In Xier's heart, there is almost nothing that Yugiya can't do.

As long as he acts, Xier believes that the problem will be solved easily.


Jizi and Kiana's eyes lit up.

It's really a fan of the authorities, but a bystander is clear.

They actually forgot about the strongest backer, Yu Gong.

I don't know, maybe Hagiya knows?

"I'll contact Yu Gong."

Just do it when she thinks of it, Kiana took out her mobile phone and dialed Yu Gong's number.



On the other side, Yumiya, who had just finished eating, was accompanying Bianca in the courtyard of the villa.

Suddenly received a call from Kiana, he was a little surprised.

"Is something wrong, Kiana?"

"Hamiya, Theresa she..."

Kiana succinctly and quickly told the whole story.

"Is Theresa in trouble?"

Yu Gong thought for a moment, then guessed the source of the trouble.

Trouble that can make Teresa tangled, depressed, and unwilling to say it, will only have to do with one person.

Bishop of Heaven, Otto.

"In terms of Destiny's European headquarters, has there been any action recently?"

Now that Kiana and the others have found themselves, of course Yumiya can't just sit back and watch.

"What's going on at the headquarters?"

Kiana's gaze turned to Himiko beside her.

They are students, currently focusing on study and training, and don't know much about the headquarters.

However, Jizi should know.


Jizi heard what Yumiya said on the other end of the phone.

She frowned, recalling carefully.

"No big moves, just, wait."

For some unknown reason, Ji Zi's complexion suddenly changed.

Destiny has been very calm recently. If you really want to find a big move, the experiment of the Oceania branch can barely count.

Is it...

Ji Zi's eyes flickered uncertainly.

She is a smart person, and Yu Gong's little hints are enough for her to understand the joints.

Eighty percent of it was an experiment conducted by the Oceania branch, and people from the former St. Freya Academy were involved.

Theresa wanted to protect them, but was powerless against the headquarters.

That's why you're troubled and confused.

"Sister Jizi, what did you think of?"

Mei asked worriedly...

Even Jizi has become like this, obviously things are very serious.


After thinking about it and thinking about it, Ji Zi thought it was better to be honest.

Even if they don't say it themselves, Mei and the others can also find out the truth by asking Yumiya.

"A few months ago, the Destiny Headquarters drew up an experimental project."

"The core of the experiment is to use one of the cores of the Herrscher - the power of desire for gems..."

"Human, human experiment?"

Mei and Kiana looked at each other, they were horrified.

The Oceania branch of Mandate of Heaven is conducting such an anti-human experiment that is prohibited by international orders?


Bronya had a complicated expression and kept silent.

She remembered the X-10 experiment that Cocolia mentioned before leaving Cocolia orphanage with Hagiya.

If there is no Hagiya, he and Xier will most likely participate in the X-10 experiment.

At that time, what will happen to them?

Will their lives be as good as they are now?

"The experiment of the Atlantic Branch is not something we can manage."

"Tomorrow, I'll go and persuade Theresa to relax her mind."

This is the end of the matter, this is what Jizi wants to see.

It's not that 5.5 is ruthless and doesn't value the lives of those caught in the experiment, but considers it from the perspective of the overall situation.

If it really goes on, it will definitely be St. Freya Academy who will suffer.

How could a small branch have the ability to fight against the headquarters.

It's okay to play some small tricks. If there is a head-on conflict, it is tantamount to using a man's arm as a chariot, and a mayfly shaking a tree.

"Understood, Sister Jizi."

Mei, Bronya, and Xier responded well-behaved.

At this moment, their impression of destiny in their hearts has quietly changed.

Destroy the collapse? protect human beings?

For a long time, Destiny has indeed been working tirelessly for this goal.

However, this organization is not as beautiful as I imagined.

Or in other words, my previous self was too simple. .

Chapter 433

The collapse is terrifying, Mei and others have experienced it personally.

It is not easy to fight against it.

Perhaps, sacrifice is inevitable.

At this point, they can only comfort themselves like this.


Kiana ate silently.

Meal's meals always come first in her heart.

Even if the chefs specialize in cooking, their cooking skills are firmly on top of Yayi, and they can't compare.

However, the usual delicious food, Kiana tasted like chewing in her mouth now.

Can they really do nothing but watch the people participating in the experiment suffer?

No, it must not be so.


After briefly chatting with Yumiya, Kiana hung up the phone.

Next, the girls hurriedly finished their dinner.

Ji Zi went home, Mei and the others went back to their own rooms after finishing the mess.


The next day, Hagiya's seaside villa.

Beep beep.

The bored Yumiya was playing a game when his phone rang 14.


Yu Gong picked up the phone and checked the caller ID.

The caller was also in St. Freya Academy, but it was not Kiana, but Theresa.

"It's so strange, Theresa."

"When was the last time you called me?"

Yu Gong made a strange voice, teasing Teresa.

Why she called herself, Yu Gong knew exactly why.

To prevent the atmosphere from being too solemn, he made a little joke first.

"Don't be poor."

Theresa couldn't help crying.

This guy, Hanamiya, seems to never have troubles.

It's no wonder, with her strength and ability, how many things can be difficult for him?

For the first time in her life, Teresa envied a person.

"You should tell Jizi, Kiana and the others about the experiment."


Yu Gong immediately denied it.

"You underestimate them too much, do you think they know nothing if you don't say anything?"

"I just asked Tianming's headquarters if there was any big move recently, and Jizi guessed the reason."

"I see."

Recalling her performance in the past few days, Theresa couldn't help but smile bitterly.

She may have been a little obvious, so Jizi and the others saw the problem.

"This morning, Kiana came to me..."


After listening to Theresa's words, Hagiya couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, Kiana went to Theresa specifically to ask if there was a way to save the Valkyrie who participated in the experiment.

I have to say, this is very in line with Kiana's style of doing things.

It's no wonder that Teresa would call him early in the morning.

"Do you need my help, Theresa?"

"Let's not say anything else, I can still do it to ensure the safety of your students."

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