Chapter 282

A few minutes ago.

Sikorski, led by Tokugawa Mitsunari, came to the underground arena.

Standing in the middle of the arena, Sikorski looked around.

Take a deep breath and refresh your face.

“It’s a good place to smell of blood that hasn’t dried up yet.”

Almost as soon as he entered, Sikorski felt familiar.

At the same time, he also reacted that what he wanted, he could get here.


Looking at Sikorsky’s back, Tokugawa Mitsunari, his body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

“That’s right, the blood of the Tokugawa family flowing in my body reminds me…

“The inexplicable palpitations these days will be revealed this evening!”

Tokugawa Mitsunari’s expression was tense and serious, and his eyes flashed, and he couldn’t see the turbidity of the old man at all.

“If you want to determine the real strong, it is only here!” Tokugawa Mitsunari thought with excitement, and even his breathing became a little rapid.

He really likes duels between the strong.

Especially to witness the showdown of the strong.

This liking even surpassed his love of his life.


There was a slight noise from the audience, which attracted his and Sikorski’s attention.

When he saw the source of the noise, Tokugawa Mitsunari had an excited and panicked smile on his face.

I saw that in the audience, different figures appeared at the exit of the white tiger and the exit of the green dragon.


“Welcome! Welcome!! ”

With the sound of footsteps from far and near, four figures appeared in the light.

It was at the same time that he escaped from prison and came to Neon Tokyo, the other four of the five death row inmates.

Dorian, Liu Longguang, Sbek, Doer.

Plus Sikorsky.

People are together.

“Grunt…,” Tokugawa Mitsunari spat, cold sweat breaking out of his forehead.

These are the five death row prisoners.

Everyone easily escaped from a heavily defended prison and killed strongmen of several, if not dozen, prison guards.

Any one existence would give people an extremely terrible sense of oppression, let alone now when five death row inmates stand together.

The icy slaughter that permeated the air made even Tokugawa Mitsunari’s breath freeze.

If you change someone, I am afraid that I will have been frightened and mentally collapsed to the point of and urine.

Tokugawa Mitsunari’s gaze lingered for a moment on Sbek and Dorian’s bodies.

“This person called Sbek was shot several times, and after the battle with Mo Wen, it was not a big deal, and the one named Dorian was also . .”

“I heard that even Yudi Katsumi suffered at his hands, is this the strength of the death row prisoners?”

“Sure enough, any one is not to be underestimated!”

Tokugawa Mitsunari secretly said in his heart, leaving without a trace, and placed on the other three.

By common sense.

When these death row inmates who come here for the same purpose encounter each other, they should unleash murderous aura and be hostile to each other.

But now they are standing together in peace, even forming a strange peace.

That’s because at first glance, death row inmates can see that they all belong to the same kind of people.

And fighting with the same kind is not in line with their original intention of coming here.

If the envoys really win, they will not be satisfied in the slightest.

Coupled with the fact that everyone is a proud existence, the victory makes them confident that they will not lose when they meet anyone.

So they don’t look at each other at all, but get close to each other, and casually let themselves and each other touch each other’s absolute realm.

“They, you called them?”

Looking at the four people in front of him, Sikorski asked Tokugawa Mitsunari.

Before Tokugawa Mitsunari told himself that he could let himself taste a defeat.

Only then did I think that these people were found by Tokugawa.

And it has to be said.

“These people are all good.” The corners of Sikorsky’s mouth curled into a cold arc, and his heart was satisfied.

“No, no, no, I didn’t call them!” Tokugawa Mitsunari grinned, his face full of joy and nervousness, “Calling them here… It is the blood that seeps under this arena and mixes with earth and rocks…”

“And the blood in their own bodies!”

It’s fast.

You will soon see the showdown of the strong.

Looking up at these prisoners who exuded a dangerous aura, Tokugawa Mitsunari spread out his arms and said with joy: “Welcome, I want to ask you, why are you here?” ”

The five death row inmates looked at Tokugawa Mitsunari at the same time, a short and fragile old man.

