Gada! A bang.

The door was pushed open, and Orange Mist Xiang quickly walked into the room, closed the door casually, and then shouted into the room:

“Takina, how is the situation?”

This is a room in a commercial hotel diagonally opposite Luo Shu’s apartment, and you can see where Luo Shu lives from the window.

At this time, next to the sniper rifle set up by the window, Inoue Takina, a girl wearing a high school uniform with straight black hair and slightly rounded cheeks, did not turn her head and said directly:

“Nothing out of the ordinary, Chief.”

“Nothing out of the ordinary? Then observe for another two days, and when Luo Shu has the things in hand, he will lift the surveillance. ”

Orange Mist Xiang approached while speaking, crossed his waist with one hand, and said helplessly:

“But I really didn’t expect that the daughter of the second miss of Nolan Defense actually lived in such a place, really, if the woman’s maiden family knew the situation here, it would be a big loss if a rare demonic abyss prop was snatched.”

Thinking of Nolan’s defense forces in the Americas, Orange Mist Xiang couldn’t help but be a little wary.

The path of this kind of large arms dealer is too wild, no one is watching, and she does not dare to let Luo Shu contact the other party with confidence.

In case the eldest lady on the opposite side came to recruit her son-in-law, Orange Wuxiang really didn’t dare to guarantee that Luo Shu would not surrender to the enemy.

“Takina, you and Qianshu have worked hard in the past two days, and cooperate with Luo Shu to take things away, heh, anyway, things are like this, then I don’t have the habit of returning empty-handed.”

“By the way, what about a thousand bundles of people? What did she do again? ”

Inoue Takina listened quietly, and then added: “Chishu went to buy coffee, saying that he was staying up late, and, the head of the room…”

Inoue Takina glanced out the window and said, “That Luo Shujun seems to have been standing at the entrance and did not go in. ”

“What?” Hearing this, Orange Wuxiang hurriedly walked over and looked out the window, and immediately saw Luo Shu standing at the door of the apartment.

And at the moment when she looked over, Luo Shu also turned his head to look at each other, and smiled and pointed to his mobile phone.


Orange Mist Xiang picked up the phone that was set to vibration mode and pressed the answer button.

Luo Shu’s magnetic voice immediately came from the phone:

“Chief. Secretly protecting this routine is a bit outdated. ”

Orange Wuxiang raised her hand and pressed her forehead, lifted her bangs a little, and looked at Luo Shudao:

“Since you have long known that I will arrange personnel to protect you secretly, what are you doing now?”

Orange Mist Xiang looked at Luo Shu speechlessly, she specially turned a corner and went around the underground parking lot at the back entrance of the hotel, just not wanting people to know that she was monitoring Tsubakihara Mira.

The reason for not letting Luo Shu know is an extension of this.

After all, letting Luo Shu contact the little lady of arms giant Nolan Defense with the knowledge that there is surveillance, it is easy to expose the problem.

And once that Miss Tsubakihara makes a big deal and accuses her of SDS spying on her, Luo Shu, the eldest lady’s lifesaver, is fine, and she, the head of the SDS, is bound to be in trouble.

Compared to offending the forces behind that woman, she would rather choose to offend the island country official, at least the island country official can drive the garrison unmoved.

And just now, if Orange Wuxiang slowed down to hand over Luo Shu, the soldiers of the garrison were afraid that they would rush in and grab people under the instructions of the eldest lady’s family.

Just when Orange Wuxiang was complaining in her heart, Luo Shu’s voice came from the phone:

“I just wanted to remind you that your wallet has dropped again.”

Orange Wuxiang subconsciously touched his pocket, and after finding that it was empty, he immediately looked at Luo Shu.


At this time, Luo Shu, who was standing at the door of the apartment, gently threw away his wallet, then caught it, and after repeating it twice, he said into the phone:

“But come and get it?”

After a short silence, Orange Mist sighed softly:

“… Put it in your place first, give priority to getting the eldest lady in your apartment, if you can’t get it, return the wallet to me tomorrow, if you get it, the thing will be placed in your place recently. ”

Although the loss of the lucky wallet is a little distressing, Orange Wuxiang also knows that this matter is not to blame on Luo Shu’s head.

It’s the damn side effect of the abyss props.

The damn wallet has always wanted to run to Luo Shu’s side, which has been done twice, once more and more exaggerated, so it can only be allowed to run, anyway, the meat is rotten in the pot

Thinking of this, Orange Wuxiang immediately hung up the phone and said in an annoyed tone:

“Speechless died, is that kid the illegitimate son of Lady Luck? The damn wallet ran to him several times, and he simply didn’t want to face. ”

Reasonably, but Orange Mist Xiang is indeed a little numb in her heart.

She just didn’t say that she got out of the car, the car door was not opened, but the wallet just fell out, and it was picked up by Luo Shu, and the meaning of disgust was simply unacted!

This prop, lost stomach pain.


“Is the wallet with me?”

Luo Shu, who got the reply, turned his head to look at the apartment building, immediately smiled, and shook his head:

“I can bear this kind of loss, it seems that I really saved people.”

He sighed with emotion, put away his wallet, turned around to unlock it, entered the first floor of the apartment, and went from the elevator to the third floor.

Entering the walkway through the stairs, Luo Shu came to the door of 302 and stopped, raised his hand and pressed the doorbell.


The doorbell rang for a moment, and the cat’s eye on the back door seemed to be opened.

The people inside seemed to glance at Luo Shu, and immediately opened the door.

The bright-eyed beauty in the house dress shouted happily:

“Come first, Luo Shujun.”

“Hmm.” Luo Shu was stunned for a moment, somewhat unaccustomed to this kind of enthusiasm, but soon, she followed the trend and said: “Then bother.” ”

After speaking, Luo Shu crossed Tsubakihara Mira and entered the entrance.

Tsubakihara Mira also closed the door at this time, but before closing the door, she gestured in a certain direction.

Diagonally opposite the hotel, I saw Tsubakihara Mira’s gesture to Inoue Takina here:

“Chief, we have been discovered?!”

“It’s not that she found us, she is telling the people of Thor Security Group that she is safe, so that Luo Shu’s kid will not be sniped.”

The orange mist incense next to him lit the lady’s cigarette and said lightly:

“I really treat the women of the big family as silly Baitian, but they will die.”

At the same time, the hotel is in the higher floors of the room.

The blond white man wearing an eye patch said indifferently:

“Received the signal, except for the intended protection personnel, the others were evacuated according to plan B.”


“YES,SIR。” In the entrance of Room 301, heavily armed soldiers with guns answered in low voices, and glanced at their companions on the balcony, ready to protect nearby.

Under the feeling of being a little subtle, always feeling like a mang, Luo Shu put on a rabbit ear-shaped slippers with a slightly stiff expression.

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