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Chapter 996: No sound on timeline

"This is the Zerg Realm!"

After leaving from Chaos City, Li Yu instantly crossed the endless universe starry sky and came to the Zerg realm on the other side of the universe.

Li Yu came here, naturally, to catch a Zerg mother emperor and go back to play.

"Zerg territory is still very different from human territory."

Seeing this heaven and earth scene different from the human world in front of him, Li Yu also felt eye-opening, and his trip was worthwhile.

Originally based on Li Yu ’s chaotic characteristics, “Chaos Infinite” has completely ignored the concept of size and distance, and can completely reach out and grab a Zerg mother emperor.

Moreover, Chaos Unlimited is already "ubiquitous, omnipresent".

It just became boring.

In front of me ... a purple world.

The huge purple stars flickered a faint purple light in the starry sky.

"In fact, these purple stars are not real stars, but ... mother's nest!"

When Li Yu was in Shennongjia, she had already observed the mother nest.

The mother nest is a honeycomb-shaped sphere.

When the mother emperor is promoted to immortality, or even the master of the universe, their mother's nest will become extremely huge, as if they are stars.

"Life is waiting! In the eyes of the poor, the Zerg is also a wise life. Therefore, I am not here to exterminate the Zerg, so don't be afraid!"

Raising his eyes and glancing at these huge mother nests, Li Yu began to look for the target.

"Collect a mother emperor, and I will be able to create a Zerg system like StarCraft in the future. Even if it is used for research, I have to pick a potential."

Eyes swept over the mother's nests, and Li Yu suddenly was surprised to find that there was a very special mother's nest.

This mother's nest is much smaller than the average mother's nest, not purple-red, but lavender.

More importantly, there are many plants growing in the hives of this mother emperor. The dense vines are all over the walls of the hive, and a small lilac flower is opened on the vines.

And, around this mother nest, the nearest mother nest was also several million light years away.

In the empty universe, there is only this maverick mother nest floating alone in the void of the universe.

"The mother's nest should be the war base of the Zerg, isn't it appropriate for you to be dressed as a harem of a literary girl?"

Li Yu laughed abruptly.

However, from the perspective of Li Yu, this relatively special mother emperor has a very strong source of life. Although she is not the strongest now, she has the best adaptability and the greatest potential.

"Catching a maverick mother emperor can also be regarded as purifying their team for the Zerg!"

Li Yu laughed, stepped out, and came to the center of the nest instantly.

In the center of the mother's nest is a field of green grass, and a beautiful temple stands on the ground.

Stepping into the main hall, Li Yu saw the queen mother of that literary fan.

It was an elf-like girl.

A lilac long hair, like that waterfall, dangled from the shoulder.

There is no other queen-like figure with a height of ten meters, and there is no pair of butterfly wings on her back, just like an ordinary human girl.

At this moment, the young girl curled up to sleep on the soft couch, and did not know that there was an unwilling man who touched her room.

"Okay, it's you!"

Li Yu reached out her sleeves and immediately put the girl into the resource library.

"Hee hee, you bad guy, are you here now?"

"Oh! No! I got the wrong number! It's over, will I be hit by my sister!"

"I'm gone! Bad guy, bye!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Li Yu's ear.

That was the voice of a girl. The voice was strange, but Li Yu always felt like he had heard it somewhere.

"How is this going?"

Li Yu's heart tightened, her face horrified!

In the current state of Li Yu, there are still people who can inexplicably appear beside him without being noticed by him? Even someone was talking in his ear, but he wasn't found?

how can that be?

There are still such terrible characters in this world? Even on this continent's original continent, those powerful characters could not invade Li Yu silently, but were not found.

Perhaps the characters on the original continent are not bad in destructive power. However, they cannot compare to Li Yu from the perspective of the origin, the perception from the realm, especially the characteristics of chaos, and the law of cause and effect.

As for this universe, it is even more impossible for anyone to come to Li Yu silently.

So ... where did this voice come from?

First, the mother emperor of this literary style was excluded. They are all included in the resource database. Even Gu Yu, a pioneering figure, has no room to struggle, let alone a mother-in-law of the world.

It wasn't her, and no one else infiltrated. Where did that voice come from?

"I'll see where you are sacred!"

Li Yu waved his face somberly, "Back in time!"

Back in time, the previous scenes kept repeating in front of Li Yu's eyes.

From entering the Zerg Astral Domain until the mother emperor was put into the resource library, all the scenes were reproduced in front of Li Yu.

However ... he didn't find that voice.

No! Never! That voice never appeared on the timeline!


Li Yu's face was even more ugly!

In the realm of Li Yu, it is naturally impossible to hear something wrong!

He heard that voice, and that voice must exist.

Since the timeline cannot be traced back, there is only one possibility. This matter, this woman's voice, was erased from the timeline.

"I can't find any traces? Is there anyone in this world who is stronger than me in the laws of time?"

After possessing the characteristics of Taoism, Li Yu's control of time has reached the realm of "the moment is eternity".

"This is the timeline of my own experience. Who has the ability to erase the timeline of 'I hear this voice'?"

Li Yu started his practice of "No Scripture". From the beginning, he practiced the power of time. To this point, it can be said that the accumulation is profound.

Integrating the time laws of countless worlds, Li Yu has enough confidence to be certain that no one in this world can erase the time line that Li Yu himself experienced without being discovered by him.

"I can't find it in time, I still have the law of cause and effect!"

The Tao and the Law research on causality is extremely deep, and it can be said that it is the most powerful causal law force in the world that Li Yu experienced.

Point it out, start "causes of effects" and search for the cause and effect of the birth of this voice.

"Still not? Not on the timeline! Not on the cause and effect line?"

At this moment ~ ~ Li Yu was shocked and angry!

"What exactly is going on?"

The magical power failed to achieve the goal, Li Yu put his mind on the voice itself.

"Hee hee, you bad guy, are you here now?"

"Oh! No! I got the wrong number! It's over, will I be hit by my sister!"

"I'm gone! Bad guy, bye!"

Recalling these three words, Li Yu frowned tightly.

"Bad guy? Just come? That means ... someone knows I'm coming? Have been waiting here? But wait here, just say that? What's the point?"

"And ... wrong number, what does this mean? You think you are playing a game!"

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