Sword Spirit

Chapter 930: Blood repair

Shuluochi and his party, Lu Xuan and Ye Hao both benefited a lot, but now they have passed the Shura pool, but Lu Xuan’s problem still remains unresolved. I don’t know if I can play with my own strength. The mutated inflammation, thought about it, Lu Xuan mentioned this matter to Ye Hao.

"Variation of the sorcerer? I must have said that the blood is repaired." Ye Hao gently nodded.

"Blood repair Luo?" Lu Xuan slightly stunned, but when I think of the variability of the flaming magic body, it is indeed bloody, plus here is the Shura pool, blood repair Luo thought must be the name given to it by the Ye family.

Ye Hao smiled and pointed to the Shura pool road: "Do you know why I found this Shura pool?"

Lu Xuan shook his head and said that he was puzzled.

Ye Hao sighed a sigh: "In fact, I was also stopped by the blood repair, I am not its opponent, so I wanted to find a place where I could circumvent it, but I found this Shuro pool by mistake. I thought that with the help of Shurao’s potency, after breaking through the realm and then fighting the blood, I didn’t expect it to be eroded by the suffocation and lost my mind.”

Lu Xuan was slightly stunned. It turned out that Ye Hao was playing the same idea with him. At the moment, he asked: "I don't know if you have found a place to bypass the blood repair?"

"There is no such possibility." Ye Hao shook his head. "I walked around halfway up the mountainside. Every time I tried to go to the top, I would have a **** road to stop."

Lu Xuan frowned and asked: "How could this be? Is the blood repair speed so fast enough to monitor the entire Shura Mountain?"

"Nature is not the case. Those blood repairs are not the same. If I think it is good, the blood repair is a guard who guards the hillside of Xiuluo Mountain. No matter where you go from the mountain, you need to face the blood repair. In other words, there is no victory. The strength of the blood repair, then it does not have the strength to continue to go." Ye Hao shook his head and said.

Lu Xuan suddenly said nothing. He just guessed the possibility that Ye Hao said. Since Xiu Luoshan is a place to test the strength of everyone, then it will make people take the opportunity to go up the mountain?

"That's the case. You and I only have to join hands with Lushan." Lu Xuan said.

"Haha, I think so too. You and I both work together and want to come and have the strength to overcome the blood repair." Ye Hao agreed.

Lu Xuan showed a smile. Before him, he was too imaginary and triple-strength. It was enough to kill the blood repair, but he also had to pay the price of serious injury. He just used the power of Shurao pool to break through to the four virtual worlds, even if there was no Ye Hao. It is also enough to deal with blood repair. What's more, there is now Ye Hao helping out, so I can take it without too much trouble.

The two said that they would do it. Ye Hao had just come out of the Shura pool, and his strength was at its peak. Lu Xuan’s day of Ye Xuan’s repairing the pool was also solid, and that’s exactly the blood. Practice hands.

Immediately, the two men were holding the sword and the nature of Ye Hao was also a sword. Ye Shi started his sword, but Fan of the Ye family rarely used swords. After all, the kendo inheritance for so many years, compared with the rest of the inheritance, Ye Jia has a profound and profound approach in Kendo.

"Xuan Di, although I am higher than you, but I am not good at attacking, watching the strength that you have shown before, the swordsmanship is murderous. I want to be good at one blow, then you and I will work together. I am responsible for pinning the blood repair, and you will find the right time, a trick to make an enemy." Ye Hao out of the channel.

"Well, just follow my brother's words, but my brother should be careful." Lu Xuan handed the ball, Ye Hao was responsible for the containment, but it was more dangerous than killing, because when he was restrained, he would undoubtedly attract blood. Part of the attack, an inadvertent injury.

Ye Hao smiled confidently: "Reassured, my body is still decent. Although I can't kill him, I won't be touched by it. Otherwise, I won't visit most of the mountains and fight with some blood. It will be intact afterwards."

I saw that his voice was not falling, and a heavy footstep sounded in the distance. Lu Xuan’s face changed at the same time.

"Come on!" Ye Hao Shen Sheng.

"There seems to be a lot of fires." Lu Xuan frowned slightly. The last time he fought with Xue Xiuluo, there seemed to be no other enemies involved. How could there be an evil spirit this time?

Ye Hao seems to suddenly sound like something, whispering: "Bad, I forgot a rule in the Shura Mountain."

"What rules?"

"In order to prevent people from squatting in the mountains, there is a rule in the Shura Mountain. The more people there are, the more enemies need to be dealt with. Now we are both together, I am afraid that in addition to dealing with the blood In addition, there are a lot of fires to deal with." Ye Hao eagerly explained, a blood repair Luo is already enough trouble, plus a group of skinny and thick inflammation, this battle is more than they imagined difficult.

Lu Xuan did not expect this kind of thing, the thoughts quickly turned, and then the channel: "This way, you will lead the blood Xiu Luo, try to entangle it for a while, I will quickly smash, this group will be as soon as possible The demon is going to kill."

