Sword Spirit

Chapter 927: Resolve suffocation

Lu Xuan waited for the time of the three-party, and never saw the warrior asking for help. At this moment, a huge black bear seems to have completely stimulated the fierceness of the body. Suddenly, he roared and screamed at the warrior. A pair of bear paws are in a close together, and it seems that they want to give this warrior a real bear hug.

This warrior also reacted quickly. In a flash, a long sword darted and danced, and three swords were pulled out!

Only now that this black bear has been completely irritated, the three swords facing this warrior are not the idea of ​​dodging. It is thick and fleshy and has a strong defense. Before that, he has already smashed a dozen swords and has not seen the commandments. Nowadays, Will you care about three more swords?

While the black bear was desperately trying to fight, the giant eagle hovering in the air suddenly started, and a sharp bang, swooping down like a phantom, the sharp claws directly caught the head of the warrior.

Lu Xuan’s face suddenly changed. Once the warrior was hugged by the black bear, he would no longer be able to resist it. With the power of the giant eagle’s claws, he was afraid to pull his head down hard.

The situation is urgent, life and death, Lu Xuan also refused to solicit the opinions of this warrior, Meng Jianjian did not want to stab, it is a trick to catch the moon! On the speed, there is no sword in Lu Xuan's swordsmanship that can catch up with this sword.

Almost the long sword has just been shot. Lu Xuan’s figure is above the warrior. At that moment, the giant eagle just happened to hit, and Lu Xuan came too far, so that it had no chance to change direction at all. This is to bring this sharp two claws directly to Lu Xuan.

Only heard a bang, the giant eagle screamed involuntarily, and Lu Xuan’s sword did not directly hinder its sharpest claws. Lu Xuan saw his eyes and changed his eyes. Quickly running, the dusty sword suddenly shocked, and the giant eagle's claws were cut off in one fell swoop!

This sword of Lu Xuan almost immediately took the half-life of the giant eagle, without the giant eagle with two claws. Fighting power can be said to have lost 80%, and under great fear, the giant eagle struggled to flap the wings. Flying quickly toward the sky, leaving without looking back, and staying, it will die.

Watching the giant eagle fluttering high. Lu Xuan did not have the chasing thoughts, because at that moment the warrior had been hugged by the black bear, and a pair of huge bear paws firmly locked him and watched the black bear look. He obviously wanted to live him. Dead, and the warrior can only die in the big mouth of the black bear with his long sword in his hand. Avoid it biting down. But for the black bear's palms, there is no way to break free.

"Get out of my way!" Lu Xuan screamed, and the body quickly rushed toward the entangled one, and then the bang suddenly slammed on the top of the black bear.

The power of the emptiness of the void is unreservedly poured into the body from the top of the black bear. The black bear’s surface defense is strong, but in the face of Lu Xuan’s overbearing strength, it is completely unstoppable, and immediately mourns. Both palms are unable to sag. Sitting on the ground, the almost dying warrior finally got a breather.

"Are you okay?" Lu Xuan sighed with a sigh of relief and turned to the warrior to ask, but as he turned his head, Lu Xuan's face changed again, because he felt a fierce sword rushing to his face!

The danger came so fast that almost Lu Xuan’s hair was blown up. The mood that had just been relaxed was tightened again. When the millennium was on the spur of the moment, the body’s mysterious and mysterious flashed a foot. This is dangerous to avoid the attack of this sword.

"What are you doing!" Lu Xuan screamed, he did not expect to save the warrior, but he was envious of the enemy, just this sword, it is he stabbed.

This warrior did not answer Lu Xuan’s words at all. After a sword fell through, the sword trembled, and the smashing number of swords hit Lu Xuan. Every sword was a real kill, no one left. Yu Li, like the previous attack on those monsters.

"The falling star!" Lu Xuan screamed out, and a sword slammed out. The powerful force directly smashed the warrior a few feet away. Although the military has a good strength, the previous battle took too much effort. At the moment, it is fundamental. Not Lu Xuan's opponent.

However, he seems to have been determined to kill, but he has just stabilized his footsteps. It is once again that the people who brought the sword with the sword rushed over and looked like a deadly look.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xuan could not help but frown, staring at the warrior and glanced at it. He had not carefully examined the warrior before. At this time, he saw that under his chaotic hair, a pair of eyes were full. The color of blood red is full of desire to bleed blood, without the slightest emotion.

Lu Xuan was suddenly shocked. At this moment, he had fully understood why the warrior had turned a deaf ear to his own words, and after he helped him expel the behemoth who besieged him, he turned to himself. That's because he has completely lost his mind, and he only has the idea of ​​killing. No matter what he sees, he will attack. In short, he has been invaded by suffocation!

