Chapter 283


When he saw Yudi walking alone and Shibukawa Gangqi beside him, the Fierce Sea King, and Hanayama Smoke.

Tokugawa Mitsunari beamed.

As early as when he received that death row prisoners had landed in Tokyo, he contacted the foolish place far away in the mountains.

And please foolishly call other masters alone and go to the underground arena.

As for why it’s an underground arena.

Tokugawa Mitsunari can only be said to be intuition.

It was the throbbing of Tokugawa’s blood that told him.

Now, they are here!

If you add Mo Wen, then this duel will…

“Wait, what about Mo Wen? Didn’t he come? ”

Tokugawa Mitsunari suddenly found that there was one less important person present.

“Eh… He said he had something to do and just came. “It’s a little embarrassing to go it alone, and I didn’t specify the reason why I couldn’t hear it.

But how clever Tokugawa Mitsunari was, he knew almost instantly that Mo Wen was not interested in this confrontation between Moyori and Li.

Otherwise it is impossible not to come.

“…… OK, that’s just the right number of people. Although the most important person was not present, he was inevitably a little disappointed.

But Tokugawa Mitsunari was still very excited.

The two groups stood face to face in the arena, looking at each other.

Tokugawa Mitsunari looked at the five death row inmates of different shapes and said, “As I said earlier, not long ago, this arena gathered 38 martial artists and held a knockout match. ”

He looked serious, and said indifferently with pride in his tone: “For now, this underground elimination tournament can probably be said to be on the earth in terms of content and level——”

“The biggest, the latest, the strongest!”

“Never seen in history, enough to boast, the best fighting competition!”

Tokugawa Mitsunari paused and continued:

“Although the last person to dominate this competition is not here now, this teenager of the same age as the champion next to me is an existence comparable to the one who fought in a short period of time.”

“Beat the crowd and finally won the runner-up.”

He pointed to the Fan Ma blade teeth standing beside him, with a lazy expression but hidden sharp teeth.

The voice just fell.

The eyes of the five death row inmates simultaneously looked at Fan Ma’s blade teeth.

Cold, disdainful, playful, all kinds of malicious eyes looked at him.

Although their faces were expressionless, the piercing and murderous gaze mixed in it made the cold hairs of Fan Ma’s blade teeth stand up, and their expressions changed slightly.

“This feeling is really…”

“It’s exciting.”

Fan Ma’s blade teeth were only slightly stunned before recovering, and at the same time, the young man’s handsome face faintly showed a smile.

He was not afraid at all.

The intensity of the eyes of these five people was compared to his father, or compared to Mo Wen.

Too much difference.

The death row prisoners looked at Fan Ma’s blade for a while, and then withdrew their gaze.

Didn’t look any more.

Tokugawa Mitsunari didn’t notice this, and continued, “Maybe the values that you guys hold for this knockout tournament are far from mine, but… Sikorski. ”


Hearing the old man call him by name, Sikorski looked at Tokugawa Mitsunari.

“Before coming here, the so-called fighting competitions were rehearsed no matter how many times, they were fake… That’s what you said. ”

Sikorski chuckled and did not answer.

But everyone could see that he thought so.

“Now the other five people besides you are not selected from the second to sixth place pick, and it is better to fight in real combat than to compete.”

Tokugawa Mitsunari spread out his arms and looked at the death row prisoners in front of him and said aloud: “Just like you said before, come on it for real!” And still in everyday life that cannot be predicted! ”

“In this situation, I can best use my ability to respond to contingencies, and based on this standard, I selected these five fighters.”

“I heard that all of you are expecting defeat, and based on this situation, I think each of the five people here has the ability to fulfill your wishes!”


Tokugawa Mitsunari spoke freely and looked expectantly at the five death row inmates in front of him.

He was sure that these death row inmates would not refuse.

Instead, he will happily agree to the challenge.

After all, didn’t these death row prisoners come to Tokyo thousands of miles to seek defeat?

He’s satisfying them!

However, just when Tokugawa Mitsunari was confident and waiting for the death row prisoners to agree.

But I heard someone in front of me say lightly:

“Are you mistaken?”

Dorian was expressionless, and his eyes were glazing with icy colors at Tokugawa.

“What, what do you mean?”

Tokugawa Mitsunari was stunned for a moment, frightened into a cold sweat by Dorian’s gaze, and stepped back a little.

“I just want to know where the boy named Wen Mo is now, as for these people, I am not interested.” Dorian said in a flat cold voice.

If it had been before, he might have happily agreed to Tokugawa Mitsunari.