"It can only be like this." Ye Hao nodded and agreed.

At this moment, a dozen tall figure has appeared in front of the two, the leader is a **** red **** red.

Ye Hao quickly glanced at him and said: "Twelve common inflammatory devils, Xuandi, can you deal with it?"

Lu Xuan tightened his sword in his hand: "It should be no problem, but if you want to kill them all, it may take a little while."

"No problem, I will try to drag the blood to repair, ready, I am going." Ye Hao said.

Seeing Lu Xuan nodded, Ye Hao took a deep breath and suddenly urged the body. The whole person rushed toward the fire like a string of arrows.

"Hey!" When I saw Ye Hao’s attack, many of the singers uttered a deafening sound of loud noise, and even after a dozen or so large rocks flew toward the leafhoppers, if they were so one or two, I am afraid not to die. Also disabled.

Ye Hao dare to boast of blood repair, the body is really not bad, the shape of the rapid flight suddenly stagnate, then pulled out three feet high, the danger of avoiding this wave of fire, but he is too late to Song Yi Tone, it is to see a **** whistling, blood repair Luo hands!

The speed of blood repair is very fast, it is not comparable to the ordinary inflammatory demon. With a wave of hands, a red-hot magma with a burning scent comes directly to the leaves, and Ye Hao drank, a sword sweep Out, the sword whistling, in an instant, this magma was smashed, but closely followed, the blood Xiu Luo was close to his body, his arm waved, directly grabbed Ye Hao's sword.

Has successfully attracted the attack of the blood repair Luo, where Ye Hao will hit him hard, the long sword circulates, after resisting this attack, the squatting is to retreat three feet, began to lead the blood repair.

Seeing that the blood Xiu Luo was chasing after Ye Hao, Lu Xuan did not hesitate, and suddenly rushed over to the twelve heads of the fire left in the original place, and the star was unreservedly shot.

"Hey!" The sorcerer began to sing in unison. From the ground, a huge stone was thrown at Lu Xuan, trying to stop Lu Xuan's momentum.

However, Lu Xuan is the same as the sword. Under the low drink, the endless thunder ball instantly condenses out, and even the pile of boulders that came out of the flaming magic rushed over.

Rumble! A series of sounds of blasting came, and the solid volcanic rock was blown up under the action of the sinister thunder. At this time, Lu Xuan's body directly rushed into a group of fires, and when they had not had time to react, a sword directly stabbed the foremost flame.

Falling a star, the strength is huge, let alone the destructive law of this destructive force, only a sword, Lu Xuan is completely destroyed the vitality of this inflammation.

Nowadays, the situation is critical, and I don’t know how long Ye Hao can support in the blood of Xiu Luo. Lu Xuan naturally does not dare to have the slightest effort. The shot is all killing, and this must be the fastest speed. When the magic is gone, it is only possible to join hands with Ye Hao to fight against the blood.

At this moment, Ye Hao did not leave too far, and he was fighting in the vicinity. Once he really ran away, the blood Xiu Luo would inevitably leave him, directly attack Lu Xuan, and face the attack of the blood Xiu Luo and the inflammation. Lu Xuan is really dangerous. Just now he saw Lu Xuan’s sword killing a sinister evil. He couldn’t help but increase his confidence. All the swordsmanship was displayed, fighting with the blood, and not seeking merit.

Lu Xuan’s sword has killed a sinister, but he is also in danger. The remaining eleven sorcerers are also very responsive. The shots are attacked by Lu Xuan, one time and four sides. All of them are attacks from the sorcerer. In so many tall and powerful sorcerers, Lu Xuan seems to be a child, and looks very dangerous.

"Wind cream enchantment!" Lu Xuan violently screamed, the body's hurricane ray of light swelled, and in an instant it formed an enchantment in Lu Xuan's body, and the light continued to flow, followed by countless roads. Heavy fists blasted over the wind and enchantment, and the entire enchantment was recessed for a time.

Lu Xuan's wind and frost enchantment, finally can not withstand so many attacks, the bang broke into countless pieces, turned into a breeze to eliminate invisible, but it is ultimately to give Lu Xuan a valuable time.

"Wind - Volume - Residual - Cloud!"

The low humming sound, a fierce sword, bursting out with Lu Xuan as the center! This sword is like sweeping the mountains and rivers, destroying everything that dares to block.

Since it is necessary to eliminate this group of fires at the fastest speed, Lu Xuan will certainly not have the slightest hand to keep a hand, and one shot is the killing skill of the bottom of the box.

At the beginning, Lu Xuan relied on this style of wind and cloud, and blocked the siege of Sikong North and Sikong Tiancai in one fell swoop, and won a glimmer of life. How can these inflammatory demons resist?

As the sword gas swept out, the eight-headed enchantress was instantly cut off by the waist, and the remaining three heads of the demon were also two broken arms, and only one sinister was only slightly injured. (To be continued~^~)

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