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Chapter 982: Shocked Earth 3

"The resources you need to practice, I have let the bluebirds pack up!"

Yu Yan took Liu Ziqing into the palace, came to a hall, and sat down. "The way to practice, you can only rely on yourself. All we can provide is foreign things. Although it is helpful to you, it is not fundamental. do you understand?"

"Qinghe understands!"

Liu Ziqing nodded.

Resources are indispensable and can effectively improve the speed of practice. But what really matters is itself. At this point, Liu Ziqing has fully understood from the purple gold gourd.

"Just understand it!"

Yu Yan smiled and nodded, then turned to look at Qingmu, "It's you!"


Aoki coughed a few times, saying ... I have been playing with soy sauce for a long time, did I finally come out?

A man with a much more harem but no family status is really hard!

"Qinghe, it should be prepared for you. Your aunt is ready for you. Dad ... keke, I only give you one thing here. That is the exercises!"

Aoki reached out and pointed at Liu Ziqing's forehead. A little light flashed, and countless information passed into Liu Ziqing's soul.

"Aoki Hun heaven! This is the achievement of my life's practice, and also the foundation of the practice of Emperor Qiu's blood!"

After transmitting the information to Liu Ziqing's spirit, Aoki retracted his finger.


Endless information is poured into my mind, although the amount is very large, it is like a trickle, without causing any impact on Liu Ziqing.

Slowly released the information of the work method, the ghost of a giant tree manifested in his mind, branches and knots, leaves swaying, and endless leaves falling all the time.

Every fallen leaf seems to be demonstrating a peerless sword technique!

Every swaggering branch seems to be demonstrating a magical power!

The entire giant tree is a peerless forging technique!

Of course, Liu Ziqing only saw a little fur, and there are more profound rules that really imply it.

"Aoki's armoured sky, there is still something to be desired!"

Zijin Gourd smiled, "Boy, Zi Qingbao's tolerance for all laws in this world can also drive Aoki Hun heaven. You can also practice this technique!"

"That's good!"

Liu Ziqing was still a little bit embarrassed when he received this exercise. Now "Aoki Huntianfa" can also be driven by "Purple Green Treasure", then there is no problem.

"Aoki's turbulent sky is truly unpredictable!"

Opening his eyes, Liu Ziqing was full of admiration.

"Ha ha!"

Aoki lighted his face, and it seemed that Liu Ziqing praised casually, making him so happy that he couldn't find the north!

Obviously, Aoki and Yu Yan really treat Liu Ziqing as his own son! Well, it should be said to be treated as the closest and closest relative.

The planter Aoki had numerous children, but none awakened the blood of Emperor Qiu.

Now Liu Ziqing appears, this "Qinghe", in Aoki's view, this is his true blood heritage!

Judging from the blood of Diqiu, this is his real son!

"Unfortunately ... I'm really not your son!"

Liu Ziqing sighed.

"Qinghe, if you go to Chaos City, you can still see the Chaos Monument I left there!"

Aoki happily displayed in front of his "pro-son". "The 52 chaos monuments in Chaos City, the chaos monument inscribed with a giant tree, is what I left! Aoki Chaos Monument!"

"The 52 Chaos Monuments in Chaos City can only be left behind by the top existence of the Human League. Of course, the inheritance on the Chaos Monument must not be as complete as I gave you."

"Thank you!"

Liu Ziqing thanked him seriously.

He has his own parents and cannot really recognize others as fathers. Aoki and Yu Yan are good to him, he remembered in his heart, but there is really nothing he can do about his parents.

"My family, you're welcome."

Aoki and Yu Yan both know that this "child" is still very strange to them, and the feelings are not cultivated in a day, take it slowly!

After spending a few days at Xinglongxing, he explained everything that should be explained. Aoki and Yu Yan left.

At this time, Luo Feng, Thor, and Hong finally reached the Dragon Star after a long flight.

"What? It's not called Dragon Star? It's called Qinghe Xing?"

Just stepping out of the spacecraft, Luo Feng saw the huge sign of the starry sky port, and actually turned into a "blue river star", and suddenly screamed in surprise.

"A few days ago, a big man arrived and said he liked the scenery of the dragon star. The Black Dragon Mountain Empire gave this planet to that big man."

The port staff explained something to Luo Feng.

"But ... why is it called Qinghe Xing?"

Luo Feng and the three looked at each other, Qinghe ... Isn't that Liu Ziqing's new vest? Could this Qinghe star be related to Liu Ziqing?

"This is not clear to us! Who knows what the big men think?"

The port staff shrugged and turned to leave.

"Let's take a look at Panlong City first!"

The spacecraft was parked, and the three of them stepped out of the port and rushed towards the city of Dragon Dragon.

Before entering the city, I saw a group of well-dressed and embarrassed big men who came out with a sigh of sigh.

"It's been a mold for eight lives! I live well in Heijiao Bay, and someone else has to move!"

A young man in black shook his head in depression.

"I'm not the same? My villa in Blue Iceland hasn't been flattened by a word."

Another slightly fat middle-aged man also sighed in sighs.

"Don't say it, can we say it over here? Keep your mouth shut, don't cause trouble to the family!"

An elderly man next to him reprimanded him fiercely.

When he heard this, he was silent. A large number of big men bowed their heads and hurriedly left the city.

"It seems ... that new big man offended many people?"

Hearing these people's discussions, the three of Luo Feng were a little surprised.

Liu Ziqing's identity scared off a small family of a low-level universe, very relaxed. But offending so many big people, and making others dare to speak, is not what Liu Ziqing can do!

"No matter how much it is. Let's register the identity information first, then log in to the virtual universe, start a virtual battle, and see the characters in the universe."

Hong and Thor are both militants, and their favorite is the "duel field" in the virtual universe.

"Then go to register."

Luo Feng had already registered once, and hurriedly rushed to the administrative building to register his identity at the household registration office.


Hong and Thor just scanned their looks ~ ~ After entering the bloodline information and soul information, the information terminal suddenly burst out a warning sound.

"Uh? What's the situation?"

Hong and Lei Shen were startled, wondering what had happened.

"Your Highness ... Your Highness? Two more Highnesses here?"

Everyone in the whole household register jumped in shock. Especially the young and beautiful girls, staring at the three with glowing eyes, gathered together.

"Your Highness, do you have any needs?"

"Your Highness, are you tired, I will rub your shoulders for you!"

A group of girls gathered around, talking nonchalantly, and even ... hand-operated.

The earth trio is already aggressive!

Alien registration is so enthusiastic? Did we go to the right place? Is it here ... an alien blue house?

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