not dare to put himself in danger. He knew that the danger in the mid-mountain of Xiuluo Mountain was much higher than that near the foot of the mountain. Even the strength of the ordinary fire demon was stronger than before.

In order to avoid this variability, Lu Xuan chose to transfer positions. Although it is dangerous to smash in the Shura Mountain, Lu Xuan is not willing to stop at this halfway, and it will not be used unless it is over the Shura Mountain. You can't leave at halfway up the mountain or at the foot of the mountain. (To be continued~^~)

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