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Chapter 994: Li Dahuo exits the gate

"Dark Witch Universe, has it become Qinghe State?"

Luo Feng, Thor, and Hong looked at each other, only to feel that ... this world is too scary!

A vast and boundless empire, a high-level universe nation with even an ancestor of the universe, was it so easily destroyed?

How terrible is Liu Ziqing's "parents"?

"You are the good brothers Qinghe met in the course of training?"

At this time, Aoki and Yu Yan fell from the void, and looked at the three of Luo Feng with a smile on their faces. "Hengxing has the domain, and his heart and talent are extraordinary. It is indeed a friend of my son's, yes, Not bad. "

"Aunt Uncle has won!"

Brothers and friends' parents are naturally elders. Facing Liu Ziqing's "parents", the three of Luo Feng quickly saluted respectfully.

"Ha ha ha ha! Good! Good! Good boy!"

Hearing the name "Uncle and Aunt", Aoki and Yu Yan were full of light, and their hearts were very happy.

Since the son's friends are called "uncles and aunts", presumably the son has actually acknowledged their "parents", but for a moment it was a little awkward and he did not change his tongue.

"Since you are brothers and friends of Qinghe, that is your family."

Aoki smiled, looked at the three of Luo Feng, and nodded, "You are of extraordinary qualifications and you are your own family, so the old man will introduce you to a teacher!"

"Hong, you are good at making spears, and your heart is very tough, which is suitable for the practice of the giant axe. You should practice with the Lord of the Golden Gold for a while!"

"Thunder's martial arts is mainly fierce, and it is good at thundering. It is very suitable for the path of Lord Black Dragon. Luo Feng's path is not sure, but the golden system and the rules of space are well understood, then go to the one who is studying a period of time."

"The Lord of Void Gold! Lord Black Dragon! Return to One!"

Hearing these three famous names, the three of Luo Feng were dumbfounded, and we ... just found a respectable teacher in the universe?

Although "teacher" and "master" are still somewhat different, the treatment of the three is already "named disciple".

After all, this is only a recommended entry. Even if the relationship is good, you have to wait for a period of time to examine your mentality and qualifications before you can really decide whether to be accepted as a true disciple.

"Thank you uncle!"

The three were ecstatic and thanked them quickly.

Having a respected teacher as a teacher, not only has a solid backstage, but also gets the guidance of the respected, the benefits are countless.

"Cultivate with peace of mind first. When I say hello to them, they will contact you at that time."

After arranging the three friends of the "son" and giving the son a "long face", Aoki and Yu Yan looked at Liu Ziqing with a smile on their faces.

"Just be a relative!"

Liu Ziqing's heart sighed, and Qingmu and Yu Yan cared about Liu Ziqing's level of love.

To this pair of "parents", Liu Ziqing was both moved and helpless. After experiencing these things, no matter how grateful it is, it is also a wolf.

"Thank you ... Dad! Mom!"

Ai Ai in Liu Ziqing's period still shouted this title.

"Ha ha ha ha! Good! Good son!"

Aoki and Yu Yan laughed loudly.

Therefore, behind each cricket, the coveted "parents". Liu Ziqing formally embarked on the road of a cosmic-grade aunt.

Time goes by like this.

The final of the "Universe Genius Contest" began. After the three of them became disciples of the Supreme Master of the Universe, they once again entered the arena of genius.

After some battles, all three of Luo Feng entered the top 1,000 geniuses of the universe, and they were given the opportunity to enter the chaos city.

As for Liu Ziqing, with his current "identity", there is no problem going to Chaos City.

When Liu Ziqing and a group of talented people stepped into Chaos City, Li Yu also woke up from the retreat.

"Is it just a few years? It's not long."

Li Yu slowly stood up amidst the turbulent earth, water, and fire in the early universe.

Although only a few years have passed in cosmic time, Li Yu reverses time, and that is eternity. Over the years, he has seen the birth process of this world from nothing to countless times.

"During the birth of this initial universe, what I felt most deeply was one point. Chaos and disorder!"

The laws of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness, time and space, before the world was born, these laws were actually "none".

All laws converge to the extreme, and they become "nothing".

"None, the beginning of the world. Yes, the mother of all things!"

Matter and energy, order and law, these are "has." Chaos is "none."

"Unfortunately, there are only basic laws in this world. What I can appreciate is that these basic laws belong to the process of 'nothing.'"

With a breeze, the power of "Chaos and Disorder" permeated invisible and disappeared, the surrounding water, water and fire wind instantly turned into nothingness and disappeared completely.

This is "chaos and disorder."

As long as it is the material and energy that Li Yu can understand, as long as it is the order and rules that Li Yu understands, in the face of "chaos and disorder", everything belongs to chaos and everything becomes nothingness.

Therefore, any energy and law based on "golden wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, dark, time and space" has no meaning to Li Yu.

Whoever uses this kind of thing to attack Li Yu, that is, to take a drop of water to attack the sea, is all about delivering food.

"Unfortunately ... the heavens and the world, endless time and space, not only these basic laws!"

The laws of "cause and effect", "reincarnation", "qi luck", and "merit" are to be attributed to chaos, and they have no idea at all.

"Huh? When the chaos and disorder were just demonstrated, annihilating the surrounding water, fire and wind, even surprised you?"

At this time, Li Yu found that a dragon head with a dragon tail behind him and a dragon man more than three meters tall appeared instantly where Li Yu stood.

The man looked around with amazement, and was shocked by the inexplicably disappearing ground water and wind.

Unfortunately, Li Yu's three major chaotic characteristics come together, and practitioners who have never felt chaos have not even noticed Li Yu's existence.

"Is this a clone of the Lord of Chaos?"

The Lord of Chaos is one of the most pinnacle characters in the human world, and the pillar of this world. For a long time, I have been sitting in Chaos City, looking after this place of worship for human beings.

"Practice the Holy Land ..."

Li Yu looked up at the original universe and shook his head with a smile. "Although the laws have been revealed, it is very difficult to comprehend them. Not to mention that the energy in the original universe is very chaotic and is not conducive to absorption. There are still some in the Holy Land It's a misnomer! "

Turned around and looked at the owner of Chaos City ~ ~ and looked at the countless human practitioners in Chaos City, Li Yu smiled, "Well, I have benefited here, I have to give you a benefit. . "

"Then ... send you a real spiritual place!"

Reach out and press, the rules echo. Throughout the initial universe, the golden wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and light were dark and space-time, and all the laws oscillated and roared together.

"What's happening here?"

At this moment, everyone, including the Lord of Chaos, was shocked.

One by one, they looked at the sky with shock, and looked at the void, with a blank heart, without knowing what happened.

Even more shocking is the Lord of Chaos, who has taken control of the original universe and became the Lord of the universe. But ... at this moment, he found that he had lost control of the original universe.

"How is this going?"

The owner of Chaos City is in shock!

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