“This hypnosis you talking about, is it the hypnosis I understand?”

Luo Shu looked at the orange mist fragrance sitting beside him in an uncertain tone. But I was surprised that there was such a ‘good thing’.

“It is hypnosis in the literal sense, according to the information transmitted back, there have been many female stars in Europe who have reported the case, and it seems that the hypnosis is lifted when the user dies.”

Hearing the words of Orange Wuxiang, Luo Shulang paused, and then said with a subtle expression:

“It’s really this hypnosis… But according to your meaning, things still come in from abroad? ”

“That’s right.” Orange Mist Xiang nodded slightly, and then explained: “Although the Demon Hunter organization is a branch of the Golden Dawn, its action logic is just like the name, it is a group of hunters chasing demons. ”

“They are veritable mortal enemies with the demonic warlocks of Truth Astronomy.”

“This time, there was a demon warlock of truth astronomy who entered the country with the ‘Devil’s Heart’, and then was followed by a seven-star demon hunter who belonged to the demon hunter, and the escaped demon warlock used props to hypnotize a passing woman with props before he died, and gave away the devil’s heart and some things.”

When Luo Shu heard this, he immediately frowned and said, “The woman who was hypnotized is my neighbor?” ”

Orange Mist Xiang shook her head at this time, and then said:

“No, it’s a female employee in the jewelry store owned by your beautiful neighbor, who sorted everything after getting the devil’s heart, and the ruby ring was sold to the store, which is your good neighbor, Miss Tsubakihara.”

“And that Nakamura Yuichi you met is the hunting dog sent by the seven-star demon hunter to recover the ‘Devil’s Heart’, an old qualification who has worked for 3 years, if you hadn’t scared him with the name of a policeman, you wouldn’t have killed him so easily.”

Speaking of this, Orange Mist Xiang also felt funny.

After all, it is impossible for members of such criminal organizations to have no lives in their hands, and many of them have a minimum sentence that will not be lower than the death penalty, and they are experienced murderers.

Because of this background, members of these organizations generally do not want to attract the attention of the local police after entering the country across the border, and can avoid official personnel.

As a result, this time it was good, and when I met Luo Shu, who shot directly according to the routine, he was directly killed.

It is a dead grievance.

After listening to Orange Wuxiang’s explanation, Luo Shu sighed and laughed dumbly:

“Co-authoring this is an accident? So how did you get this information? Could it be that someone went undercover to the upper floor opposite? ”

Hearing this, Orange Mist Xiang showed a meaningful smile: “Intelligence is not only available from living people. ”

“From the body of Yuichi Nakamura: . No, the brain reads the message..”

Luo Shu immediately understood how Orange Wuxiang figured things out, and there are still such capable people in the joint SDS? Or abyss props?

“So now that hypnotic ‘Devil’s Heart’ is in the hands of Miss Tsubakihara?”

“No, at present, it can only be said that the things passed through her hands, and the more detailed location, the lady herself is not clear.”

Orange Mist Xiang shook her head, and immediately said as if remindingly:

“All the mysterious props in this world, or more precisely, the ‘abyss props’ that came to our world from the abyss have more or less certain side effects.”

“For example, my wallet ‘lucky wallet’ has the negative effect of ‘losing at any time’ and actively choosing ‘the luckier owner’.”

“The more powerful the abyss prop, the stronger and more hidden the side effects, so some abyss props are extremely dangerous in themselves, and it is best not to use them without research and testing.”

After Orange Mist Xiang popularized the characteristics of the abyss prop to Luo Shu, he explained:

“According to this rule, the devil’s heart naturally has its side effects, and one of the currently proven side effects is that ‘when women get it, unless they are hypnotized women, they will forget about their existence’.”

“Hehe, just like its evil function, this thing doesn’t seem to want to be used by people other than men, and it is very good at hiding itself, and it is easy to wonder if this thing has its own will.”

Hearing this, Luo Shu suddenly suddenly, and then frowned and looked at the front window of the car:

“So you mean that Tsubakihara Mira got the ‘Devil’s Heart’ but now forgot about it, so she doesn’t know the situation either?”

“Yes.” Orange Mist turned her head, started the car, and said in an ambiguous tone amid the buzzing start-up: “So you have a task, boy~”

“The mission is to obtain the Devil’s Heart? But why don’t you control people and directly search them. Luo Shu’s tone was full of doubts, after all, this was the most convenient way.

Hearing this, Orange Wuxiang said calmly while driving:

“Her father is a councilor in the eastern capital, her uncle is a high-ranking member of the civil service, and her mother is from an American consortium, understand?”


