Sword Spirit

Chapter 929: Make another breakthrough!

However, Lu Xuan had already prepared, when the suffocation hit, the two soul lakes have been waiting for the battle, the suffocating has just entered, the endless soul force is surging, and it is drowned in an instant. However, the intensity of the radon in the Shura pool is somewhat beyond Lu Xuan’s expectation. These radons are extremely solid, and they are not as good as the scattered suffocating air in the outside air. In the face of the crushing of the soul lake, these suffocates begin to be tenacious. Resistance, extremely fierce, seems to want to swallow Lu Xuan's soul to strengthen himself.

It’s just that Lu Xuan will let it do it. The soul lake is constantly scouring, using powerful soul force to forcibly cut these suffocates and divide them into food. After a while, all the suffocating air is cleared and turned into Lu Xuan. Soul power.

Seeing the power of this suffocating, Lu Xuan is not worried or anti-history. The cultivation during this time in Xiuluo Mountain has already raised his resistance to suffocation to a limit, and now faces this More powerful suffocating, undoubtedly, can re-enhance his resistance, and can also have a stronger effect on the tempering of the soul.

After absorbing these suffocating gases, Lu Xuan could not help but admire. Ye Hao did not say anything wrong. This Shuochi pool is really an excellent place. The power of lava can strengthen one's body, and the soul of the soul can strengthen one's own god. This is the most difficult to deal with, and it can also enhance your soul. It is just three things.

However, although Lu Xuan really perceives the benefits that Shura Pool can bring, he still dare not be too greedy. Just a small amount of suffocation can make waves in his soul lake. If there are more, I am afraid Some are too late.

Immediately, he maintained this absorption speed, absorbed the energy in the Shura pool little by little, and enjoyed the thrill of the obvious improvement.

Sitting on the top of the Shura pool, Ye Xuan saw Lu Xuan staying in the Shura pool without any embarrassment, and could not help but flash a trace of surprise, although he felt that Lu Xuan might be able to resist the hot magma and radon in the Shura pool, but I didn't expect it to be so easy. I knew that when he entered the Shura pool. However, I feel that every time has passed very long, the pain of magma burning, the pain of suffocation. All made him unbearable.

"I don't know which junior Lu Xuan brother is a junior. It is already so good at a young age. I am afraid that I will not be able to score in the future." Ye Hao praised it and immediately kept a little vigilance. I also began to cultivate and restore my strength.

Lu Xuan’s sitting was actually three days long, and he did not stop at all. Ye Hao has been awake several times. He thought that Lu Xuan could stay for half a day, but he did not expect it. Lu Xuan seems to have taken root in this Shuro pool. Helium and magma did not pose any threat to him at all.

What's more, the Shuro pool, which has been boiling all the time, has also subsided a lot. There is only one reason to explain this change. That is the energy accumulated in the Shulu pool. I am afraid it has already been Lu Xuan. Absorbed seven seven eight eight.

At this moment, Lu Xuan stayed in the Shura pool, and his heart was completely immersed in cultivation, just three days. He did not know how much benefit he had. When he was in Zhongzhou, he was soaked in a medicine pool prepared by Su Hexuan’s grandfather Su Hexuan for 20 years. The effect of the medicine pool is strong, but with this Compared with the Shura pool, it is a small witch. The energy in the medicine pool is extracted from various herbs, and the energy in the Shura pool comes from the underground magma and the ground soul milk.

At this time, Lu Xuan suddenly heard a stir. There is a sense of faintness in this faintness. This feeling is not unfamiliar to Lu Xuan. He just experienced it only a few months ago.

This is to break through!

Lu Xuan’s last breakthrough was still in the Wan Beast Mountain. Now he has realized the innumerable martial arts ideas in Shenwu Mountain, and after experiencing an endless battle in Xiuluo Mountain, together with the help of Shurao Pool, he sent Lu Xuan to the breakthrough. edge.

Depressing his heart, Lu Xuan is fully prepared to break through. This kind of opportunity can be met without asking. The realm of too illusory is not as easy to break through as the realm before returning to the Yuan Dynasty. Most of the realm breakthroughs before returning to the Yuan Dynasty are the accumulation of quantity. After accumulating enough power, it can condense the new Yuandan and complete breakthrough. In theory, as long as there are enough resources and enough time, anyone can break through to the peak of the return to the enemy.

After reaching a virtual reality, all Yuandan has been turned into a god, and accumulation is indispensable, but what is more important is sentiment. One of them is the sentiment of Tao and the law.

