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Chapter 995: Grandpa

The master of the universe is the master of one universe.

The Lord of Chaos has been in the initial universe for countless years, and he is in control of this initial universe.

However, the master of the universe's control of one universe was so inexplicably disconnected.

This situation, the Lord of Chaos has never encountered.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

The main character of Chaos City faintly felt panic. The unknown is the most terrifying. This change of complete uncertainty is really frightening.

"Om ..."

A slight trembling sounded, and endless light swept the world.

The five elements flow, light and darkness intertwine, wind and thunder shake, and time and space tremble.

The brilliance of black and white rippling like waves, swept across the entire initial universe in an instant.

A Tai Chi picture is revealed on the sky.

Between the glorious flow, the laws of heaven and earth shook together.

Taiji maps the ground, water, fire and wind. This "fix" is the "prescription."

Under the source of Li Yu's order, the laws of heaven and earth were reshaped.

The surging ground water, fire and wind stabilized instantly, and the space of the original universe became more stable. Heaven and earth meet, spiritual power flows, and the vitality of the whole universe becomes very pure and abundant.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is ... the law has been integrated into the heaven and earth's vitality. You don't need to watch it as before.

"this is……"

In an instant, the world changed dramatically.

The monks in Chaos City suddenly shocked and ecstatically discovered that they could clearly understand the laws of heaven and earth in one breath.

"What exactly is going on?"

The monks in Chaos City were very surprised, but the hearts of the Chaos Lords were full of horror.

What exactly is going on? How did the original universe look like this?

Although this is very beneficial to the practice of the human race, the cause of Chaos City is always uneasy.

In Chaos City, Liu Ziqing, Luo Feng, Thunder God, Hong, these guys from the earth, were stunned when they saw the Tai Chi in the sky.

"Tai Chi chart? This is Tai Chi chart?"

The three of Luo Feng were stunned, and turned to stare at Liu Ziqing the next moment, trying to find the answer from him.

Because ... here after the Shushan Sword School, it was related to "Tai Shang Laojun".

"Too great ancestor? Is it the ancestor that is sacred?"

Liu Ziqing looked at the sky in shock, looking at the Tai Chi picture covering the sky, and was shocked and happy.

"Senior Zijin, is it really the ancestor?"

Shocked with excitement, Liu Ziqing hurriedly asked Zijin.

"It's indeed a master!"

Zijin Gourd smiled, "However, Master is too high to say that he has come or not to come. He is everywhere, not anywhere. You can't see him."


Liu Ziqing nodded, and respectfully bowed to the ground, and bowed his head toward the Taiji picture on the sky: "Discipline Qinghe, meet the Supreme Master!"

"Oh, don't be polite, get up!"

A gentle voice sounded in Liu Ziqing's ears, and a soft force lifted Liu Ziqing.

"Really ... really his old man?"

Seeing Liu Ziqing's worship, the three of Luo Feng had been shocked.

People like Tai Shang Laojun still exist in this world?

"Meet Tianzun!"

The three Luo Feng, who are from the earth, are naturally no strangers to the mythical character "Tai Shang".

The ancestor of Daomen, too Supreme, the three naturally dare not neglect, and quickly worshipped.

"Huh? That's Qinghe. They are too senior ancestors? Tianzun? This man is the ancestor of Qinghe? How have you never heard of it?"

With the repair of the Lord of Chaos City, the movements in Chaos City naturally cannot hide his eyes and eyes. The worship of Liu Ziqing and others shocked the Lord of Chaos.

"Daoyou don't have to panic."

The sky's black and white radiance continued to converge. When the radiance dissipated, a white dress fluttered, and the figure of Long Yi appeared in front of the Lord of Chaos.

"The poverty is too high, and it has been beyond the world."

After Li Yu appeared, he smiled and nodded toward the Lord of Chaos City. "Only by chance, there were descendants in the lower world who inherited the Taoism left by a registered disciple of this place. Because of the fate, this made poverty appear. Be with this. "

"Exceeded heaven and earth?"

The Lord of Chaos froze for a moment, even in his realm, he couldn't understand what it meant to be "above the world."

"Oh, your cultivation is inadequate, there is no mystery that penetrates the world!"

Li Yu smiled and stretched his fingers toward the void. "This world has endless starry sky, vast and vast, it seems infinite. In fact, it is only one of the 3000 worlds in the Nether."

Reaching out, a model of heaven and earth manifested in front of the Lord of Chaos.

"This is the origin continent, which is the center of the 3,000 world in the lower bound. Outside the origin continent, there are 3,000 universes. Your universe is one of the 3,000 worlds."

Pointing out, the model of the universe dissipated. "However, the original continent and the three thousand worlds are only one side of the world, and the poor way has been beyond the world."


The Lord of Chaos stunned with an air conditioner.

The entire universe is just one of three thousand worlds. In addition to these three thousand worlds, there is an origin continent that is larger than the three thousand worlds combined.

More importantly, these three thousand worlds and the origin continent are just one world. And this "major ancestor" has transcended the world.

What a horrible practice!

No wonder you can change the world with a wave! No wonder he said that I "repaired"! Sure enough, the master of the universe, compared to this kind of character, is really "inadequate."

"The poor disciple's disciple is the only passer-by of Daomen in this world. Now that he has the destiny to inherit the inheritance of the poor Taoist gate, he should give him some benefits."

Li Yu looked at Liu Ziqing and others in Chaos City, and nodded with a smile. "Poor Dao shot and turned this initial universe into a blissful place. In addition to my gatekeepers, it is also good for your practice."

With a wave of your hand, a bit of aura fell into the hands of the Lord of Chaos City. "This is the core of this initial universe, and all the rules are in it. You can control the entire initial universe accordingly. In addition, feel the order and laws in it, and practice your practice It's good too. "

"Thank you too much, senior."

The Lord of Chaos hastened to thank him.

"It's a trivial matter!

Li Yu waved his hand with a smile, looked down in the direction of Chaos City, and looked at the 52 Chaos Monuments ~ ~ Since the poor road came here, it is considered to be related to this place. In addition, the poor road also left a chaotic monument. As for how much you can learn, it depends on you! "

Pointing out, Xuanhuang surging, material condensing, a huge stone monument with black and white intersects stands in the forest of monuments outside Chaos City.

"Tai Chi Monument!"

On this "Tai Chi Monument", the five elements of Shengke, alternating light and dark, wind and thunder surge, time and space flow, as if all the laws of this world work, all in it.

With just a glance, the Lord of Chaos felt inscrutable and mysterious.

"Thank you so much for your grace!"

With this "Tai Chi Monument", this Chaos City is really a human holy land! Even the Lord of the Universe has to come here to enlighten Taiji Monument.

"The cause is gone, the poor are gone!"

With a smile, Li Yu's figure disappeared instantly and no trace of existence could be found.

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