Sword Spirit

Chapter 926: Bizarre warrior

Lu Xuan all the way to avoid the territory of this variant of the demon, began to travel horizontally in the Shura Mountain, looking for the road to continue climbing, walking less than half a column of incense time, Lu Xuan look slightly moving, listening to the ear, actually found The sound of screaming in front of the company is accompanied by fierce battles.

After careful listening, Lu Xuan discovered that not only the beasts, but also the voices of the warriors, he could not help but reveal a hint of joy. I did not expect to encounter the Yejia warriors here. Ye Guangjian was It has been said that there are no fewer than twenty Ye Family members in the Shuro Mountain. The person in front of it is definitely one of them. However, it sounds like this person’s situation is not very good, as if he is caught in a siege.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan stepped up and quickly rushed toward the front. Fortunately, there was no trap in this section. Soon, the situation in front was falling into the eyes of Lu Xuan, and I saw one and saw one. The warrior exiled by the Beatles, the long sword in his hand is constantly swallowing, and his surroundings are surrounded by no fewer than seven opponents. Among them are huge inflamed demons and several monsters.

"Predecessors are flustered, I will help you!" Lu Xuan greeted him in advance, and even the people took the sword and flew away.

The martial artist did not seem to notice the arrival of Lu Xuan. It was still a crazy attack. Instead, he attacked his seven monsters and sorcerers. He noticed that there were enemies coming. He suddenly separated three heads to stop Lu Xuan. .

A flaming demon ran towards Lu Xuan with a heavy pace. The sound of the squatting of the earth shook people's distractions, while the other two monsters were a giant python that was nearly ten feet long and one was dark. The black panther of the ink is very strong at the pace. At first glance, it is a monster that is good at speed.

Seeing this combination, Lu Xuan was secretly shocked, but it was really bad to deal with. This black panther is a monster that is very fast and incomparable, and the giant body is slender, it is not easy to deal with, maybe it is poisonous. of. Coupled with a powerful and inflamed demon, the three come together and lack complementarity. It’s just a perfect match.

However, this road has come up, and Lu Xuan has encountered any dangerous situation. These three guys can't be the reason to block Lu Xuan.

Don't wait for them to launch an attack. Lu Xuan pre-emptive, a light drink, the body jumped up, rushed out, the shot is a sword, the target pointed to the black panther. Obviously I want to solve an opponent first.

These monsters have long been in battle in the Shura Mountains. Which one is not easy to share with the generations, seeing Lu Xuan’s incredible sword, the fierce light in this black panther burst into the air, and the muscles are tight and tight, only to hear a tear in his throat. The repressed snoring, the limbs slammed hard, and it was actually a moment of rising from the ground, jumping high!

With such amazing jumping power, Lu Xuan couldn't help but stay a bit. However, his hustle and bustle is just a flash, people in the air instantly change, Meng Jianjian quickly smashed a circle, single-handed sword turned into two hands to hold the sword, only heard Lu Xuan screamed, weighing more than a thousand The dusty sword has no fancy squats, and the law of force is fluctuating violently.

However, Lu Xuan’s sword is not aimed at the black panther. Instead, it is going to the giant. With Lu Xuan's current strength, even if the giant python is thick and thick, the power of a sword can be divided into two.

"Hey!" The sly cold eyes looked at Lu Xuan, the snake head was raised high, but the snake tail suddenly slammed out without warning. The target was Lu Xuan's long sword.

Lu Xuan only saw the giant snake's tail resembling a huge whip. It was drawn like lightning, and it was drawn on the dusty sword. Then he felt a huge force suddenly hit, even if It was Lu Xuan who couldn’t help but be shocked. He changed to be a neighbor. He was affected by this giant scorpion. I am afraid that he would not be killed or seriously injured. Unfortunately, Juyi wrongly estimated the power of Lu Xuan’s sword and underestimated the dust sword. The degree of sharpness.

Although the strength of this giant tail is strong, it is just above the blade of the dusty sword. If this sword can shake the dusty sword out of the hand, it is a pity that Lu Xuan’s power Not inferior to it.

Under the impact of Juli, Lu Xuan exposed the blue veins, and held the dust sword, but the giant python was smashed. The sharp blade directly scratched its tough snake skin and only heard a bang. In an instant, a three-foot-long mouth was opened above its snake tail, and blood rushed out unscrupulously.

"Hey!" Under the pain of the giant python, he couldn't help but scream, and looked at Lu Xuan's gaze with a hint of fear. This tail not only failed to fly Lu Xuan, but instead let Lu Xuan Success has devastated itself.

The black panther saw the giant scorpion wounded, roared, and the limbs forced hard. It turned into a black light and suddenly hit Lu Luxuan. In an instant, it rushed to the front of Lu Xuan, and the two front claws extended. A few claws were drawn, and the sharp claws suddenly came.

