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Chapter 983: Ryoko Kamisu


At this time, the door of the household registration office was pushed open. A group of women wearing military uniforms, with a beautiful figure and a beautiful appearance, entered the household registration office under the leadership of a silver-haired woman.

This group of menacing female soldiers came in, exuding a mighty power, and scared everyone in the household registration office into a chill.

"What's happening here?"

The earth trio was in a daze again.

Since setting foot on this Pterosaur, what has happened is more and more inexplicable.

"Luo Feng, you have to be careful! Don't move or talk. The silver-haired woman is an immortal king, and those female soldiers are the masters. Don't resist!"

Barbata reminded nervously in Luo Feng's mind.

"Immortal King? Master?"

Luo Feng's heart tightened, his back sweating faintly.

A cosmic level of Arashiyama is an irresistible terror. Now ... the masters are all soldiers, and the leader is still the immortal king. This is too scary, right?

"Qi Yue has seen three His Highnesses!"

At this time, the silver-haired woman came forward and bowed to the trio of earth.

"Meet Your Highness!"

The remaining female soldiers also saluted the trio.

"His Royal Highness? Us?"

The three looked at each other. When did we become "His Royal Highness"?

"By the orders of His Highness Qinghe, Qiyue came to meet three His Highnesses. He also invited His Highness to follow me to Qinghe Palace. His Highness is waiting for the arrival of three Highnesses in the Palace."

The silver-haired woman smiled and knew what was coming.

"Qinghe? Is it really him?"

Hearing the familiar name "Qinghe", the three of Luo Feng had understood it.

This "Qinghe Xing" is probably really made by Liu Ziqing.

It's just ... what did Liu Ziqing do? Why did you make such a big noise?

Even the immortal kings are subordinates, and even the guards are the masters. Did Liu Ziqing find the ascending fairy of the Shushan sword school?

With misty water, the three people of the earth followed Qiyue and others, all walked out of the household registration office and drove to Liu Ziqing's seaside palace.

As for what happened just now at the household registration office, the three were not surprised. The entire planet is Liu Ziqing. It is also very simple to raise the three's identity information level.

The speeding car burst into the air, and shortly after, it stopped in front of a palace as large as a city.

As soon as they stepped out of the car door, the three Luo Feng saw Liu Ziqing standing at the gate of the palace.

"You are here! I have waited for a long time!"

Liu Ziqing laughed and greeted him.

"It really is you!"

Seeing Liu Ziqing, Luo Feng and the three were full of joy.

It ’s so convenient to leave the earth and come to the aliens, but it ’s still their own place.

"Come! Come! Come! Come sit in!"

Liu Ziqing and the three entered the "Qinghe Palace."

"Ah! That's ... Moyun Fuji? Just planted in the flowerbed?"

Entering the palace, Luo Feng and Hong were shocked to find that in the flower garden beside the road, the winding vines were suddenly Moyun vines.

This rare companion plant is an invaluable treasure in the eyes of countless people. Here ... Is it just a green plant in a flower garden?

Compared with Hong and Thor, Luo Feng is even more shocked!

Because Barbata screamed in his mind, "Ah! That's the blue star grass! That's the nebula flower! That's ..."

Along the way, when Luo Feng walked into the hall and sat down, Baba Tower was still screaming: "Yangyangmu! Yangyangmu actually made a stool? Too luxurious! Too luxurious!"

"Qinghe, you're so scared by this change!"

Sitting on the chair, the maid offered refreshments, and bowed down. The three of Luo Feng looked at Liu Ziqing with surprise, shaking their heads with a bitter smile.

"Yeah, what's the situation?"

Thor touched his bald head and asked in doubt.

Luo Feng also planned to speak, but ... Babata screamed in his mind again: "Ah! This is the water of life! This is the young leaf of the World Tree! How about making tea? It's so illogical!"

"Drinking tea! Drinking tea! This thing is okay, and it is good for spiritual practice!"

Liu Ziqing raised the tea cup as a gesture, put a sip in his mouth, "It's okay, I just made a trip to the sea of ​​fantasy in the virtual universe, and then ... I met the elders."

Somehow he became someone else's son. Liu Ziqing still couldn't accept it, so he could only explain this vaguely.


The three suddenly realized.

In the heart of the three Luo Feng, this "elder" is naturally the elder of Zongmen of the "Shushan Sword School".

Liu Ziqing found the "organization", and with the terrifying strength of Shushan Sword Fairy, he made a name for himself in the cosmic starry sky, naturally.

"Ha ha ha ha! Let's have a few brothers, and there will be backers in the future!"

Thor laughed loudly.


Hong also smiled and nodded, "I'm still worried about the fledgling and accidentally causing any trouble. Now it seems that we have His Highness Qinghe covered, and we can all walk sideways."

"What Your Highness Qinghe? Don't scrub me. The few of us are all acquaintances who say that, we'll see you out!"

Liu Ziqing smiled and shook his head, and went on to say, "I do have a little foundation now. Although ... it's all about the elder tiger skin!"

Putting down the tea cup, Liu Ziqing raised his eyes and looked at the three of them. "Big brother, second brother, Luo Feng, what are your plans next? Now, I have some resources here, so it will be easier for us to get started."


Hong nodded. "Originally, our plan was to first find ways to make money, and then change to a better practice. After all, our little inheritance ... is not enough to look at the cosmic starry sky!"

At this point, Hong looked to Liu Ziqing, "However, you are now well developed, and we don't need to make any money. Let's hit your autumn wind first!"

"Haha! Exactly! Hit the local tyrants!"

Thor patted the table and laughed.

"Yes! Fortunately, we are friends with local tyrants. It will take us decades of hard work!"

Luo Feng also laughed.

"My brother, mine is yours!"

Liu Ziqing took out a display screen and handed it to Hong, "Brother, this is a list of resources. Everything above is stored in the warehouse of this palace. Do you see any suitable ones?"

"Well ~ ~ I won't be polite with you!"

Hong took the display with a smile, reached out and opened a virtual stereoscopic projection in front of him, "Come, let's take a look together. It's time to hit the tyrant!"

"I'm about to be a local tyrant!"

Thor and Luo Feng gathered together.

"Crouch! So many immortal heritages? These cheats are all immortal heritages?"

Seeing those cheat books, Thunder God screamed.

"Weapon armor is at least the master level? Even immortal weapons?"

"Fruit of life! Closing water! Five-colored spirit crystal! Blood vein ascension potion! And ... that is the source of the law? Consume a drop is equivalent to the source of the law of a century of perception?"

The dazzling array of amazing magical creatures stunned the earth trio!

Where is this local tyrant? This is clearly a god!

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