Chapter 121: The Messenger of Doom.

In the inquiry up

“Analyzing the fragmented crystallization of intellectual power does not destroy itself”

After responding, Luo Shu half-believed and chose to let the system parse.

And at the moment he agreed, an invisible wind enveloped Luo Shu’s palm.

The wind converged extremely quickly, and soon formed a storm that was visible to the naked eye, but strangely, although the violent storm was in Luo Shu’s hands, it did not have the slightest impact on him.

In the eyes of the furious wind, the diamond-shaped blue gemstones lit up one dense point of light after another, looking like stars.

【Ding! 】

[After the analysis, the memory of the demon god Washak has been obtained, the job placement information has been interpreted, and optimized according to the internal data of the system, is the job placement information listed? ] 】


Seeing this, Luo Shu immediately stopped the system from proceeding to the next step, and instead asked: “You made Washak’s memory public to me, I need to check it at any time, and I also need the ability to interrupt it at any time.” ”

[Received instructions, has made Washak’s memory into an information base]

With Luo Shu’s instruction, an option called “Information Base” suddenly appeared in his perspective.

Seeing this, Luo Shu clicked on the information database while watching 16 people

“Memory of the Demon God Invited by Isaha”

At the same time, he said to the system: “Let’s list the job introductions that suit me.” ”

While saying these words, Luo Shu was ready to retrieve Washak’s memory at any time. Although this process was a bit troublesome, out of caution, Luo Shu chose to do so.

The system didn’t seem to expect Luo Shu to do so much, but it only has intelligence, and it has no emotion, and it will only follow Luo Shu’s instructions to drive the corresponding ability.

Soon, a series of job placement information appeared in front of Luo Shu.

[Wind Contractor [Demigod-level Potential]. 】

[Sign a contract with the Wind Elf King who controls the power of wind, inscribe the stigmata on his body to become his dependent, has a very high subordination right to the element of wind, and can control the power of wind infinitely when the body can withstand it, and this ability can be inherited by blood. ] 】

【Demon of Knowledge [God Domain Potential]】

[A job created by the noble son of Hell Vashak with his core power knowledge, which focuses on the acquisition and understanding of knowledge, favors the spiritual side, and has the characteristics of more knowledge, stronger power. 】

[Messenger of Doom [Elite rank, advanced occupation, preliminary judgment, with god-level potential]]

[The chaser of calamity, the loophole of order, the composite job agent, the core ability is calamity, and has the ability to drive wind, drought, earthquake, tsunami, thunderstorm, etc., is a messenger of disaster who gives disasters to others and draws strength from the driving of disasters. 】

There were only three job introductions listed in the system, but Luo Shu’s eyes swept casually and he understood that there was only one choice for him.

“The Wind Contractor has the lowest potential, or is it subject to the Wind Elf King, there is no choice at all, the knowledge demon looks good, but I just pit Wasak, how can he solve the account after the fall?” Choose to become a demon of knowledge, I still rebel against the founder of this job introduction? ”

“So, the only one who can choose is the messenger of adversity?”

Thinking of this, Luo Shu silently opened the information base and searched for the reason why the job title of the messenger of adversity became the choice of the system. Then, Luo Shu’s perspective suddenly changed.

He became a “demon god” who “conscientiously” answered the prayers of believers and drew conceptual power from prayers.

He perches high in the kingdom of God, overlooking hell, receiving offerings from believers from above, and enlightening the knowledge of devout believers in times of crisis, so that they can overcome disasters and difficulties in their own strength.

And one day, in response to a prayer that was often offered new knowledge, offering props of a strange nature, though not pious but useful, he came to a place to guide her destiny.

Yet at the very moment when He projects his will into the soul of the believer through prayer, ready to obtain the “status quo” to enlighten the believer. The power of knowledge suddenly “responds” to Him, informing him that the place he is in at this moment is the kingdom of another god.

And the believer he had previously found useful actually planned to take away a human being who was in the kingdom of God and had the favor of the gods. Without waiting for him to react, the god cast his “gaze.”

And at that moment, typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, sandstorm, hail and other disasters fell on his consciousness, spread to his body in an instant, and severely damaged his kingdom in an instant.

It was at this time that the “knowledge” power returned with a large amount of undecipherable information and told him that he had broken into the kingdom of God of the Calamity King.

At the same moment, he used his intellectual power to resist and interpret some of the messages of the Calamity King.

One of the tiny parts is

“Eternal Messenger [Elite], “Tribulation Monarch [Divine Domain]”. At the end of the picture. ”

“He” held up his injuries, pretending that his attack was useless against the Tribulation King, and glanced at the “Catastrophe King”.

Suddenly, Luo Shu opened his eyes, and his face immediately became very subtle.

It turned out that Washak read it from “my” kingdom of God

“Job placement?”

“This divine kingdom I am in is the divine kingdom of the Calamity King?”

“No, not only that, Washak is also a god-level existence, and in the face of the same god-level “natural disaster monarch” and the natural disaster monarch who is based on my will, but it is so powerless, just the natural disaster king is estimated to be unable to do this. ”

“This Divine Kingdom should contain the power above the Tribulation King, and Washak was injured because of a higher level of power strikes.”

“This is very close to the content of Wasak’s memory, because when the intellectual power responds to Him, it carries a lot of uninterpreted information, and that part of the uninterpreted information is in my hands at this time.”

Speaking of this, Luo Shu couldn’t help but play with the “diamond-shaped gem” in his hand, which contained the power fragment of a god of Washak.

And the result of the appraisal surprised Luo Shu.

[The fragment crystallization of knowledge power has a more powerful calamity power inside. 】

[This certain deity has unintentionally provoked a higher existence because of the pit of the believer, and the fragments that have been deprived by it, if there is a life that can safely devour and digest it 410, it will definitely be able to obtain near-demigod power, which is suspected to be the advanced material of some ranks. ] 】

[Note 1: The internal forces of the crystal are mixed, and it is recommended that the host separate its power and separate the knowledge power fragment from the natural disaster power power of the ministry.] 】

[Note 2: The separated fragment of knowledge power can be used as the advanced material of the knowledge demon of the job introduction, and the power of natural disasters can be used as the advanced material of the messenger of adversity. 】

“In Vashak’s memory, there is also a way to summon the Wind Elf King, so the three rankings will appear in the options of the system because they can be promoted?”

“Then if you look at it this way, you don’t have to think about what to choose.”

Seeing this, Luo Shu smiled, and shattered the diamond-shaped crystal in his hand, accompanied by the crystal debris flying around, an illusory transparent brown book, and a blue diamond-shaped crystal that constantly emerged from the storm, tsunami, thunder, and blazing sun appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, Luo Shu reached out and touched the blue crystal.

At the same time, Luo Shu in reality suddenly had an extra blue diamond-shaped crystal on his hand.

He stood up and looked at Mu Geng lying on the hospital bed, turned his head to look at the mineral water bottle on the bedside table next to him, and directly stretched out his hand.

The water bottle filled with water automatically floated in front of Luo Shu, and then was cut in half by the sharp wind blade to adapt to the size of the diamond-shaped crystal.

The sound of water landed, and at the same time that half a bottle of water fell to the ground, Luo Shu threw the diamond-shaped blue crystal into the water, and then grabbed the remaining half of the bottle and snorted it down.

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