Luo Shu immediately understood when he heard this, this is a ‘second generation’ who cannot move roughly.

Thinking of this, he shook his head, and then smiled:

“But let me go find that thing, aren’t you afraid that I will steal it?”

“Stealing is stealing, it doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t use hypnosis on your own people.”

Orange Mist Xiang stepped on the accelerator and said in a playful tone:

“Instead of being taken away by the fools on the Metropolitan Police Department, or taken by the garrison to sell it for money or pleasure, it is better to put it in your hands, anyway, if you get this thing, can’t I borrow the convenience of this thing?”

“Of course, this thing is a bit dangerous after all, and the necessary tests are still needed, after all, no one wants to be pitted by inexplicable side effects.”

Hearing this, Luo Shu couldn’t help but be surprised


“This kind of abyss prop with dangerous functions, the people of the department can also intercept it? You really don’t have to turn it in? ”

It’s not that Luo Shu has to ask more, but if an official organization like SDS can intercept abyss props, the signal in this is very wrong.

Is the SDS really an official organization, and not a nominal organization with an official name and profiting for some people?

“Of course not, Qianshu has an abyss prop in her hand, didn’t I let her hand it in? Besides, things are in the hands of our department, as long as they are used in the ‘department’, it is not the same for anyone. ”

“As for the superiors, I care about them dead or alive? A bunch of useless waste. ”

Orange Wuxiang said this, picked up the sunglasses on the side, put them on himself, and said nonchalantly:

“Compared to these, I am more worried about the ‘Seven-Star Demon Hunter’ who is currently uncertain, heh, the high-level of this level of the secret organization infiltrated the eastern capital, and the bastards over there in the Metropolitan Police Department didn’t even give me a report, it’s really a group of bastards.”

Hearing this, Luo Shu couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Is it really good for the upper Draco people to let me hear the mutual pressure of the Heavenly Dragons?” ”

Hearing this, Orange Mist Xiang immediately said with evil taste:

“Of course it’s good, after all, if you get the ‘Devil’s Heart’, I can introduce you to the lady of the ‘Draco’ to you~”

“At that time, with your face and with that devil’s heart, if you want something, won’t you be able to get it by moving your waist?”

“…. You guy. “Hearing that you can get it by moving your waist, Luo Shu’s whole person is speechless, is he like a Cao thief? Not at all like good or bad.

Luo Shu sighed, no longer continuing to fight with Orange Mist Xiang, but asked:

“How is my neighbor lady?”

“Put it back, don’t worry, just let Qianshu ask some things she knows, it will be fine, Qianshu that kid, are you still not at ease?”

“A thousand bunches… That’s really nothing to worry about. ”

Luo Shu shook his head, and then said in an uncertain tone:

“But then again, I can’t guarantee that I can really get that thing, besides, isn’t there some seven-star witch hunter still staring at this thing?” Are you sure you let her go back like this… Wait, aren’t you trying to use me and Miss Tsubakihara as bait? ”

“You think too much.” Orange Wuxiang sneered, and then said: “This afternoon, the people from the Metropolitan Police Department contacted the people of Yin and Yang Liao. ”

“Calculate the time, maybe it has been handed over by now.”

“As for your other worries, this time I only announced that I accidentally found the ‘hound’, but I did not provide relevant information about the devil’s heart.”

“No one is a fool, to the mouth of things, you think I will be willing to let go?”

“Is that so?” Luo Shu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, “That’s really good.” ”

Secretly, if there is a mysterious organization high-level hidden at all times, Luo Shu will also be nervous, oh, I am also secretly a high-level mysterious organization? That’s fine.

Just when Luo Shu was joking and relaxing, Orange Wuxiang slowly stepped on the brakes, glanced at the brightly lit apartment not far away, and said in an ambiguous tone:

“I wish you a good night’s sleep tonight.”

“You think too much.” Luo Shu picked up his things and got out of the car, and closed the door with a bang.

And just as Luo Shu walked to the front of the car, Orange Wuxiang pressed the headlights, and then said:

“Remember to keep in touch at any time, and remember to find that thing quickly, and it is best to take it to Likrise the day after tomorrow to report.”

“Got it.”

Luo Shu waved his hand with his back to him, then turned around and walked a few steps, snapping, he seemed to have stepped on something.

“What’s the situation?”

Luo Shu looked down and saw a crimson wallet, turned his head, and saw the car driven by the orange mist flying away in the buzzing engine.

Looking at the white car that was far away, Luo Shu took his wallet and said:

“This thing… How did it fall out…”

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