Seeing that it was Rita, Yu Gong waved to her.

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Rita took off and went to bed, and slowly came behind Yumiya.

Then she bent her knees, wrapped her arms around Yu Gong, and pressed her whole body against Yu Gong's back.

"Of course, you are welcome at any time."

Yumiya held Rita's little hand and turned her head to the side.

The next second, Rita's stunning face with a bright smile appeared in her sight.



"What you told me to do, I have already done it."

After the intimacy was over, Rita brought up business.

"It's very efficient, hard work."

The "things" that Rita talked about were the life problems of Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.

Before leaving for Jiuyou, Yu Gong gave these trivial matters to Rita.

He trusted Rita's abilities, so he never asked.

"It's not hard work at all, but (beff) is a little worried."

"There are more and more beautiful girls around you. Will one day suddenly, you will forget me?"

Rita increased her strength and held her tighter.

In fact, she wasn't really worried about being forgotten by Hagiya.

Rita has full confidence in her own beauty.

She said these words just to make fun of Yu Gong.

"What do you say?"

Hagiya pulled Rita from behind and in front of him, hugged her and fell to the soft bed.

It just so happened that it was getting late, and it was time to rest.


The next day, early in the morning.

St. Freya Academy, the principal's office.

"About the stigmata and Xuanyuan sword, has the headquarters researched any results?"

Ji Zi had nothing to do, so she came to chat with Theresa.


Theresa shook her head and answered helplessly.

The data and Xuanyuan Sword were handed over to the European headquarters in just two days.

Rao is because Tianming has developed technology and many talents.

In such a short period of time, it is difficult to achieve much.


Ji Zi let out a long sigh.

With the current technological level of Destiny, it is impossible to imitate the God Key.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Sword will most likely be entrusted to a powerful Valkyrie to fight against Honkai.

Just like the black abyss and the white flowers, like the oath of Judas.

Ji Zi doesn't care who the new owner of Xuanyuan Sword is.

However, Ji Lin's stigmata is different.

After all, artificial stigmata is an artificial product, which is incomplete and has serious side effects.

If Destiny can research the results as soon as possible, maybe it can make up for the defects of artificial stigmata as soon as possible.

The Valkyries of Destiny don't have to worry about the fact that Honkai can erode their bodies.

"Theresa, you, eh?"

There is no result in the headquarters for the time being, and Jizi is not discouraged.

As long as you pay enough attention, you will always succeed.

Just as she was about to change the subject, she suddenly noticed Deresa's strangeness.

Although it wasn't very clear, there was obvious sadness between Deresa's brows.

This worry is different from the chores that are usually worrying about St. Freya Academy. The growth of the students is different.

It was depressing and irritable.

Even, there is deep powerlessness.

"in trouble?"

Ji Zi put away the laughter on her face and asked seriously.

"No, why do you ask that?"

Theresa looked puzzled, and seemed to think Jizi's question was strange.

"Ask whatever you want."

In terms of acting, Teresa's skills are really not high.

Her cover-up was very reluctant, not to mention the experienced Jizi, anyone with a little keener observation could see it.

But Theresa made it clear that she didn't want to say it, and Jizi couldn't ask questions.

However, she took this matter to heart.

"The teacher is not there, and I don't know if the children are training hard or not."

"I'll go first and go check it out."

After finding a random reason, Ji Zi got up and left.

"Be careful when you are lazy to read comics, and be careful to be discovered."

"When did I get lazy? Jizi, you are hurting my reputation."

Theresa was indignant.

I am the principal of St. Freya Academy, how could I be lazy?

At most, at most, I am occasionally tired. When I want to rest, I read comics for entertainment.

"Ha ha ha ha."

With the laughter, Ji Zi's figure gradually disappeared.



After Jizi left, Theresa took off her disguise.

Troubled, distressed, struggling...

Such a complicated expression is very incompatible with her cute and tender.

Yes, Jizi guessed right, Theresa is in trouble.

Unlike before, the trouble this time was unusually tricky.

Precisely because it was too difficult, Theresa chose to hide Himiko.

She doesn't want to involve others.

That is the abyss where once you step into it, you may be shattered.

If possible, Theresa herself would like to pretend that nothing happened.

"What should I do, what should I do?"

"Is this a coincidence or...".

Chapter 432

Here, Theresa is in trouble.

On the other hand, Ji Zi was not in a good mood either.

After leaving Theresa's office, Jizi did go to observe the training of the students.

But it's just a process, and the whole process is completely absent-minded.

Theresa's question, she is very concerned.

"Hey, I'll be watching in a few days."


Time goes by day by day.

In the blink of an eye, more than a week has passed since the end of the trip to Jiuyou.

This week, Deresa's anxiety became more and more obvious.

Not only Himeko, but Qiana, Bronya and the others also saw it.

St. Freya Academy, Kiana, Seer and the rest.

"Sister Jizi, what happened to the principal of the school recently?"

four two three

"Anxiety, entanglement, Bronya judged that the principal of the school is in big trouble."


After a day of study and training, the girls talked about it at dinner.

"Hey, I don't know either."

Ji Zi held her cheek with one hand and sighed.

"I asked Teresa, but she seemed to have something to hide and refused to say."

"Don't tell me?"

Kiana was worried about Teresa's situation and acted very positively.

"Then what should we do, we can't just ignore her."

"Manage? How?"

Ji Zi tilted her head and squinted at Kiana.


Kiana's voice suddenly froze.

Her excitement gradually cooled down.

Yes, what to do.

Theresa concealed it, and made it clear that she didn't want others to interfere.

If he intervenes rashly, not only will he not be able to find out the truth, but it will also arouse Teresa's disgust.

"Why don't you ask Big Brother Yu Gong."

Xi'er looked at Jizi, then at Kiana, and then expressed her opinion weakly.

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