System Supplier

Chapter 997: Wave 1 wave, countless bursts of clothing

"Number one? Game?"

Li Yu suddenly remembered a movie I had seen before.

"Do people in this world also land in the same way as in the movie, so-called" real world "people manipulate game characters?"

Li Yu frowned tightly, shaking her head again.

He has mastered all the laws of the universe, and understands very clearly that there is no such law in the world that can be "landed" by people.

This world is not a game world, and there are no so-called players.

"So ... wrong number, what does that mean?"

At this moment, His Majesty the Emperor Yu, who has always been behind the scenes and has everything under his control, suddenly found that this incident completely exceeded his expectations and was completely confused.

"This incident happened because of the mother emperor. Could it be related to her?"

Li Yu came to capture the mother emperor, all actions were due to his own thoughts, whether he came to the Zerg star domain, or chose this maverick mother emperor, it is his own meaning.

No one can influence Li Yu's mind without being noticed by him.

This mother emperor of the universe, even if she is proficient in spiritual illusions, wants to confuse Li Yu's mind, that's too far away.

It is even more impossible to come up with an illusion and say those few words without being noticed by Li Yu.

"This empress cannot be capable of doing this."

Li Yu is certain that this cannot be an illusion.

Taking Li Yu's spirit as a spiritual practice, even the mirage lord of illusion can not be confused, let alone the zerg mother emperor.

"There was no attack, and no one was hacking. It seems ... that voice appeared just to say a few jokes."

Li Yu supported his chin, walking back and forth in the hall of the Zerg mother emperor, thinking constantly.

"Bad guy? Just here? Goodbye?"

Thinking back to that voice, Li Yu suddenly felt very strange.

No matter the tone or the content of the talk, it is as if a girl is selling cuteness.

"Just a joke? So ... who is joking with me anyway?"

With this ability, it is not unusual to be able to afford such a joke.

Even if Li Yu himself had to make such a joke in the world he had been to, he would have to pass through the system to pass his voice to another world.

"Is it ... the system's possible 'behind-the-scenes master'? Why is he doing this? Just a joke? It took so much effort to erase the traces of time and causality?"

The more I think about it, the more confused I become.

Li Yu only felt that ... it was inexplicable!

"Whoever you want to get my idea, I'll see how competent you are!"

Reaching out and knocking on the "Xuanhuang Sword" around his waist, Li Yu stepped out of the mother's nest.

Turning his head to look at the mother's nest behind him, Li Yu frowned. "Even the mother emperor grabbed it, so the mother's nest can't be ignored."

Reaching for a hand, the power of chaos flowing from the palm, ignoring the size, without the size.

This huge star-like mother's nest, like table tennis, was grabbed by Li Yu. Flicked his sleeves, and instantly closed up the resource library.

"In this universe, the **** king figures are all suppressed by the laws of the universe, making them half dead. If the person who joked with me is from the origin continent, it will definitely cause changes in the laws of heaven and earth."

Li Yu stepped forward and came to the origin of the law of this universe in an instant.

Reaching out with one hand, pulling order, linking the laws, Li Yu integrated his mind into the sea of ​​laws in this universe, and carefully explored the traces of the laws.

"There are no traces. It is now certain that the voice has nothing to do with this universe and this world."

Withdrawing his mind, Li Yu nodded, "It's not from this world, it's from outside the world!"

When the heavens and the world walked, Li Yu also encountered the traversers.

If the brain hole is enlarged a bit, suppose ... the so-called "soul wear" is the "upper size" of that voice?

A traversal management organization like a landing game? The legendary "time and space administration"?

Well, this is all guesswork, and it is baseless guesswork!

"The soldiers came to block! The water came to cover the soil! Even if there really came out a‘ time and space administration ’, I would beat him with a bag!”

Since it was clear that the voice came from "Tianwai", Li Yu was in no hurry!

Regardless of the origin of the voice and any plans, whether he is an enemy or a friend, he can no longer care about it.

The "he" of the main world is about to wake up.

At present, this "he" is the real life and death crisis. As for this voice, let's handle it as a "prank" for the time being!

The origin of this voice must be terrifying.

What can make Li Yu realize nothing, from the time line and cause and effect line, erase the sounds he heard. This is not something ordinary people can do.

There are always priorities, and even enemies have to clean up one by one.

What's more ... must find this enemy?

"For the time being, I will deal with the matter before me."

At the origin of the universe, Li Yupan sat down and began to think about his own plans.

"In this world, my biggest purpose is to perceive chaos. Now, based on the laws of this world, the 'chaos and disorder' that comes out of it is already the biggest gain in this world."

The composition of this world, even those basic laws, cannot realize other chaotic characteristics.

"In fact, my chaos and disorder are not complete, and I need to add some special rules such as luck, merit, and cause and effect."

Li Yu has already come into contact with these rules and even mastered them deeply.

However, it is not easy to incorporate these laws into chaos. Without a specific reference, it is too time-consuming to rely on meditation alone.

"So, next I'm looking for a world that has the basic principles of 'golden wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, dark, time and space', and the principles of merit, qi, luck, cause and effect, and reincarnation.

The system authority has reached the second level, and Li Yu can choose the world by himself.

"There is a world, a world known as 'Destiny', with these laws, also with groundbreaking characters, and a realm of creation and eternity. It is suitable for me to come to understand."

Already having a complete plan, Li Yu stood up, raised his eyes and glanced at the world, and nodded, "This world, I am a quiet observer, never tossed. Before leaving ... Is it right? Want to toss? "

"Humans in this world ~ ~ have all kinds of strange looks, it really does not meet human aesthetic standards. So ... give you a good fortune!"

Reaching out with one hand, the glory swept up, and communicated the laws of heaven and earth of the entire universe through the place of origin.

"In the name of order, after being promoted to the cosmic level, human practitioners can reshape the body. The cosmic level is the metamorphosis period. The human anatomy of the earth is used as the metamorphosis template.

The words follow the law, engraved in the law of the origin of the universe, and has become one of the orders of this world.


All practitioners above the universe level in the whole world have found out in horror that their appearance is undergoing drastic changes.

So much so that there have been countless incidents that caused the clothes to be out of shape, and even the clothes to fall because of their body shape.

The male monk smiled, and the female monk screamed in surprise.

In response, Li Dahuyou said ... I didn't mean it on purpose.

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