Lu Xuan has already realized several roads and various rules. This has nothing to do with him. He has seen countless martial arts in Shenwu Mountain and has further understanding of the most fundamental martial arts. Now he is in this pool. After soaking for three days and absorbing numerous insults, Lu Xuan has a vague understanding. He can feel that this is a new law, but the sentiment of this law is still very vague. For the time being, he still can't grasp it. Even so, it is enough for him to take this opportunity to enter the four realm of too virtual!

The endless world of heaven and earth began to gather at the Shura pool. A strong wind rose from the air, and the surrounding leaves creaked. The leafhoppers sitting at the top of the Shura pool suddenly opened their eyes, directly under the strange Looking at Lu Xuan, only one glance, he is aware that Lu Xuan is preparing to break through.

"I didn't expect that in just three days, I found the opportunity to break through. This Shuochi pool is really different, but I can see that the understanding of Lu Xuan's brother is very good." A little envy, but then it was helpless shaking his head, although the Shura pool was discovered by himself, but unfortunately he was blessed.

The huge Yuan Li himself flooded into Lu Xuan's body and gathered through the body veins into the gods in Dantian. At this moment, his **** is golden, and with the arrival of countless forces, it has become more and more powerful. The face is getting clearer and clearer.

After a fragrant time, the swarming force gradually stopped, and at this time, a powerful momentum slowly emerged from Lu Xuan’s body, which is a four-fold imposing manner. Xuan has already completed the breakthrough.

Immediately afterwards, this momentum under the control of Lu Xuan began to converge rapidly. He then slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of gas. The whole person flew from the Shura pool. Out, it fell to the shore.

Ye Hao stared at Lu Xuan's body in amazement. Although Lu Xuan was naked at the moment, Ye Hao's concern was not these, but Lu Xuan's skin showed a blackish color, which seemed to be burned by hot magma. General.

He was about to open his mouth, but he heard a cracking sound of "咔", and he saw that the skin of Lu Xuan's chest suddenly broke open, and the whole body was moved. Lu Xuan began to have a crack. It seems as if the whole person is broken.

At this moment, Lu Xuan hands clenched his fists, and under a light drink, he suddenly slammed his skin, and his dark skin suddenly burst open, and scattered around. Under this dark skin, there was a layer of delicate skin, like a newborn. However, this skin looks very tender, but its defense is not much stronger than the skin before Lu Xuan.

After completing the process of this suede, Lu Xuan took out a set of clothes and put it on. When he dressed, Ye Hao smiled and said: "Congratulations to the little brothers to break through, it seems that you benefited this time. Not small."

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "There is a huge harvest. I have to thank you for your generosity and gave me this great opportunity."

"That's why you have the strength to suffer. If I have the chance to discover the Shura pool, I will not enjoy it." Ye Hao smiled and shook his head.

Lu Xuan heard the words, and thought of a move: "When you don't mind, you can soak up in this Shuro pool. Although I absorbed it, the energy in the Shura pool is no more than before, but among them. The power of magma and radon has also been reduced, and you can resist it at this moment."

Ye Hao suddenly showed a hint of joy: "Is this true?"

"That is natural, you can try it, although the effect is not better than before, but the effect is not small." Lu Xuandao.

"Well, if you eat meat, then I will drink some soup by the way." Ye Yixin said, he did not expect that there is still a chance to use the Shura pool, which can be said to be Lu Xuan’s retribution, he has fully absorbed For three days, in a short period of time, the remaining energy is not obvious to him, but for Ye Hao, it can play a small role.

Ye Hao jumped down the Shura pool with a hint of heart. After feeling it, it was clear that Lu Xuan said it is true. Now the temperature of the magma in the Shura pool is not so high, and the concentration of radon is also greatly reduced. Although he is not as strong as Lu Xuan, he is strong enough to resist stronger suffocation, but he stayed in Shura Mountain for so long. The general suffocation still can't affect him. He no longer wastes his time. Law, greedy absorbs the remaining energy in the Shura pool.

One day later, Ye Hao climbed up from the Shura pool. His face still had a feeling of inexhaustible feeling. After Lu Xuan’s three days of soaking and being absorbed by him for one day, the Shura pool was already a misnomer.

Although he did not get the same changes as Lu Xuan, but his strength has also been improved, he has a five-fold strength in the virtual world, and now has reached the peak of the five virtual world, only need Finding a chance, it is enough to enter the six-fold situation. (To be continued~^~)

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