For this old man who can be killed with one finger, several death row inmates are not much interested in answering his questions.

But I followed the feeling of the underworld and came to this strange country.

And it was a little unexpected to meet the old man, an ordinary person, in this bloody place.

Maybe his long-cherished wish can be fulfilled by this old man.

“Before answering this question, I heard that there is a teenager known as the strongest here, do you know him?”

Dorian looked down at Tokugawa Mitsunari in front of him and asked.

Tokugawa Mitsunari looked at him and saw that Dorian was still wearing a sweatshirt and trousers, but his left sleeve was missing, and his left arm was still in a plaster cast at his elbow.

And that plaster cast because Dorian’s arm muscles are too developed, they are about to catch up with the thickness of people’s waist.

As for the other injuries, Tokugawa could not see it.

“Oh, it seems that I am not the only one who wants to know the news of that teenager~”

Another voice came, and Tokugawa looked sideways.

It’s Sbek.

Compared with Dorian, who only had a plaster cast on his left arm, Sbek was undoubtedly much more tragic in appearance.

The two exposed arms and ankles were tightly tied with bandages.

Under the open collar, the thick chest muscles that far exceeded ordinary people were also exposed with bandages.

Discerning people can see that his strong body, which is difficult to hide in his large hospital gown, must be like an ancient Egyptian mummy.

And Sbek’s nose is taped to gauze.

It is not difficult for everyone to know how serious the injuries he has suffered.

Of course, the death row inmates don’t care about Sbek, they care about the strongest teenager in the two people.

The death row prisoners present are not simple, and they can see from the breath and bone structure and muscle movement that Dorian and Sbek’s strength is extraordinary.

Even if they are confident they can win, defeating either of these two will cost a lot.

But now these two powerful peers are actually asking a teenager, suspected of being planted in the hands of that teenager.

This undoubtedly aroused the interest of the remaining three death row inmates.

Sikorski laughed: “I thought about it, the judo champion before also mentioned a junior champion, is it?” ”

“Eh… I do know him, there have been competitions here before, he won the championship, but…”

Before Tokugawa Mitsunari could finish speaking, he was interrupted by someone else.

“Interesting, I want to fight him.” Liu Longguang’s face was expressionless, and his eyes were filled with coldness.

If you look closely, you will find that his hands are faintly surging.

“As long as he is a strong man and can give me a taste of failure, I can.”

Duoer’s fingers moved slightly, making a faint clicking sound.

Except for Tokugawa Mitsunari, those present were all real and strong.

When these strong people get excited and serious, the momentum they emit will be distorted even the air.

“Wait, wait, you listen to me!”

Tokugawa Mitsunari quickly waved his hand, he didn’t want these people to go to Mo Wen.

In his heart, he wants more favorite martial artists to face these (Zhao) death row prisoners.

Just when Tokugawa Mitsunari opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something.

The voices of young people suddenly came from the audience.

“Old man, these people are right.”

Hearing this voice, Tokugawa Mitsunari’s face was delighted.

“Blade teeth!”

Several other death row inmates also looked over and saw a teenager wearing a white shirt and ripped jeans walking down from the audience.

“Is that the champion?” Sikorsky’s eyes narrowed and he asked.

“Not him.” Dorian shook his head.


Sikorsky, Duoer, and Willow lost interest.

But soon, the eyes of the death row prisoners were once again attracted by a voice.

“Yo, Tokugawa, you let me find everyone I was looking for.”

I saw Tokugawa Mitsunari behind him, wearing an eye patch to reveal his one-eyed face, and his face was full of stubble, like the foolish man of a pirate ship captain, and he didn’t know when he appeared.

Along with him, there are Shibukawa Takeki, Liehaiwang, and Hanayama Smoke.

The moment they saw them, the death row inmates in the arena knew.

These people are all strong!


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