
Theresa put away her arrogant expression.

Could it be that there is an unknown darkness behind the story?

Thinking of Karen's identity, Theresa wisely asked.

Yu Gong said it well, it is better to not know some things than to know.

"Thank you."

"Ha ha."

The smile on Yumiya's face widened little by little.

This trip to Changkong City is worth it.


Soon after, Hanamiya and Theresa parted.

Theresa went straight to St. Freya College, and Hagiya's destination was her home.

On the other side, Yae Sakura's residence.

"What are you thinking?"

Yae Sakura, who was thinking about things, heard a voice in her ears.

The voice was low, shrill, evil.

Everyone who hears this voice will not think in a good way.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

The sudden sound awakened Yae Sakura, who was immersed in her own world.

She seemed to have a bad relationship with the owner of the voice, she responded coldly.

"Of course it does."

Beside Yae Sakura, there appeared a fox that looked like nothing but reality.

The fox is huge and has a dark aura.

Its whole body is a deep dark red, but its two eyes shine with white light.

Those are a pair of red eyes with white circles in them.

This pair of eyes radiates a captivating magic tongue all the time.

It seems that as long as you look at the fox for a moment, the spirit will be manipulated by it.

"Don't forget, now we are one."

"You alone, only I am always with you."

"So you can share your troubles with me.".

Chapter 398


The terrifying monster was beside her, but Yae Sakura didn't even look at it, as if she had long been used to its existence.

Not only that, after she responded, she stopped talking.

No matter how diligent the fox is, it will only be regarded as non-existent.

The two are old friends, and Yae Sakura knows the essence of a fox.

It's a demon, a demon after all.

Demons show kindness to people in order to drag them into the dark abyss.

"You're thinking about that little girl, because she smells like Karen Kaslana?"

Although Yae Sakura ignored her, the fox still took the trouble.

"Don't lie to yourself, Karen Kaslana is dead for five hundred years."

"You also listened to that man, she is just a clone of Karen Kaslana."

"Shut up."

Yae Sakura's eyes shot out a chilling light.

If it weren't for this stinky fox, how could Karen die?

"Go away, I don't want to see you."


The form of the fox collapsed, turning into a dark red aura and dissipating.


After the annoying guy disappeared, Yae Sakura's icy eyes returned to peace.

Five hundred years later, they never thought they would have a chance to see each other again.

Is this a gift of 400 from God, or is it a punishment?


St. Freya Academy.

"Student Kiana, please turn the book to page 45."


At the same time that Theresa went to Changsky City, Jizi was also dealing with Kiana's affairs.

She found Fu Hua and asked Fu Hua to make up the lessons for Qiana.

Without thinking too much, Fu Hua agreed to Ji Zi's request.

"Squad leader, have you memorized the entire book?"

Comparing Fu Hua's words with the words in the book, Kiana just felt incredible.

It turned out to be exactly the same, not even a single word was different.

"The old saying goes, God rewards diligence..."

Fu Hua straightened the eyes on the bridge of his nose, and then seriously explained the big truth to Qiyana.


Kiana's brain became a mess, an incomparable chaos.

What God rewards for diligence, what arrogant soldiers will fail, and what learning is a must.

What do these strange words mean? She didn't understand at all.

"Sorry, I said too much."

Seeing that Qiana tried her best to pretend to understand in order not to make the scene too embarrassing, Fu Hua secretly sighed.

It's because she thinks too much. Kiana refuses to memorize the vernacular content of the Valkyrie textbook.

Is it possible that she has come into contact with Shenzhou's classical Chinese?

"Talking about soldiers on paper is empty talk after all, and it must be supplemented by actual combat."

"Let's go to the training room, Kiana-san."

"it is good."

Hearing that Fu Hua said that he was going to do actual combat training, Kiana got interested.

She would rather play an hour with Fu Hua than memorize a textbook for ten minutes.


Bang bang bang bang.




In the training room, two slender figures were constantly intertwined.

Fu Hua personally appeared on the field as Kiana's sparring partner.

Kiana is the main attacker, her attack is fierce and her movements are as fast as a gust of wind.

Fu Hua is on the defensive, playing steadily and not moving like a mountain.

In the battle situation, it seems that the two sides are evenly matched, but in fact, Fu Hua has the upper hand.

Offense takes more stamina and energy than defense.

If it is not attacked for a long time, it will usher in a downturn sooner or later.

At that time, there will inevitably be problems in terms of mentality.

"You're in a hurry to attack, Kiana-san."

Sure enough, after nearly ten moves, Kiana was so aggressive that she exposed her flaws.

Fu Hua (beff) seized this fleeting flaw and restrained Kiana.

"You're too good, squad leader."

Helpless, Kiana had to obediently admit defeat.

"If you're willing to work harder, it's not difficult to surpass me."

"Student Kiana, your talent is very good, don't waste it."

Fu Hua let go of Kiana and said modestly.

If she is really an ordinary St. Freya Academy student, she has no chance of winning against Kiana.

"Although you have the same appearance, your personalities are completely different."

Kiana muttered to herself softly.


This inadvertent remark caught Fu Hua's attention.

She clearly remembered that Kiana, Ji Zi and others knew a person who was similar to her, named Chi Yuan.

"When I heard you talk about it on the first day of school, I was very curious."

"Student Kiana, can you tell me about Chiyuan?"

"We, are we really that alike?"

"It's more than just like, I doubt you are alone."

When she brought up a topic she was interested in, Kiana was instantly refreshed.

"Squad leader, let me tell you..."

The two came to a chair not far away for rest and sat down side by side.

Training requires a combination of work and rest to get the best results.

Before, Kiana first endorsed the letter, and then actually fought, and has been specially trained for a long time.

Now that they are chatting, the right should be to relax and adjust the rhythm.


Time, a minute and a second passed.

In the evening, today's training came to an end.

Kiana solemnly thanked Fu Hua, and then the two separated.

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