After parting, Fu Hua didn't even bother to eat dinner, so he returned to his residence immediately and sent a message.

Her correspondent is Bishop Otto.

"It's rare that you would take the initiative to contact me, my friend."

When the communication was connected, Otto was the first to speak.

His voice, as always, was the frivolous and cynical voice that Fu Hua was familiar with.

"I have something to ask you."

Fu Hua automatically ignored Otto's attitude and followed his own pace.


Fu Hua is not an ordinary Valkyrie.

For complicated reasons, she is currently in a partnership with Otto.

Entrusted by Otto, Fu Hua disguised himself as a student and entered St. Freya Academy. .

Chapter 399

Its purpose is to monitor Kiana.

No, to be more precise, it's the subject K-423.

Otto thought that Fu Hua contacted him to report Qiana's situation.

As a result, is there something to ask?

He was quite curious as to what was worth taking so seriously by Fu Hua, so he made a special trip to ask himself through the communication.

"What do you want to ask? Tell me."

"As long as I can say it, I will definitely know everything and say everything."

"Chiyuan, do you know this name?"

During the training gap, Fu Hua, through curiosity, asked Qiyana about Chiyuan in detail.

Unfortunately, Kiana doesn't know much about it.

In desperation, Fu Hua just seemed to ask Otto for help.

She didn't want to owe Otto's favor unless it was necessary.

But somehow, the name "Chiyuan" seemed to be stuck in his throat, making Fu Hua extremely uncomfortable.

If she didn't figure it out clearly, she felt uneasy.



Fu Hua's question seemed to touch on an important joint, and Otto couldn't answer it for a while.

"I'm waiting for your answer."

A sharp light flashed in Fu Hua's eyes.

Sure enough, "Chiyuan" is not a simple name.

Behind these simple words, there may be a great secret hidden.

"Or, the answer is in the category that you can't say?"

"Where did you know Chiyuan's name?"

Fu Hua's persistence shows that she cannot easily fool her.

Therefore, Otto was no longer silent.

"A month ago..."

Fu Hua told Otto exactly what happened.

"Oh, so it is."

After listening to Fu Hua's narration, Otto let out an inexplicable chuckle.

Otto knew exactly who Chiyuan was.

She is Fu Hua.

But Otto didn't know why the people who were supposed to "die" five hundred years ago appeared in modern times and existed at the same time as Fu Hua.

"Red kite..."

After analyzing the pros and cons of the current situation, Otto decided to take a risk.

He gave Fu Hua a brief account of the life of Chi Yuan, the guardian of Shenzhou, in the form of a story.

Of course, the story has been adapted and added to the mix.

"Five hundred years ago, Immortal Chiyuan disappeared."

"Unexpectedly, she will show up again."

This is a gamble, a big gamble.

Although Fu Hua lost his memory, it is not impossible for him to recover part of it.

That is, Otto's lies have nowhere to hide.

But knowing that he lost the bet, he might pay the price, Otto still chose to bet.

First, the chance of Fu Hua's memory recovery is not high.

Second, even if Fu Hua recovered her memory, she would have nowhere to go.

Otto was confident enough to stabilize Fu Hua.

The ideal situation is that Fu Hua is desperate to find his "predecessor".

Maybe, she will be the lever to pry out the secrets of Yu Gong.

Make sure you don't lose, why don't you gamble?


This time, it was Fu Hua's silence.

The legendary fairy? Guardian of China?

Why does the story told by Otto feel familiar?

"You, are you telling the truth?"

After thinking for a while, Fu Hua chose to believe in Otto.

"I have no reason to lie to you."

The situation did not develop in the direction he hoped, and Otto was a little disappointed.

However, it doesn't matter.

"I've answered your question, now it's your turn to answer mine."

"Tell me, what's the current state of K-423?"


Fu Hua's brief explanation.

"Strength B, speed B, intelligence E?"

"Hahahaha, as expected of the Kaslana family, they really have the style of their family."

Otto laughed, whether it was praise or ridicule.

Or, perhaps, both.

"Go on......"


After another long discussion, the communication ended.


Fu Hua took a deep breath.

She threw away the distracting thoughts in her mind, and then left the residence.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

It's time for dinner.


On the other side, Destiny's European headquarters.

What Fu Hua didn't know was that Otto's mood was far from being as relaxed and calm as he had shown when he communicated.

The situation has a tendency to get out of control.

Otto didn't like this feeling.

Any small accident may ruin his plan and make the efforts he has made for hundreds of years in vain.

Therefore the unstable factor, or destruction.

Or take it for your own use and turn it into a stable factor.

"All the unstable factors are tightly surrounding one core - Yumiya Margot Royd."


"Dig up his secret, and the problem will be solved."

"Rita's results are not bad, but her efficiency is too low and the speed is too slow."

"It seems that the next powerful medicine is needed."

Otto leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

Countless plans emerged in his mind and were abandoned for various reasons.

In the end, a highly feasible solution was formed.

"Don't blame me, Theresa."


Time, come night.

In the dead of night, when most people are asleep.

Changkong City, Yae Sakura's residence.


Inside the room, the sleeping Yae Sakura suddenly changed her calm expression.

Nervous, restless, apprehensive...

Her performance seemed to be in a nightmare.

Quiet, peaceful, peaceful and happy.

This is a beautiful, quite natural beauty of the small village.

"This, here."

Standing at the entrance of the village, Yae Sakura's expression was extremely uneasy.

The familiar and unfamiliar environment awakened her long-cherished memories.

That was the nightmare that Yae Sakura buried deep in her heart and she didn't want to touch.

This village is called Yae Village.


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