Chapter 284

Tokugawa Mitsunari’s voice just fell.

The faces of the five death row prisoners suddenly changed drastically.

“What did you say!?”


“I can actually talk to that person…”

As a death row prisoner wanted by various countries and wandered the world for many years.

How could I not have heard of the daimyo of Yujiro Fanma.


The strongest creature on the surface.

The power of individuals alone has subjugated the most powerful country on the planet, even allowing it to unilaterally declare treaties of friendship.

All kinds of deeds that people could not dream of were easily realized in that man.

If there is a title of “wrist powerer” in this world.

That must be for him.

Yujiro Fanma!

This is an existence that makes martial artists and martial artists all over the world eager to challenge!

But it was such an existence that they actually heard that someone could confront them head-on so as not to fall behind.

Still a 17-year-old teenager.

So how powerful is this young man’s true strength!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the death row prisoners suddenly bloomed with an indescribable blazing light.

Death row prisoners who were originally only interested in Mo Wen are now igniting an incomparably huge desire to fight.

Including Sbek, who fought Mo Wen, Dorian is the same.


Be sure to fight that teenager again!

“Even if you find him, the result will not change from before.” Tokugawa Mitsunari sneered, and at the same time his voice interrupted the thinking of the death row prisoners.

“Old man, tell me his address immediately!”

Duoer stepped forward and said to Tokugawa Mitsunari with a bright eye.

And Sikorski is more direct than he is.

Without saying a word, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed Tokugawa Mitsunari, but he grabbed it empty.

Because foolishly walking alone is one step faster than him.

Holding Tokugawa’s collar in one hand and putting him behind him, Fan Ma Blade Fang, Liehai King and others stepped forward to protect him.

“Hehe, old man, you are also too risky, knowing that these people are death row prisoners and seducing them.”

Facing the five death row prisoners who erupted into a cold murderous aura, Foolish walked alone and laughed softly.

That burly body was washed away by the evil thoughts released by the five death row inmates, like a rock in a river.

Seeing this, the expressions of the death row prisoners changed slightly, and they looked at the foolish lone step that they had ignored before.

I can’t imagine that this is still a good prey.

If it is an ordinary person who releases a malicious aura in front of them, I am afraid that he will faint in an instant.

Even those so-called first-class players can’t be as foolish as if they were alone.

Not to mention that there are five more such people in front of them.

Plus that junior champion.

Ah, it’s so right to be here.

The five death row inmates thought happily in their hearts.

Although Tokugawa Mitsunari was almost attacked, his love of martial arts made him not angry.

He noticed the change in the expressions of the death row prisoners for the first time, and he immediately said: “These five martial artists around me have all fought with Mo Wen, and they are masters of the masters. ”

“If you can defeat them, I will help you contact Mo Wen and create a chance for you to fight.”



The five death row prisoners set their sights on Yudi Dubu, Fan Ma Blade Tooth, Fierce Sea King, Shibukawa Gangqi, and Hanayama Yan.

And Fan Ma Blade and the others did not dispute Tokugawa Mitsunari’s words, although it made them look like they were one level below Mo Wen.

But as people who have fought with Mo Wen, they know how strong Mo Wen’s strength is.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fierce beast in human skin.

If you really want these death row prisoners to find Mo Wen, then they have no part to shoot.

“Defeat us to challenge Mo Wen, hehe, how does it sound so much like the plot in the novel where the brave must defeat the demon king before he can challenge the demon king.” Shibukawa just lifted his glasses and teased with a grin.

“Although it’s very similar to hearing you say this, what I care more about is Mr. Shibukawa, you actually read novels? Aren’t you a ‘martial arts master’? Fan Ma Jianya didn’t care about the first half of Shibu Chuan’s anger, but when he heard the second half, he couldn’t help but ask.

“Can’t ‘martial arts masters’ read novels? You are biased. ”

Shibukawa Gang glanced angrily at Fan Ma’s blade teeth and said lightly.


Fan Ma scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Oh, these two guys.” Yu Di heard the two people behind him chatting and laughing alone.

Death row inmates silently observe the five martial artists.

It is clear that the opponent is in front of them, but they are able to relax and talk.

However, from the body movements of the two people who are talking, it can be seen that as long as they and others have any behavior, the two people who are talking will probably react faster than the big bald head in front.

As for the silent Xia Guo next to him and the young man with scars on his face.

They didn’t speak though.

But the will revealed by that look and the strong momentum are enough to show that they are ready to start.

It is undeniable that these people are different from the people they have dealt with before.

Anyway, the junior champion won’t run, so what’s the case.

“I’m okay with that.”

Liu Longguang was the first to agree, looking at Shibukawa with gloomy eyes.

“As long as it is a strong person, it is the same to fight anyone.” Door nodded.

“Hehe, these guys are good, I like them.” Sikorski put his hands in the pockets of his trench coat and answered with a low smile.

“Name the address if you win? Then I’ll promise you. Sbek smiled and looked at the Blade Tooth, as if looking at his beloved item.

“I hope you keep your promise.” Dorian said in a deep voice, his indifferent gaze on the foolish lone step in the front.

And Foolish Dubu also looked at him and grinned.

“That’s it!”

Tokugawa Mitsunari was beaming, and the duel he had been waiting for was finally about to begin!

“The rule is…”

“It doesn’t matter what the rules are, the five of us will challenge the five of you at will, and vice versa.”

Shibukawa interrupted him angrily and said with a smile: “No matter the time, place, there are no rules. ”

“When eating, sleeping, even when playing with women.”

“Let’s start here today, after all…”

“It’s called actual combat, isn’t it?”

The empty underground arena echoed Shibukawa’s words.

The atmosphere fell into a dead silence.

Tokugawa Mitsunari swallowed with difficulty, cold sweat running down his sideburns.

From the moment the words fell, his body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

This pent-up tension sent Tokugawa’s adrenaline rushing and his breathing short.

The crisis instinct of the body warns him and tells him to leave quickly.

But Tokugawa Mitsunari not only didn’t want to run, but even had an excited smile on his face.


This is his long-awaited showdown of the strong!

Although it is not explicitly said, everyone knows.

The battle, has begun.


Fan Ma snorted and turned and walked towards the exit.

“I still have to go to school tomorrow, so I will go back first.”

“Good night, everyone.”

Although I would like to start right away, I can’t leave my studies behind.

Thinking that Mo Wen did not go to school every day, his grades always ranked in the top three in school.

“There is strength, good looks, or a big rich, even studying is so good.”

“Let no one live.”

Fan Ma muttered softly in his mouth and left in his pocket.

Everyone looked at his back and looked at each other.

Tokugawa Mitsunari coughed, “The game has begun, everyone disband.” ”

Shibugawa Gangki and the others dispersed with a smile, and Tokugawa Mitsunari also left.

“This stinky boy, how did you tell the information, what if they find the school?” Tokugawa Mitsunari said secretly in his heart, looking at several death row inmates, hoping that they did not hear.

Apparently, the five death row inmates did not hear the muttering of the blades, but chose to leave separately.

Just as he was breathing a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw a tall figure following behind Yudi alone.


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