Although the attack of the Panthers came awkwardly, Lu Xuan was early expectant. The reason why the black panther hits the front is because Lu Xuan deliberately sold a flaw, otherwise the black panther is too dexterous. It’s not easy to hurt it.

I saw this black panther attacking, Lu Xuan suddenly turned around, the left hand palm slammed out, a powerful and incomparable strength spit out, not only instantly resolved the attack of the Panther, Yu Li is an unstoppable straight into the Panther Go, it is Lu Xuan from the powerful magical power in the sword crystal - the void is broken!

How can the black panther expect Lu Xuan to react so quickly, and also issued such a strong palm, even if it is more flexible, there is no residual resistance in the face of such a situation, the void is bursting in the moment and it is banging it. The body, the strength and the body, directly sagged down, and with its painful mourning, the body was directly repelled more than ten feet, it is how fast it is, how fast it is to be repelled.

One palm will repel the black panther, Lu Xuan will never look at it again, the emptiness of the emptiness of the void, he knows it clearly, this black panther has endured its own complete strength, the internal organs are afraid It has already been smashed, and even if it will not die for a while, it will lose the power of fighting again.

However, this blow has brought a chance to the giant clams and the inflammatory devils. Although Lu Xuan was the first to hurt a giant python, its shape is too large, and a three-foot-long mouth is not enough to disintegrate. Its fighting power.

A deafening roar sounded, and it sounded like Lu Xuan eardrum roaring, but the slowest of the three was finally rushed, and a large stone was flying fast, and the sound of whistling was endless. The fire magic shot, Lu Xuan did not rush to the accident, the more he went to the mountain, the higher the wisdom of the fire, the inflammation on the mountainside is not limited to himself. The strength of the body, and will begin to use foreign objects.

Lu Xuan took a shot and immediately broke the boulder into pieces. But then, a huge black shadow was hit by the pavement, but it was the occasion when the savage smashed the boulder. .

Don't look at the huge size of the giant python, but it is not a clumsy person such as the flaming demon. The body is free to attack, and the speed is extremely fast. At this moment, it is suddenly protruding from the snake head, and the snake is swallowing the blood. Big mouth, bite to Lu Xuan, look at this look, is to want to swallow Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan smiled coldly: "Want to swallow me, let you swallow enough!"

I saw him stretched out his hand, and countless thunderballs appeared without warning. Then they did not stop at all. They poured into the mouth of this giant clam. The screaming of the giant clam was not good, and he quickly shut up, but it was still a slow step. At this moment, there are already more than a dozen thunderballs poured into its mouth, and the giant cicada shut up, and suddenly triggered the meditation thunder!


A series of sounds of blasting sounds came from the mouth of the giant cymbals. Under the pain, this giant scorpion sent out a sharp voice like a human. Waiting for the thunder to stop, the giant snake's head has been bombarded by the meditation thunder, and the two eyes are directly smashed one, which is much heavier than the previous Lu Xuan scratching a sword on its tail.

The only one-eyed eagle looked at Lu Xuan’s gaze and showed a terrified look. Then he quickly turned his head down, and he hurriedly fled away without saying anything.

In a short period of confrontation, the two monsters are dying and escaping. The sorcerer still holds a boulder in his hand. I don’t know if it should be shot, but when I see Lu Xuan’s gaze on myself, this guy is not Stupid, immediately throwing this huge stone toward Lu Xuan, then dare not stop, taking a heavy step, step by step to escape from the route of the giant escape.

Lu Xuan opened the boulder cast by the fire, looked at the direction in which he fled, shook his head, and was too lazy to continue chasing. He came here not to kill.

Lu Xuan will soon move his eyes to the side where the warrior is fighting. The strength of this warrior is not bad. The four beasts who had been besieging him have already died two, and the other two have also been injured, but this warrior’s The situation does not seem to be very good. There is a huge wound on the shoulder, blood is flowing out, and the right leg does not know who has scraped a large piece of meat.

Looking at his moves carefully, Lu Xuan couldn't help but frown. It's no wonder that this guy made it so bad. Seeing his moves, all of them are only attacking and attacking. This way, although he can quickly kill and kill opponents, he himself Also bear a lot of attacks.

"Predecessors, can you help in the next?" Lu Xuan did not rush to the front, but first asked about the sound, many warriors are a bit quirky, not in the battle do not like others to intervene.

Unfortunately, Lu Xuan asked, this warrior did not answer, still fighting with the remaining two monsters, and Lu Xuan could not make up his mind for a time. I don’t know if I should go forward to help. This warrior, if he does not go forward, does not know if he can hold it down. (To be continued~^~)

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