"Are you right, Eirin?"

Penglaishan Huiye's attitude was flat and didn't care at all.

She acted as if the sinner who was about to be exiled was not her, but a stranger she had never met.


From the laughter of Penglai Shan Hui Ye, she could hear a strong sense of disdain.

Penglai's immortality medicine is the vast majority of monsters, and even the gods are hard-pressed.

Why would such a thing make Penglai who Hui Ye a sinner?

The internal reason is also very simple.

The moon is pure dirt and dust.

Therefore, there are no impurities in the people of the moon, and their lifespan is very long.

Over time, a strong sense of superiority arises spontaneously.

They look down on the ground, the species that live on the earth.

It is believed that the earth is a dirty place, and all creatures on the earth are covered with filth.

The birth of Penglai's Immortal Medicine made the so-called "high" people of the moon realize.

Like the filthy creatures on earth, I will die one day.

So, Penglaishan Kaguya was sentenced to the death penalty - exile to the earth.

They want to make Penglaishan Huiye a person full of dirt.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to dispel the anger and fear in my heart.

This shows how arrogant the people of the moon have reached.

"Please rest assured, Your Royal Highness, there is nothing I can do about Penglai's immortality medicine."

"But after you were exiled to the ground, things were no longer up to them."

Bayi Yonglin really wanted to help Penglaishan Kaguya, but she couldn't.

It is true that she is powerful, and it is not false that she is noble in Yuedu.

But a person's strength is too weak, trying to fight against Yuedu is tantamount to chasing a man's arm and shaking a tree.

At that time, both of them will become sinners.

In that case, Penglai Mountain Kaguya is really over.

"In that case, I will trouble you."

Penglaishan Hui Ye knew that Bayi Yonglin wanted to work secretly so that her life on earth would not be uncomfortable.

She accepted this kindness safely.

The two have a close relationship, so you don't need to care about these small points.

If the situations of the two sides are interchanged, Penglaishan Kaguya will also spare no effort to help Bayi Yonglin.


From Bayi Yonglin's point of view, this is what she should do, and there is no need to work hard at Penglai Mountain Kaguya.

"Farewell, take good care of yourself, Your Royal Highness."

"My concubine remembered it."

Penglaishan Hui Ye did not retain Bayi Yonglin.

He is a sinner who has committed a serious crime, although due to his identity, he will not go to jail.

Of course, there should be no limitations.

The date of exile is approaching, and it was originally forbidden for anyone to visit her.

Bayi Yonglin can come, her status has played a crucial role, and it is not appropriate to stay for too long.

Otherwise, it will be harmful to Yonglin in the eight senses.



A day is extremely short, and it passes quickly.

"Little brother, are you ready?"

The next day, on the same night with the bright moon hanging high, Yakumo Zi came to Yu Gong's residence as promised.

According to the agreement last night, the two of them will set off for the moon tonight.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Yu Gong was relaxed and didn't need to make any preparations.

"it is good."

Yakumo Zi looked around, then walked to the small pond in the courtyard.

She closed the lace fan and pointed towards the pond in the air.

"The realm of fantasy and reality."


The surface of the water swayed a few times, and after a while, it returned to calm.

"The power of the realm is really amazing."

Yu Gong secretly admired.

On the surface, the pond looks the same as before, but in fact the reality has been reversed by Yakumo Zi.

At this moment, the moon reflected in the pond becomes the gate to the moon capital.

Just jump in and you can land on the moon.

"...Let's go, little brother."


Yakumo Zi jumped into the pond first, followed by Yumiya.



Crossing the gate constructed by Yakumo Zi, the two appeared on the seashore.

In the distance, the majestic moon is near.

"Little brother, can you tell me the purpose of your visit to Yuedu?"

Yakumo Zi wanted to ask this question last night.

Not afraid of unnecessary complications, she always forbears.

"Make a big fuss."

Yes, Yu Gong is going to make a big fuss in Yuedu.

Without making a big noise, how did Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin escape from the Moon City?

(of money)


Yakumo Zi was shocked and stunned.

Her first reaction was not to think about why Yu Gong was making a fuss about Yuedu, but to wonder if Yu Gong was crazy.

Yuedu has a strong background, and there are many gods such as Yue Ye Jian Zun.

It would be no exaggeration to say that it is the Longtan Tiger's Den for those with bad intentions.

Make a fuss? To put it in a bad way, is this different from courting death?

"Oh? Scared?"

Yu Gong looked at Yakumo Zichi with a half-smile but not a smile.

"I'll help you attract attention, so you can better find out the details of Yuedu."


It turned out that her intention to attack Yuedu was also seen through by Yu Gong, and Yakumo Zi's mood was a little complicated.

He is a monster sage, with outstanding wisdom.

She has always been the only one who calculated other people's shares and was pinched to death. This was the first time. .

Chapter 498

"I'm ready to do it, please do it."

Looking away from Yakumo Zi, Yumiya looked at Yuedu with malicious intent.

"Ha ha."

Staring at Yu Gong silently for a while, Yakumo Zi suddenly smiled.

Judging from Yu Gong's performance when the two were getting along, he was by no means a reckless man, but a wise man with both strength and brains.

He clearly understands the details of Yuedu, but he still dares to make a fuss about Yuedu alone, so he must have something to rely on.

Since this is the case, she will wait and see.

"Be careful, little brother, don't be caught by those guys in Yuedu."

Behind Yakumo Zi, the space silently opened a gap.

She floated into the crack and hid with the crack.

"People of the Moon? I hope you won't have nightmares tonight."

Yu Gong's gaze slowly moved upwards.

Right above the Moon Capital, there is an ice meteorite that is descending.

In the beginning, the ice meteorite was not large, only about five or sixty meters in diameter.

But with the passage of time, the size of the ice meteorite skyrocketed wildly.

480 When approaching the surface of the moon, half a month was shrouded in the shadow of meteorites.

"Oh, it's really scary."

In fact, Yakumo Zi who entered the gap did not leave, but hid and observed in secret.

How is Yu Palace going to make a fuss about the Moon City? She was very interested.

Seeing the huge icy meteorite, Yakumo Zi felt that it was a very correct decision to stay.

Yu Gongcheng didn't bully her, it was indeed a big trouble.

As we all know, the impact caused by a meteorite when it hits the ground is far larger than its diameter.

If this icy meteorite hits the Moon City, the entire Moon will be turned into ruins.

How will the people of the moon deal with such unprovoked disasters?


In the blink of an eye, the icy meteorite had entered within a kilometer above Yuedu.

"Is there an enemy invasion?"

"That, that is..."


At this moment, everyone up to Moonlight Seeing Venerable, down to the common people of the moon, were all disturbed.

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