Sayaka Gongxin is a beautiful girl, and she is smart and capable.

She threw her arms in her arms, and there was no reason for Yu Gong to refuse.

"Remember to call Wanli Gu as well."

"As ordered, hee hee."

Sayae Gongxin took the initiative to move forward and tapped Yu Gong's lips.

Then, he left the living room like a happy bird.

Hagiya specially reminded himself to call him Yuri Kamaritani, and his intentions were quite obvious.

Yuri Wanligu was also "fancy" by Yugiya, and it was one of his goals.

She has one more sister, but Saya Gongxin has no special feeling.

Like Wanligu, she is a latecomer.

"Ha ha."

Looking at Sayaka Miyako who has changed her personality, Yu Gong showed a knowing smile.

The side of her little daughter is really cute.


Saye Gongxin's work efficiency is very high.

It didn't take long for all the girls to gather in the living room.

"Lord Yumiya, do you have something important to announce?"

Erica asked curiously.

In the past, Yu Gong also called everyone together.

But Erica felt that the atmosphere today was not the same as usual.

"Before I tell you, I want to remind you."

Yu Gong's expression gradually became serious.

"Things are beyond common sense and ordinary people's imagination, you have to be mentally prepared."


Erica, Seiqiuyuan Ena, Sayaka Gongxin and the others looked at each other and sat upright unconsciously.

What kind of thing is worthy of Yu Gong's solemnity?


The interest of Athena and Artemis was also hooked by Hagiya.

"Are you going to tell me?"

The only ones who could guess what Hamiya was aiming for were Chi Yuan and Bianca.

In a way, they are the same kind as Hanamiya.

"actually, I......"

Yumiya simply organized the language, and then began to explain.

His first words made Erica, Artemis and others feel a huge wave in their hearts.

Yugiya is not from the Godslayer world, he came from another world?

Not the past, or the future.

It is a completely different world that has nothing to do with the Godslayer world.

"Now you understand why I can easily defeat Rama."

Apart from the system, Yugiya has no reservations about the girls.


Yu Gong's words are clear and clear, if they still don't understand, it's too much.

In short, it is a simple truth.

In the godslayer world, Rama is a strong man at the top of the pyramid.

But in other worlds, not necessarily.

"Hamiya-sama, every time you disappear, you go to see the sisters in that vampire world."

The well-behaved Liliana is already thinking about how to have a good relationship with the "seniors" in the Godkiller world.


The world of the godslayer is the place where Yu Gongmeng started, and he will never forget it.

"What do you mean? Do you want to meet them?"


Saya Gongxin, Athena and others nodded in unison.

People from another world, or their own sisters, who wouldn't want to know about them?

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Okay, tomorrow."

Yugiya needs a little time, make some arrangements.



After the conversation ended, everyone left the living room one after another and went about their own business.

"Miss Xin."

Saye Gongxin was about to go back to the house when Wanli Gu Yuri hurried to his side.

"Are you okay? Yuri."

Saya Gongxin opened the door and walked into the room with Yuri Wanligu.

"I, did I hear a great secret?"

Wanli Gu Yuli clenched the corners of his clothes tightly with both hands, looking nervous.

She was the most embarrassing and restless person just now.

Is it really appropriate for Yu Gong to not avoid this kind of important secret?



Saya Gong smiled and hugged Yuri Wanligu.

"Yuri, you know what this means."

"Yes, but..."

Banligu Yuri is a wise maiden, and of course she knows what it means.

"Don't think too much, Yuri."

Sayae Gongxin comforted Wanli Gu Yuri in a soft voice and helped her relax.

"I believe Mr. Yugiya, he will be good to us."


Although Yugiya is domineering, Yuri Banligu is surprised to find that he is not disgusted.

Perhaps, letting nature be the best choice?


The next day.

Yu Gong used the power of the system to bring the girls who devoured the world to the godslayer world.

The meeting between the two parties was very peaceful.

After getting to know each other for a long time, Nangong, Lanyu Shallow and others returned to the blood-devouring world that month.

The difference between the two worlds is not big, so there is no need to stay for a long time.

Moreover, they are the spokespersons of Hagiya and have a heavy responsibility.

It was fine for a short time, but Nangong and the others were away for a long time that month.

Itogami Island, and even the entire blood-devouring world, will cause major problems.


A few days later, Yu Gong finally finished dealing with the affairs of the Godslayer world.

The time to cross has finally arrived. Death.

Chapter 335

A bustling modern city with high-rise buildings.


In a deserted alley, a man and two women suddenly appeared.

"here is?"

"Ding, the system has changed. Please check the specific content by yourself."

Male, of course, it is Yugiya who came from the world of the godslayer.

Before he could observe the situation around him, the system prompt sounded in his heart.

Dimensional Relic System

Host: Hagiya Margot Royd

Current World: Collapse

Shadows: Bianca Truth (completely unlocked), Cangyue (completely unlocked), Yunmo Danxin (completely unlocked), Tobiichi Origami (reversed form) (completely unlocked), Skaha (not fully unlocked)

True Shadow Remains: Bianca Truth, Cloud Mo Danxin

three seven zero

Special Ability: Outward Shadow

Task 1: Since the age of mythology, the daughter of the earth and the hero **** of "steel" have been mortal enemies. The host can choose one side to join and fight against the other side.

Faction: Mother Earth.

Quest reward: Every time you kill a "steel" hero, it is equivalent to completing a normal quest.

The current number of killing heroes and gods: 4 (rewards have not been claimed)

Task 2: Honkai is the mortal enemy of mankind. Whenever it comes, it will bring huge disasters. Ask the host to fight against the collapse in its own way.

Quest Rewards: This is a phased quest, each completion of a stage is equivalent to completing a normal quest.

Note: The standard is determined by the system

Reminder: Refer to the Bishop of Mandate-Otto Apocalis

"It actually collapsed?"

Yu Gong's eyes were fixed on the two words behind the current world.

To be honest, he was a little surprised.

"What's wrong? Yu Gong."

Sensing that Yu Gong's face was not right, Bianca asked with concern.

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