Although it is not clear what happened, (beff) who is behind the scenes.

But one thing is obvious.

There is a powerful enemy invading, and Yuedu is facing the biggest disaster since its establishment.

"What a big meteorite."

"Yes, who is it?"


It is true that Yuedu's comprehensive strength is quite strong.

However, the main battle strength is Tsukiyomi-san, Yayi Erin, the three sisters of Mianyue Toyohime, and many gods.

The vast majority of the people of the moon do not possess great power.

When the combat troops who are responsible for maintaining order and guarding the Moon Capital fight, they use the standard weapons developed by the Moon Capital.

Against miscellaneous soldiers, they can still come in handy.

Once drawn into the battlefield of high-end combat power, these people are Chi Luoluo's cannon fodder.

The icy meteorite carrying the strong wind is not too powerful, it is extremely terrifying.

In the face of it, the weak people of the moon are completely powerless.

They were all frightened, their faces turned pale, and they all prayed for the big men to take action as soon as possible to eliminate the crisis.


In the blink of an eye, the Frost Meteorite moved forward by a few hundred meters.

"It's over."

There is not much time left for Yuedu to react.

The eyes of many people of the Moon showed despair.

Could it be that the unexpected situation came too suddenly, and the big figures in Yuedu couldn't react?


The Frost Meteorite is getting closer and closer to Yuedu, almost touching the tallest building in Yuedu.

Just when the situation is extremely critical, the moon will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

A swift streamer of light flew out from the central area of ​​Yuedu, facing the icy meteorite head-on.

The streamer sank from the lower end of the icy meteorite and penetrated into the interior of the meteorite.

Kacha Kacha.

The dense cracks spread rapidly, spreading across the entire meteorite like lightning.


The moment before it smashed into the Moon Capital, the huge icy meteorite disintegrated and turned into fine pieces of ice in the sky.

Bang bang bang bang.

The sound of hard objects falling to the ground can be heard from all over Yuedu.


"It seems that Lord Bayi rescued us."


The people of the moon hurriedly avoided the meteorite fragments, and their hearts were filled with the happiness of the rest of their lives.

In the center of the Moon City, there is a certain tower-shaped building.

"A meteorite of this size, which big monster is going to attack Yuedu?"

Bayi Yonglin, holding a dark longbow, stood at the top of the building, with a stern expression, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

The streamer that shattered the ice meteor just now was really an arrow.

This arrow came from her hands.

"There is only one channel connecting the earth and the moon, the sea outside the moon."

"There, maybe we can find clues."


Bayi Yonglin's figure swayed for a while, and then disappeared without a trace.


Outside the Moon City.

"Are you here? The efficiency is good."

Leisurely rushed to the Yu Palace in Yuedu, and stopped halfway.

He felt a powerful breath approaching.

"Your Mightiness."

The moment Yu Gong stopped, a fierce air force locked him firmly.

Appearing in no particular order with Qi Ji, there was a female voice full of coldness.

"Is the Frost Meteorite just now written by you?"

"it's me."

The owner of Qi Ji had no intention of hiding, and appeared in front of Yu Gong very simply.

With that iconic weapon and outfit, Hagiya immediately recognized her identity.

An important figure in the Moon City, Yayi Erin, known as the brain of the moon.


Yu Gong is a strange face that he has never seen before, and there is a high probability that he is an intruder.

This, Bayi Eirin thought about it.

What she didn't expect was Yumiya's straightforward attitude.

But it doesn't matter, just find the initiator.

The dazzling starlight transformed into an arrow of the same color as the longbow in the hands of Bayi Yonglin.

She put the arrow on the bowstring, the arrow pointed to the ground, and looked around without a trace.

"Don't waste your efforts, it's just me."

Capturing the small movements of Yayi Erin, Yugiya reminded her. .

Chapter 499

Without making a move, his eyes wandered everywhere.

The intention of Bayi Yonglin's actions is very obvious, she is looking for her accomplice.

Strictly speaking, Yakumo Zi is considered to be an accomplice of Yu Palace.

But this "accomplice" didn't take part in the rioting in Yuedu.

Yu Gong guessed that she probably doesn't know where to hide to watch the show now.


Bayi Yonglin's eyes narrowed slightly, and she turned back to Yu Gong.

There was obvious surprise in her eyes.

This surprise is not because of his own thoughts being seen through by Yu Gong, but because of what Yu ~ Gong said.

Dare to invade the Moon City alone?

It's not that Bayi Erin makes a fuss, it's really-too ​​unbelievable.

"Master craftsman."

In the silence between Yu Gong and Yayi Erin, two more people appeared.

The latter two were both female, and their appearance age was slightly younger than Hachi Eirin.

One of them has long pale blond hair and a white sun hat with a blue bow on his head.

Wearing a white half-sleeved shirt with a blue one-piece suspender skirt with only the left half of the shoulder strap.

The other person's hair color is lavender, and the waist-length hair is neatly tied with a yellow bow.

Her dress and style are similar to those of her companions.

It's just that the one-piece suspender dress is red, and the shoulder strap is on the right.

They are all radiant and beautiful girls, not inferior to Bayi Erin.

"Fengji, Yiji?"

Ba Yi Erin divided some of her attention and paid attention to the two beautiful girls.

The people here are the other two of the three moon princesses of Yuedu, Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji.

Different from Penglaishan Kaguya, they are the disciples of Bayi Yonglin.

"Master, we sensed your aura, so come and take a look."

The beautiful blonde girl is her older sister, Mianzuki Toyohime.

Mianyue Fengji seems to be childish, with a lively and sunny temperament.

She opened the folding fan in her left hand, with the fan in front of her, and her right hand behind her back.

This gesture seems a bit naive.

"Is he the intruder?"

Compared to Mianyue Fengji, her younger sister, Mianyue Yiji, is like her elder sister.

Mianyue Yiji's expression was as serious and straight as a knife, and at a glance, you could tell that she was a very serious person.

The samurai sword around her waist added a touch of sternness to her.


Undoubtedly, Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji came because of the invaders.

Their sisters, it's just the right time.

Hachi Eirin has a strong feeling that Yugiya is an extremely difficult character, and it is definitely not easy to deal with.

By himself, the probability of subduing him is very small.

Therefore, Bayi Yonglin didn't act rashly.

At this time, Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji were at the side, and Bayi Yonglin's concerns gradually dissipated.

Although the strength of the two sisters is not as good as hers, they are the top group in the Yuedu.

It is more than enough to assist oneself in fighting.

Combining the strength of the three, Yayi Erin didn't believe that Yu Gong could turn the sky.

"What about the others? Master, isn't there?"

Mianyue Yiji glanced around and found no fourth person.

After Yu Gong's accomplices saw Yayi Erin, they left him and ran away?

Or are those people hiding in the dark, ready to attack at any time?

Or, do they have other plans and are currently in other places?

"I arrived a few seconds earlier than you, and I only saw him."

"According to him, he has no accomplices."

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