Chapter 122: Don’t want this kind of thing! 【4/4】。

The advancement of the Emissary of Disaster was easy, as if this profession was born for Luo Shu. After becoming a “messenger of adversity”, Luo Shu suddenly had various information in his heart.

And the most critical information is the ability he has acquired.

Whether it is the previous “wind element manipulation” or “combat intuition”

“Subconscious manipulation” is summed up in a core ability “doom”.

Among them, wind element manipulation is summarized into the endowment of adversity, while combat intuition and subconscious manipulation are summarized into the perception of adversity.

As a messenger of adversity, Luo Shu can “endow” adversity



Among them, the ability is the most intuitive, which can randomly assign “thunder slashes” to enemies


“Wind blowing”

Intuitive natural disasters such as “ice and snow” can also simply give the other party “bad luck” and make any subsequent actions of the enemy full of “excitement”.

As for perception, it is not much different from the previous intuition, but it is more intuitive, more aware of the adversity that befalls oneself or around oneself, and is convenient for evasion.

As for absorbing this ability, Luo Shu prefers to call this “damage transfer”.

It can easily absorb the adversity of oneself or others, and can also absorb the damage suffered by others, and store it in Luo Shu’s body, and then transfer it out through giving.

This kind of trick, for Luo Shu, is simply a life-saving skill, it is simply like digitizing him, as long as he does not kill Luo Shu, he can absorb the damage and then throw it to the enemy, Lai Pi’s can’t.

It can be said that as long as the spiritual energy can be sustained, Luo Shu can always open the difficult to absorb, and this assassination has become useless for him.

Because as long as it does not exceed his upper limit, it will be absorbed by him and returned to others through granting.

However, the most embarrassing thing is that as a messenger of adversity, Luo Shu is extremely sensitive to the sense of crisis, almost the moment when someone wants to hurt him, within a certain range, Luo Shu can perceive, and even predict the future, and directly “see” the other party to give himself

“Bad luck, way.”

“No wonder my intuition tells me that the messenger of adversity is the most suitable job introduction for me, and this kind of job placement with strong life-saving ability and good at yin people is indeed suitable for me”. ”

Luo Shu said as he wiped on the bottle that had been cut off by the wind blade on his hand, and with a subtle sense of emptiness, the mineral water bottle that had been cut suddenly appeared on his hand intact.

Putting the mineral water bottle on the table on the side, no one knew what Luo Shu had done to a bottle just now except for the water that remained on the ground.

At this time, Luo Shu sensed that his “doom” stored the doom of “wind blade cut”, which brought him a certain mental burden, but it was still slight.

“So it is, the granting of adversity is not completely random, but can be specified, as long as I store the corresponding adversity.”

Luo Shu shook his head and turned his gaze to Mu Geng on the bed.

After becoming a messenger of adversity, he has an additional “God perspective” that ordinary people cannot see. This allows Luo Shu to intuitively see the adversity in others and make use of them to a certain extent. At this time, Luo Shu saw three troubles on Mu Geng’s body.

One was located on the chest, and it was a knife wound that had been pierced by the sealing blade before, and after the seal was lifted, Eki’s body had not eaten for many years, and such injuries recovered very slowly.

The other tribulation is all over the body, which is essentially the medicine injected by Luo Shu and the medical nurse of SDS, which is the main reason for forcing Mu to fall asleep.

The last thing left is moderate malnutrition that has been sealed for a long time.

Considering that Mu doesn’t know how many years he has been sealed, but from the stone armor on his body, from the neck to the knees, you can imagine the years he has experienced.

He did not eat or drink for a long time, but he was only moderately malnourished, which shows the excellent demon bloodline.

After judging the doom on Mu Geng’s body, Luo Shu, who had just entered the new ability, was full of novelty at the moment. This also made him decide to absorb these two difficulties on Mu Geng’s body.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Mu Geng’s weak little hand, the way of adversity can be perceived through visual and spiritual power, but absorption requires physical contact.

This deficiency is not irreparable, but it is clearly not something that can be supplemented by a mere “messenger of adversity”.

Just between breaths, Mu Geng’s tranquilizer, chest injuries, and malnutrition disappeared without a trace. With the disappearance of the three troubles, the body temporarily recovered to health, and Mu Geng’s eyebrows suddenly trembled.

At the same time, Luo Shu, who felt a little heavier on his body, like wearing an extra thick cotton coat, also let go of his hand, and at the same time was ready to throw the doom back at any time.

And just when Luo Shu was ready to go, Mu Geng slowly opened his eyes, a pair of vermilion bright eyes blinked, his eyes looked at the ceiling emptyly, his expression was dull and numb.

Seeing that his eyes had been staring blankly at the ceiling, Luo Shu couldn’t help but raise his hand and snorted: “Cough!” ”

Hearing the voice, Mu slowly turned his head and looked at Luo Shu.

And the moment he saw Luo Shu, Mu Geng’s hollow eyes appeared obvious focus for the first time. She opened her mouth and shouted in a crisp and pleasant voice: “Ahhh! ”


Luo Shu, who was still a little expectant of what she would say, suddenly stiffened.

“Can’t speak?”


Mu was even more stunned for a moment, and his head was also tilted.

“It’s a bit tricky… No, there is still a way. ”

Luo Shu touched his chin, thought for a while, and suddenly closed his eyes, and a few seconds later, he had an extra transparent book in his hand, but he could clearly see that the color was brown.

Holding the “fragment of knowledge power”, Luo Shu held Mu Geng’s hand again.

The latter did not resist, or rather, when Luo Shu held her hand, Mu Geng’s hand grabbed it, holding it tighter than him was almost frightened by Mu Geng’s action, and Luo Shu, who threw the doom back again, looked at Mu Geng speechlessly, and then, using the ability of the book in his hand, closed his eyes and tried to refine his basic life, and then instilled it in himself.

The surge of common sense is obviously a harmful thing.

And this also meets the conditions for the ability to launch “doom”.

At this moment, Luo Shu opened his eyes, and his gaze was intertwined with Mu Geng. At this moment, Luo Shu gave Mu Geng the doom called “common sense”.

Suddenly, Mu Geng’s pupils lost focus again.

It’s just that the reason for losing focus this time is to receive the common sense instilled by Luo Shu.

Because demons are obviously different from human bodies, this kind of doom is effortless for Mu Geng to bear.

After several minutes of “looking at each other”, Mu Geng suddenly closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were a little more flexible than before, as if he could speak, flashing and flashing.

It was at this moment that Mu Geng’s bright eyes reflected Luo Shu’s face, and his voice said the first complete sentence crisply.

“… Are you my master? ”

“No, it should be, can I be your dog?”

Luo Shu, who originally wanted to hear what Mu Geng said, suddenly froze.

Shouldn’t he have just instilled some common sense that he shouldn’t? Don’t want this kind of thing!!!。

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