"Wake up!" Lu Xuan screamed, seemingly wanting this warrior to wake up, but he has been attacked by suffocation, where it is so easy to get rid of, the mouth screaming and listening to the words that can't hear the words, still attacked by Lu Xuan.

"Damn!" Lu Xuan snorted, and for a time did not know how to be good. Seeing that the attack of this warrior had arrived, Lu Xuan had to resolve his attack first. Fortunately, this warrior fought for a long time and consumed a lot of power. Lu Xuan is still easy to deal with.

When I think about it, Lu Xuan feels that there are only two ways to resolve the attack of this warrior. Either he is directly killing him or he is trying to fix him and resolve his anger.

Compared with the two methods, the former one is naturally more relaxed. It is not difficult to use Lu Xuan’s current strength and the current state of the warrior. It is just to let Lu Xuan kill a person who has never met before, and is still a person of Ye’s predecessors. He really can't go, so, just think of ways to help him resolve his anger.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan suddenly slammed the attack of this warrior, and saw that he had to attack again. Lu Xuan’s soul was surging, and he sang a low voice: “The Soul!”

The sturdy soul force suddenly struck the warrior in the past. The warrior suddenly felt a shock, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. He could not help but squat in the same place.

It is now that Lu Xuan violently attacked, and he came to the back of him. His right hand was placed on his head. The soul-hunting technique was instantly made, and the soul force quickly invaded his mind. The infuriating is the soul. Using Soul Soul, Lu Xuan can easily reach the suffocating intrusion into his mind.

At this moment, Lu Xuan can perceive that in the minds of this warrior, there is a thick **** red mist. Needless to say, these naturally affect his anger.

Although he was exposed to suffocating gas, these suffocates were filled in his mind. Lu Xuan wanted to get it out. It was really not simple. There was a sorcerer in the soul surgery, which was able to wash the soul of the people, but Lu Xuan did not master it. Thoughts turned sharply, Lu Xuan came up with an alternative method, but there was a hint of danger, but there was no other way at this time.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Xuan whispered: "The Soul Eater!"

Lu Xuan actually wants to use the Soul Eater to pull out the suffocating air in the mind of this warrior. However, the suffocating spirit of Soul Eater will inevitably enter the soul lake of Lu Xuan, which Lu Xuan relies on now. It is your own resistance to suffocation. As long as you don't swallow too much suffocation at one time, you should be able to resolve your own soul lake.

Lu Xuan controls the power of Soul Eater, carefully withdrawing the smoldering spirit and avoiding hurting the soul of this warrior. He never thought of completely consuming the soul of this warrior, so it is no different from killing him directly. .

The **** red color of the suffocating air was continuously pulled out by Lu Xuan, and then it was poured into the soul lake of Lu Xuan. The suffocating gas invaded the soul lake of Lu Xuan, and immediately wanted to make waves, but unfortunately, Lu Xuan It is not allowed to let this silky suffocate, and the soul of the soul in the soul lake suddenly surges, constantly scrubbing this silky suffocation, suffocating can not affect Lu Xuan, under the scrub of Soul Lake, it will soon be Thorough assimilation.

Realizing that his soul lake can indeed resolve the suffocating invasion, Lu Xuan sighed and controlled the suffocating gas into his soul lake at a fixed speed, constantly pulling out the suffocating air in the mind of the warrior.

In the process, the strength of Lu Xuan's soul is constantly improving, and the resistance to radon is gradually improving, which is also a mutually beneficial thing.

The process of extracting radon continued for almost a period of time. When the suffocation in the mind of this warrior almost disappeared, Lu Xuan stopped, and his soul power was consumed so much that he could not continue.

Lu Xuan released the hand on the head of the warrior. The warrior immediately fell down and fell asleep. Under the control of the suffocating, he did not know how long the battle had been exhausted. Now he is no longer affected by the suffocation. Nature needs a good rest.

Lu Xuan fed him to eat a purple sun, and he also took one, and then recovered on the spot next to the warrior, waiting for him to wake up.

Carefully feeling the state of my soul today, Lu Xuan found that the suffocating did not have a slight impact on himself, it was relaxed, and it was a good thing to say it, because Lu Xuan realized that he absorbed these After the suffocating, the soul power rose a lot. He was promoted to the level of the five-star ecscercer in the town of Soul, and now it has obviously improved.

In the end, suffocating is actually a kind of heaven and earth energy. Lu Xuan even knows that some weird exercises are to use suffocating to cultivate, especially the legendary haze, for those who practice with suffocating, Extremely precious. (To be continued~^~)

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