The official history compilation committee has plenty of time to evacuate the people, block the location of the incident, and conduct intelligence management and control. .

Chapter 238

Fortunately, the battle between Yu Gong, Luo Hao, Monkey King and others did not affect the unexpected area of ​​Sunlight Mountain.

Although Toshogu and its surroundings were completely destroyed, the impact was manageable.

Therefore, the work of the official historiography committee is not too heavy.

"What about the people behind you? Is there any reaction~?"

Yu Gong's words suddenly changed.

On the bright side, the administrator of the neon spell world of the Official History Compilation Committee-.

In fact, the existence who truly controls the world of neon magic is Susa-no-o who lives in the realm of life and immortality.

Sun Wukong will be kept in captivity in the West Heaven Palace, and Susano's man "has the greatest contribution".


Saya Gongxin, who is good at communication, rarely falls into a daze when talking to people.

Who is behind the codification committee? Could it be that Yumiya is referring to...

"Old gentlemen, no."

Saye Gongxin didn't dare to hide Yu Gong.

If it is concealed, it may anger him.

Furthermore, Yumiya clearly knew about the existence of Susanoo and the others, so it was pointless to hide it.

"It's counted as your acquaintance."

Yugiya only has a slight affection for Princess Glass Hitomi.

If Susanoo wanted to find trouble, Hanamiya would not tolerate him.


After chatting a few more words, Saye Gongxin bid farewell.

Yu Gong, Chi Yuan and others just left Neon after playing in Nikko for a few days, just as he said.

Ancient country, JX province.

"Lord Yugiya," the followers of the "Five Prisons" sent a letter."

Liliana handed a letter to Yumiya.


Yumiya opened the envelope and took out the letter to check.

The general content of the letter is quite ordinary.

Luo Hao was grateful for Yu Palace's help and invited him to visit Lushan Mountain.

"Lord Yu Gong, whose letter is it?"

Asking about the contents of the master's letter is not what a knight should do.

However, Liliana couldn't contain her curiosity.

"Luo Hao's letter..."

It's just an invitation, there's no need to hide it.

"Invitation from Patriarch Luo Hao?"

Liliana's eyes became strange.

Even Sect Master Luo Hao couldn't escape Yu Gong's palm?


France, Brittany.

By the clear lake, Guinevere sat by the lake, observing the alloy disc in her hand.

Originally, there was only one "sword" pattern on the alloy disc, but now there is one more.

"Did something happen again? My beloved daughter."

The knight in the lake spoke up and talked to Guinevere.

"Another **** of 'steel' died."

Guinevere answered with a frown.

"who is it?"

There were fluctuations in the gentle voice of the knight.

He is also a member of the "Steel" God of War. Hearing the news of the death of the same kind, he is inevitably a little emotional.

"Sun Wukong."

A few days ago, Guinevere secretly went to Neon to investigate the specific situation.

"The Great Sage Monkey King of the ancient country?"


"Have those heroes also been defeated? Was the person who killed him the Hagiya Margot Royd you mentioned last time?"

"It's not Yugiya Margot Royd, it's the ancient godslayer, Lord Luo Hao."

"But, Hannomiya Margot Royd helped."

The death of Sun Wukong is inseparable from Yu Gong, which is not what Guinevere wanted.

When in Venice, Feather Palace left a serious psychological shadow on Guinevere.

Guinevere didn't want to have anything to do with Yu Gong, lest there be an accident.

"If there is a chance, I really want to meet him for a while."

Hagiya caught the knight's attention.

The warrior's intuition tells the knight that Humiya is an opponent who can fight to the fullest.

"Uncle, Guinevere will ask for your help when it's time to run out."

Guinevere won't ask the knights to take action unless it's a last resort.

This is her last trump card.

"I hope you can hold back your desire for your opponent and wait for that moment to come."

"How do you want to deal with Hagiya Margot Royd?"

The duty of a knight is to protect Guinevere.

It is best to fight against a strong enemy, and it doesn't matter if you can't.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Uncle, I don't need to deal with Hagiya Margotloyd."

In Guinevere's eyes, a fierce light that did not match her cute appearance flashed.

Instead of trying to stop Yu Gong, she wanted to help Yu Gong.

"He wants to kill the war **** of 'steel', so let him kill it."

"The more Yunomiya Margot Royd kills, the better for us."


the next day.

Yu Gong, who had informed Chiyuan, Bianca and others, set off for Lushan.

Lushan Mountain, a certain open area.

The open area has a pavilion with only a roof and no walls.

This pavilion is where Yu Gong and Luo Hao met.


There were two white tiger skins on the pavilion's floor. They each occupied a white tiger skin and sat opposite each other across the table.

"Please use."

Luo Hao made a gesture of invitation.

There were several large plates on the table in front of the two of them, and the plates contained dishes.

The dishes are exquisite in appearance and full of color and flavor. Even, it is not an exaggeration to describe it with art.

People who don't understand food can also see that they must come from the hands of top chefs.

"I don't know how to thank you. I made these dishes myself. Let me express my gratitude."

"My promise is still valid. If you need my help with something, I will not refuse."

"I remember."

Yumiya picked up the chopsticks and tasted it politely.

"It seems to suit your taste, I'm relieved."

Seeing Yu Gong's eating happily, Luo Hao said with a satisfied smile.

"It suits your taste? Your cooking skills are number one among the people I know."

Yu Gong didn't compliment Luo Hao, he was telling the truth.

Luo Hao's cooking skills, like her martial arts, are god-level.

Unfortunately, she felt that cooking would lose her status as a god-killer.

Not only did he refuse to cook, but he also concealed that he knew how to cook.

Wanting to eat Luo Hao's own cooking is more difficult than meeting the **** of disobedience.


The curvature of Luo Hao's mouth slowly expanded.

PS: The next chapter dies after midnight.

Chapter 239

"I haven't cooked for more than 60 years, and my craftsmanship hasn't regressed much."

"I wasted a lot of time cooking just now, and I thought I couldn't do it well."

Showing cooking skills is not Luo Hao's original intention.

But she was still very happy to receive such a high evaluation from Yu Gong.

"Haven't you tried it?"

Yumiya is very strange.

Whether it is delicious or not, you will know if you try it yourself.

"Have a taste."

Luo Hao doesn't know if there are any chefs who can cook a perfect meal without trying.

Her cooking skills are not at that level.

"But my taste should be different from yours."


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