Luo Hao is a hermit living in the mountains and forests, while Yu Gong is a modern person who is accustomed to urban life.

Two people's tastes cannot be the same.

"Your three-one-three worry is justified, but it's totally unnecessary."

"No matter how picky you are, no matter how you hate a certain taste, you will happily eat your dishes."


The two chatted while admiring the scenery of Mount Lu.

The mountains are green and the peaks are snow-capped.

The blue sky is dazzling and clean.

This beauty is absolutely impossible to see in a city full of all kinds of pollution.

"At night, the sky on Mount Lu will look better."

After clearing all the food on the table, Yu Gong put down the tableware.

"Do you want to see it? Are you walking that night?"

Luo Hao did not tell Yu Gong the answer, but invited him to stay for a while longer.

"it is good."

The beautiful natural scenery has the effect of cleansing the mind and pulling out the hostility in the body.

To appreciate the beauty of Mount Lu, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.


Yu Gong and Luo Hao sat in the pavilion enjoying the breeze and chatting.

The conversation between the two mainly focused on martial arts.

Luo Hao is a person who pursues the ultimate in martial arts and longs to reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

Her dedication to martial arts surpasses everything else.

Yu Gong has been in the martial arts for many years, even Luo Hao's fraction is not enough.

Fortunately, he has Chiyuan's martial arts foundation, and his martial arts attainments are quite profound.

Not to mention discussing with Luo Hao, it is not a problem to guide her.

Time, bit by bit, passed by.

Suddenly, night falls.


Luo Hao, who was immersed in the world of martial arts, accidentally raised his head and found that the sky was full of stars.

"Sorry, when it comes to martial arts..."

Luo Hao sincerely apologized to Yu Gong.

He dragged Yu Gong and chatted for so long that he couldn't even spare time to appreciate the scenery of Mount Lu.


In all fairness, a simple chat is extremely boring.

However, depending on who you are chatting with, the situation will change accordingly.

The target is Luo Hao, and I won't be bored by whatever Yu Gong does.

"You are for a generous man."

Luo Hao stood up and walked outside the pavilion.

"However, I can't ignore my mistakes because of this."

"The sky is clear..."

She recited the sing-song and activated the powerful, tiger-roaring, dragon-chanting Dafa.

A sudden gust of wind blew up the clouds in the sky.

In a short time, the clouds near Mount Lu all disappeared.

The half-covered night sky has turned into a cloudless scene. Looking around, there are only the moon and stars.

After dispelling the clouds, Luo Hao walked to the pavilion and picked up the Yueqin placed in the corner.


Put the piano piece on the table.


The melodious sound of the qin resounded along with the heavenly singing.

Luo Hao compensated Yu Gong with his unobstructed starry sky and piano skills.

"Ha ha."

Luo Hao's arrogance and super self-esteem are unexpectedly cute at certain times.

Obviously it's a small matter, but she makes a big fuss.

Yu Gong didn't dislike Luo Hao, on the contrary, he liked it very much.


In the world of godslayers, there should be no one who is more proficient in music theory than Luo Hao.

Even if you are interested, you can immerse yourself in it.

"How, I..."

Soon, the song ended, and Luo Hao opened his eyes.

At this moment, two arms wrapped around her body.

"you you......"

Needless to say, it was Yu Gong who was holding Luo Hao.

Suddenly being hugged, Luo Hao, who was in close contact with a man for the first time, blushed and his heart beat faster than ever...


Yu Gong lowered his head and sealed Luo Hao's lips.


I don't know if I'm stunned, or I don't want to struggle.

Luo Hao actually acquiesced to Yu Gong's "rude" behavior and did not resist.


After a few minutes, the two separated.

"Hugiya, do you like me?"

Luo Hao stared at Yu Gong in a daze, with complicated eyes.

Her voice was gentle and timid, but the seriousness and firmness contained in it was unquestionable.


Yumiya answered without hesitation.

Luo Hao's expression showed that his answer was related to the relationship between the two in the future.

Ruo Yugong denied that they would never get together again.

This is not a problem for Yu Gong, he never thought of denying it.

"You want me to be your woman? No way."

Luo Hao gently pushed Yu Palace away.

"Defeat me, I, Luo Cuilian, will serve you all my life willingly."

"it is good."

Yu Gong didn't want to fight Luo Hao.

But at the last level, he had to break through.

Yu Gong understood that this was the chance Luo Hao gave him.

If Luo Hao had no intention, Yu Gong would not be able to get her unless he used evil means.

At the same time, this is also the step that Luo Hao gave himself.

The martial arts supreme of the ancient country will not easily succumb to a man.


That night, Yu Gong and Luo Hao fought fiercely over Mount Lu.

The result is self-evident, the winner is Hanamiya.

The relationship between the two has now been established.

The next morning.

"I wish your husband a smooth journey."

Luo Hao folded his hands, pressed against his abdomen, and bent over to salute Yu Palace.

"You, you don't have to do this."

Since the relationship was confirmed, Luo Hao's attitude towards Yu Gong has changed 180 degrees.

Obedient, gentle, submissive.

It seems that everything is dominated by Yu Gong, a virtuous little wife.

PS: It's time to prepare for the next world. If you want to see it, you can say in the comment area. I will vote for a few.

Chapter 240

Yu Gong never imagined that the majestic and domineering Luo Hao still had the traditional female side of the ancient country.

"As a wife, you should respect your other half, and your husband doesn't have to worry about it."

Luo Hao said softly.

"You are the supreme martial artist, a god-killer."

Yu Gong helped Luo Hao up, cupped her face in both hands, and made her look at him.

"Only in front of your husband, I, I will..."

Luo Hao showed a shy and bright smile.

Mingming is very shy, but she still tries her best to show her most beautiful side.

Such a lovely sect leader is truly lovable.

Staring at Luo Hao for a moment, Yu Gong couldn't bear it any longer.



After parting with Luo Hao, Yu Gong returned to his residence.


When Hagiya came back, only two people were active in the living room. 14

Erica, Liliana.

"Where are Erica, Lily, Chiyuan, Bianca and Artemis?"

"The three adults said that a comfortable life will make people rust, so they went to practice."

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