
I don't know what Athena thought, but she didn't reject Yu Gong.


"I went back to my room."

This time, the two separated after a few minutes.

Athena got up from Hagiya and walked towards her room.

"Oh, right."

Walking to the door of the room, Athena suddenly stopped.

"I have nothing to do recently, and my concubine will stay in Tokyo for a while."

After speaking, Athena opened the door and entered the room.

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong couldn't help laughing.

Is Athena reminding herself that time is limited, so hurry up and attack her?

"Little girl."

Packing up his mood, Yu Gong turned his head to look in another direction.

In that direction, there is a room very close to Yumiya, and the owner of the room is Yuri Banrigani.

"Come out, Wanligu."


The door opened little by little.

Ke 370 saw that the person who opened the door was acting cautiously, and he didn't quite think about it.

"Yu, Yu Gong-sama."

Mariya Yuri, who walked out of the room, was completely red.

Her eyes wandered from side to side, and she didn't dare to contact Yu Gong at all.

"come over."

Yugiya beckoned to Yuri Banligu.

Previously, Banligu Yuri actually hid behind the door and peeked.

Presumably Athena also discovered her, but she didn't take it to heart.

"Master Yu Gong, is he angry?"

Wanli Gu Yuri's heart was covered with a cloud of gloom.

She came to Yu Gong with an uneasy mood.

Even if you are punished, you can't hold a grudge against Yu Gong.

Who told her that she couldn't control her eyes and insisted on peeking?

"Does it look good?"

Yugiya put his hand on top of Wanligu Yuri's head and stroked it gently.

"Lord Yu Gong, I, I didn't do it on purpose."

"I just, I just have something to do. I'm going to come to the living room to find you."

Yuri Wanligu spoke hesitantly, explaining reluctantly.

Yu Gong's movements were very gentle, which made her feel a little more comfortable.

But Mariya Yuri's mood was not relaxed, but even more nervous.

Maybe in the next second, my head will be...

"Don't worry, I didn't blame you."

Seeing Yuri Wanli Gu's nervous look for fear of breaking her head, Yu Gong wanted to laugh.

"Tell me, what do you have to do with me?"

"Huh, Yu Gong-sama is really a good person."

Hearing Yumiya say not to blame himself, Yuri Banligu heaved a sigh of relief.

"I want to say goodbye to you. After being out for so long, it's time for me to go home."

"Wanligu, are you living alone now?"

Instead of answering Yuri Banligu, Yugiya asked a seemingly unrelated question.

"Uh, yes."

Although he didn't understand Yumiya's intention, Yuri Banligu still told Yumiya obediently.

"Tomorrow, just as you are all here, I have something to say."

Yugiya persuaded Mariya Yuri to stay for one more day.

Some things can be put on the agenda.


Banligu Yuri agreed.

Just one day, not long.


When Yuri Banrigani returned to the room, Yumiya got in touch with Alice, who was far away in England.

He contacted Alice in order to understand the impact of the "Last King" incident.

As expected by Hagiya, the "King of the End" incident has spread (beff) all over the world.

In today's magic world, Yu Gong is the most famous person, no one.

The next day, in the morning.

"The Official History Compilation Committee..."

Saya Gongxin reported the progress of the finishing work to Yu Gong.

It should be said that it is indeed Saya Gongxin, a genius with the talent of a prime minister, who handled it quite well.

"Hamiya-sama, to a certain extent, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are the ruler of the world."

"Saya Palace, help me invite Bianca, Chiyuan and the others."

Whether it is the ruler of the world or not, Yu Gong doesn't really care.

After all, he is the master of the bloodthirsty raiding world.


Saye Gongxin has always been obedient to Yu Gong, almost obeying every word.

But at this time, she did not carry out Yu Gong's order.


Yu Gong looked at Saya Gongxin in surprise.

It's not that she's angry because she doesn't obey his orders, it's that she thinks she's a little strange.

The feeling is difficult to describe in words. What is certain is that Saye Gongxin is not the same as usual.

"Lord Yumiya, can I listen in?"

Sayaka asked quietly.


Yu Gong's voice suddenly froze.

Today, he intends to confess and tell the whole story of the time-travel.

I'm afraid it's not suitable for Saye Gongxin to be present.

"Shaye Palace, I..."

After thinking it over and over again, Yu Gong finally decided to exclude Sayaka Miyako.

"Sure enough."

Seeing Yu Gong's hesitation, Saye Gongxin's heart was filled with unspeakable bitterness.

It's not Yu Gong's fault, it's his own hiding too deep.

"Lord Yumiya."

Sayae Gongxin opened her hand and threw it into Yu Gong's arms like a swallow.

Bitterness is bitterness, and what you should strive for must not be let go.


Saya Gongxin's actions really surprised Yu Gong.

Although he sensed that there was something wrong with Saye Gongxin, he never imagined that Saye Gongxin would embrace him.

"I like to wear men's clothes, yes, but I'm also a girl."

In one sentence, Saya Gongxin's heart was fulfilled.

Only a fool can't understand.

"All right."

Yu Gong embraced Sayaka Miyako with both hands.

In Shaye Gongxin's confession, he heard a touch of grievance and an unconcealed ease.

Obviously, this feeling has been held back in Saye Gongxin's heart for a long time.

Maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months, maybe a few years.

"Xin, why did you choose to say it today?"


Among the seventeen years, today is the happiest day for Saye Gongxin. .

Chapter 334

Even if he entered the official history compilation committee a few years ago and held an important position like the head of the Tokyo branch, it would not be comparable.

Yu Gong changed his title from a slightly different, polite Saya Palace to an intimate "Xin."

This undoubtedly means that Yu Gong accepted her.

From the perspective of a young girl in bloom, this is the most important thing.

After all, it is a matter of life.

"Intuition tells me that if I miss this opportunity, I will regret it for a long, long time."


Yu Gong had to sigh that a woman's intuition is really terrifying.

In addition, Saya Gongxin's acting skills are really superb.

If Saya Gongxin continues to hide her intentions, then Yu Gong will go to the next world without knowing it.

At that time, the interaction between the two will be greatly reduced.

Even if Saye Gongxin can find the right time, she doesn't know what year and month to wait.

"Okay, let's go."

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