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Chapter 979: I want to be free

Eleventh Island!

After boarding the island, Liu Ziqing's heart lake has boiled.

The huge pressure is more than a hundred times stronger than before. The mind is completely unable to withstand this coercion, and the whole heart lake is boiling under this coercion.

The tide is raging, but the mind is surging!

The tide is surging, the surging are all thoughts!

My heart can't calm down!

As if being crushed at any time, as if annihilating the soul at any time!

There are many illusions in front of me.

The majestic King of the Black Seal, with a huge axe in his face, chopped off at Liu Ziqing!


Splitting with an axe, the sky is falling apart! As if space was chopped up, as if heaven and earth were torn!

This ax splits, and the violent power crushes everything ahead!

Stars burst and hundreds of millions of lives turned into dust.

Facing this axe, Liu Ziqing will fly away in a blink of an eye!

There is great terror between life and death!

Survival, this is the instinct of any creature!

At this moment, Liu Ziqing involuntarily lifted his feet and stepped back!


Just now, raising his feet, Liu Ziqing was in a shadowy meal, holding his instinct to survive, standing against this powerful axe that wiped out all things, raised his skull, and straightened his chest.

"This is fear!"

Since the inheritance of Shushan, Liu Ziqing has practiced "Ziqing Baoyu" and has been practicing his mind since the beginning. Compared with other exercises in this universe, the path of spiritual practice has come to the forefront.

The path to sword repair is the key to sword heart!

"My heart! My mind! My sword!"

Liu Ziqing closed her eyes in response to the huge axe that had been split.

This is not to close your eyes and die!

It's ... brewing, backlog, waiting for an explosion!

"Either the power of the rule, the mental ability, the gene element, or even the sword, the sword, the air, and the sword are all just tools and means. Everything comes from my heart!"

"My heart is like a sword, I cut off the fence!"

A screaming Jianxiao rose into the sky.

Like piercing the dark dawn, like the rising sun bursting out of the sky, shining with glory, reflecting the world! The mighty sword light illuminates the entire heaven and earth like the scorching sun, and illuminates the entire sea of ​​fantasy.

Spiritual will is united into one sword!

Cut everything, cut the fence, cut everything in the world! Nothing is not cut! Nothing is broken!

At this moment, Liu Ziqing condensed his sword!

This is the meaning of extinction! It is also detached! It's more at ease!

Cut off all shackles, cut off all restraints, Yujian volley, happy world!

Extinction is only appearance, and happiness is the real meaning!

As soon as this sword came out, the illusion was shattered!

Whether it's life and death horror or monstrous coercion, unified swords cut it!

What obstacles and obstacles, what ghosts and demons, what gods and gods, what everything is red, all are cut with one sword!

The road ahead is unobstructed!

At this time, the black dragon monster was still talking.

Hearing this sword howl, feeling the sword that cut everything, the black dragon strangely raised his head.

"Ah? Already on the twelfth island? Hey, why is he walking faster and faster? Thirteen islands, fourteen islands ..."

Heilong was stunned and screamed, "My God! Old man Aoki, your illegitimate child is so powerful?"

All the way is like breaking bamboo, cutting everything, cutting the shackles of the sword, cutting all obstacles!

No matter what kind of fantasy, no matter how powerful the enemy, no matter how strong the spirit of coercion, unify the sword and cut it over!

The sea of ​​illusions is the place to refine your heart!

No matter how terrifying the illusion, no matter how great the coercion, it actually comes from the heart!

As big as your heart is, as powerful as it is!

Fearless of any danger, I firmly believe that one sword will cut off all obstacles, cut off all restraints, and cut off all shackles. Under this kind of sword, the illusion can no longer shake Liu Ziqing's heart!

If the heart does not move, then the world does not move!

Everything is a dream bubble!

"I ... am I dazzled? He ... he has stepped through the sea of ​​fantasy! Old Aoki, your illegitimate child has stepped through the sea of ​​fantasy!"

In the black dragon's weird gaze, Liu Ziqing set foot on the twenty-first island of the sea of ​​fantasy, and has come to his presence.

Stellar ninth order, breaking through the sea of ​​fantasy, this is an unprecedented myth!

"Well? There's another checkpoint here? Is it the boss? In the end, should you pass the checkpoint if you kill you?"

Immerse yourself in the sword that cuts the fence. Everything you see in front of you is a shackle and a fence!

Liu Ziqing glanced at the black dragon viciously, the sword that cut off the fence suddenly broke out, the sword light rose to the sky, and chopped down to the black dragon viciously!

"Sink ..."

The black dragon monster burst out a light curtain, blocking the sword, shouting in his mouth: "boy, I am not the ultimate boss! I am your uncle, I am talking to your dad!"

"This illusion is getting worse and worse! My uncle? Talk to my dad? Such words also want to shake my heart?"

Liu Ziqing sneered, and a icy cold light burst into his eyes, "You shouldn't make fun of my parents! Go to death!"

With a roar, Jianguang soared into the sky!

Qinglian Sword Formation and Minjiang Sword Formation are integrated into one. There are blossoming lotus flowers floating on the mighty river. The sword is shining like a tide, sweeping out!

"Crouch! I'm just a mark! Do you want to be so hard!"

The black dragon was weird for a while, and even though it resisted constantly, it was drowned by this sword light.

The figure left in the sea of ​​fantasy land is just a mark of the Black Dragon Boss, and does not leave much power.

After Liu Ziqing's sword condensed, his sword broke out with all his strength. How powerful is the power of the combination of Qinglian Sword Formation and Qijiang Sword Formation?

Therefore, the mark of the Black Dragon Boss was so smashed by Liu Ziqing!


"Hey black dragon, is this a joke?"

"Little guy, yes! Yes! The old black dragon is a bastard, next time I see it, continue to chop me hard!"

At this time, there was a laugh all around, several figures manifested in the depths of the sea of ​​fantasy.

There are men and women with different appearances. There are four people in total.

"Old man Aoki, you **** is too cruel!"

A black light flashed, and the black dragon's weird figure appeared again, looking at Liu Ziqing with a depressed face, "boy, don't say it!"


Seeing the weird look of the black dragon, a few people laughed again.

"What's happening here?"

Liu Ziqing lifted his eyes and glanced around, some confused.

"Qinghe ~ ~ I'm your father ..."

A middle-aged man wearing a black robe with the same appearance as the earth people is smiling and talking to Liu Ziqing.

When the phrase "I am your father" just came out, Liu Ziqing frowned and was about to start.


Suddenly, a woman next to the man in the black robe raised a stick and smashed at the man in the black robe.

That guy is really going to die!

"Uh, wife, don't fight! Don't fight! Give me some face in front of the children!"

Men in black robes scramble!

So cruel?

Liu Ziqing frowned!

Several other people were also embarrassed, and they turned around and couldn't bear to look directly!

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