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Chapter 978: 1 sword wash heart

There are twenty-one islands in the sea of ​​fantasy.

One to three islands correspond to stellar stars, four or five islands correspond to universe levels, six or seven islands correspond to domain main levels, and eight or nine islands correspond to world main levels.

This correspondence refers to the possibility of passing.

In fact, after six islands, it will be very difficult. Many famous geniuses lost on the Six or Seven Islands. The nine islands are the limits of the lords. Few lords can break through the nine islands and reach the ten islands.

That Rongke young man, who can land on the fourth island in the stellar realm, is already a genius of Dafa "Good News".

"My heart is like a sword! Those who mess with my heart, those who obstruct my Tao, should be cut by one sword!"

Along the way, the visions are one after another, endless.

From childhood to age, all past experiences, every moment, every different thought, different choice, can give birth to a variety of lives.

Every kind of life is extremely real, bland and unreliable, the parents are short, and the rice is salty.

However, this kind of bland and real life is what kills the Tao heart.

"Cut! Cut! Cut!"

One sword was cut out, the fence was cut off, and the thoughts in the heart were cut off.

The heavy illusions are annihilated, and the thoughts and desires in my heart are also cut off!

"Broken red dust! Cut the fate! Sword wash your heart!"

Sword light is like water! Heart lake is clear! The illusions have been annihilated, the mind is clear, and the dust is not exposed.

Unconsciously, Liu Ziqing has already boarded the sixth island.

This is where the domain master can get involved!

"In addition to the illusion, there is still tremendous spiritual coercion?"

Just stepping on the sixth island, Liu Ziqing just felt that his heart was down a heavy mountain, breathless.


There was a loud noise, as if the spaceship broke through the void.

The illusion has unfolded!

The vision in front of me is a scene from the extraterrestrial battlefield.

Liu Ziqing seemed to be back in the extraterrestrial battlefield, and went back to seek the black Indians with the black star of the commander.

This time, when Liu Ziqing was dealing with the black star, when he threw out the third annihilation gold thunder, the teleportation array ... failed!

"Ha ha ha ha! Boy, you ants like this, with the assistance of my adult Zijin? Kill you early, my husband go back to find the master earlier!"

Purple gold gourd laughed loudly.

The endless annihilation of the golden light swept through, Liu Ziqing only felt that his body and his body were annihilated a little in this golden light!

Senior Zijin ...

This is the biggest worry hidden in Liu Ziqing's heart.

Will Zijin Gourd leave me? Will you give up on me? Will you kill me on purpose ...

The idea is born, the heart shakes!

Annihilation Jinguang rushed up and swept the world. Suddenly the power soared to the limit, as if the sky and the earth were to be blasted into powder.

This is the true role of the sea of ​​fantasy.

The purpose of the Human Alliance to set up a sea of ​​illusions is not to set a challenging goal. The real purpose is to allow all testers to recognise themselves in the illusion.

Through the illusion to amplify the inner thoughts and feel your own demon, so as to cut off the demon and purify the soul.

When the annihilation of Jinguang was about to drown Liu Ziqing, a sound of Jianming emerged from the bottom of my heart.

"Well ..."

A sword from Xinhu. Pinghu is like a mirror.

"I still have such a demon in my heart!"

Liu Ziqing raised her head with a smile, her eyes were pure and firm, "If there is no inheritance of Shushan, and if there is no senior Zijin, I am just a middle school student who lives at home and reads novels."

"I don't know how to be grateful, but I still have suspicion! It's not worth it! Asham!"

Taking a deep breath, Liu Ziqing waved a sword and cut it out!

"My heart is as iron as indestructible!"

A sword is cut out, the illusion is instantly destroyed, and the sixth island has crossed!

Standing up, turned into a brilliance, Liu Ziqing fell into the seventh island.


The immense coercion of the spirit is like a slump in the sky, as if to crush all obstacles!

The heart as strong as gold and iron seemed to give birth to an overwhelming shattering sound, and it seemed to be crushed by this coercion at any time.

"Not long! Shushan inheritance also has the yin and yang rigidity and softness!"

When the mind was overwhelmed, Liu Ziqing was not too nervous, but was calm.

"My heart is like water. I can't compete with water and everything. There is no competition in the world!"

A heart as firm as gold and iron instantly turns into a pure lake of hearts. Even under the great coercion, the heart lake was rippling and sparkling, but he could not shake his roots.

Wrinkling a pool of spring water, what's the matter?

Like the breeze blowing, even though the heart lake is rippling, the water is still unpleasant. Liu Ziqing Shi Shiran moved across the seventh island in one fell swoop.

"Huh? This kid ..."

In the depths of the sea of ​​fantasy, behind the twenty-first island, an old man with black scale armor and twin horns in his head, wearing a gold robe, opened his eyes from meditation.

This person is the manager of the sea of ​​wonderland, one of the powers of the Human Alliance.

Stretching out his hand, Liu Ziqing's information appeared in front of the old man in Jinpao.

"Qinghe? The blood of Emperor Qiu, the clan of Qingtian? Is it Aoki's son?"

The old man in Jinpao flashed a shock, "The ninth stage of the star has passed the seventh island, and the blood of Emperor Qiu is really extraordinary!"

"Well ... he's from the Heilongshan Starfield? Identity registered in Heilongshan? The Wild Card Galaxy doesn't even have his identity information?"

The old man in the gold robe opened his mouth wide and was shocked, "No, right? There is Emperor Qiu blood flowing out? Aoki didn't know he had such a son?"

"Haha, Aoki, I'm sorry I didn't knock you on a bamboo pole!"

Reaching for the communicator, the old man in the golden robe smiled, "Old Aoki, I found your bastard."


There was a roar in the communicator, "Hey black dragon, I've pulled your skin!"


The old man in the gold robe was surprised, and immediately reacted again, "Oh, Aoki Aoki is also here! Keke, kidding! I'm kidding! Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

"Well, don't make a fuss!"

At this time ~ ~ The communicator sounded a female voice, "Hey the black dragon, are you talking about Qinghe? The kid from Tieqiu has already reported it. Qinghe is in your Heilongshan, please show me what he likes Don't let him go wrong. Otherwise, your mother will pull your skin! "

"Yes! Yes! Aoki Aoki is alive, my brother should obey him, and dare not neglect ... lie ..."

As he was talking, the old black dragon screamed suddenly.

"What happened? What happened?"

In the communicator, the voice of the old ghost of Aoki sounded.

"No big deal. That is ... the Qinghe in your family even crossed the tenth island. The star star crossed the tenth island, and the cultivation of mind is equivalent to immortality!"

"What? He is in the sea of ​​fantasy? He passed the tenth island?"

There was an exclamation in the communicator!

Stellar ninth order, can walk through the sea of ​​ten islands in the fantasy world, so talented, that is very rare!

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