In particular, there are foolish people in it who are expected to be treated.

But now, he couldn’t see it.

All he was thinking about now was the handsome boy with black hair and black eyes, tall and tall, who easily knocked him down.

Although Dorian was knocked unconscious by Mo Wen, he did not think he had lost.

He is not dead, and there are many means he has not used.

If all the means were out, Dorian felt he had the possibility of winning.

More importantly, Mo Wen is too strong.

So strong that it has touched the ‘taboo’ in his heart.

This gave Dorian fear for the first time in decades and made him almost break his heart.

So, Dorian must find Mo Wen.

Then defeat him, kill him!

Only in this way can he ‘mend’ his heart with the pleasure of winning.

“Looking for Mo Wen? But he’s not here now, you can…” Tokugawa Mitsunari looked flustered and wanted to explain.

That’s not right.

How things turned out differently than he thought.

Shouldn’t they have happily agreed?

But before Tokugawa could finish speaking, he was interrupted by another death row inmate.

“Ah, I also want to know where he is.”

Sbek stepped forward with a smile on his face.

“Can you tell me where to find Wen Mo.”

“All I think about now is him, although the five people here can also do it, but after thinking about it, I still think that the teenager can make me enjoy it more~”

“I also want to give him back the ‘gift’ he left on me.”

Sbek stood beside Dorian and looked down at Tokugawa Mitsunari, with a terrifying grin at the corners of his mouth.

The eyelashes on the crescent-like little eyes were raised high, revealing a blessed expression with a high degree of homo as if missing a lover.

If this perverted expression is seen by Mo Wen, I am afraid that he will hammer Sbek’s head on the spot.

However, no one here, including Tokugawa Mitsunari, actually thought there was anything wrong with Sbek’s expression.

Because, they can understand.

But understanding is understanding, but it is unacceptable.

Although only Dorian and Sbek expressed their opinions.

But the expressions of the other three death row inmates also showed the meaning of ‘only want to fight the strongest people’.

“Hehe, we’re underestimated.”

Yudi let out a low sneer while clenching his fists.

That’s right, that’s how it feels.

This desire and anger to fight!

“It’s normal, after all, everyone wants to play against the best people, who makes us not champions.” Fan Ma put his hands in his pockets and sighed.

The Fierce Sea King was expressionless, as always indifferent.

Shibukawa Gang smiled angrily and did not speak, and Hanayama drank a very high degree of whiskey, and did not see any reaction.

And Tokugawa Mitsunari listened to the words of Sbek and Dorian, his face became gloomy for the first time.

He raised his head, looked directly at the two death row prisoners who looked like giants to him in front of him, and said, “Speaking of which, you should have already lost!” ”




The two death row inmates were stunned for a moment.

Not only them, but the other death row prisoners were also stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered their indifference, and even had a trace of contempt at the corners of their mouths.

Tokugawa Mitsunari looked at Dorian and Sbek, and said in a deep voice: “The injuries on your body, including being sent to the Metropolitan Police Department, are proof that you have been defeated, according to the actual situation, haven’t your wishes been fulfilled?” ”

“Why are you here?”

Fan Ma Blade and the others also looked at Dorian and Sbek respectively.

If it’s them, in a short time after being defeated by someone.

will not continue to challenge.

But will death row prisoners have the same philosophy as they do?

Sure enough, after Tokugawa Mitsunari finished speaking.

Dorian looked indifferent and said without the slightest expression: “Although he knocked me out, I can still move now, so I am not defeated.” ”

“But you were already in a coma! During this time when you are in a coma, Mo Wen can kill you at any time! Tokugawa Mitsunari said excitedly.

“But he didn’t kill me, did he?”

Dorian voiced without any emotion, as if stating a normal fact.

This attitude silenced Tokugawa Mitsunari.

He looked at the other death row inmates.

The remaining four, including Sbek, had no objection to that claim.

This means that they share Dorian’s philosophy.

Tokugawa Mitsunari took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and said: “No matter what you say, it will not change the fact that you were defeated by Mo Wen, and even if you find him now, the result of exhausting all means will not change in any way.” ”

“His strength is beyond the imagination of you, including all of us.”

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the prisoners in front of them, as if they were about to laugh, Tokugawa Mitsunari said something that shocked them.

“The strongest creature on the surface – Yujiro Vanma, you should have heard his name, right?”

“And Mo Wen, not only can he face off head-to-head with Fan Ma Yujiro!”

“Don’t even fall into the wind!”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the five death row prisoners suddenly changed drastically.


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