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Chapter 999: I'm still single! How does it feel to have a harem?

"Tianshui Fairy? Tianshui Zhenjun?"

For a moment, Li Yu remembered who this so-called "Tianshui Fairy" was.

"Don't talk nonsense! That's Tianshui Zhenjun of Tianshui, Tiannan Prefecture. When she comes here, there must be something important. Don't think about it!"

Li Yu quickly explained.

After the explanation, Li Yu was surprised again.

Right? Brother is still single! How can I have a feeling of meeting my female friends and greeting my wife first?

Could it be that unknowingly, these so-called "maids" and "subordinates" turned out to be "superior"?

"It's a mess!"

Li Yu quickly threw away his imagination, turned his head to Panyu, and laughed: "Panyu, outside of my fairy house, there is a world. You haven't seen the world outside of Xianfu yet. Let me go and see? "

"My brethren want to see the guests, go along with them ... not very convenient!"

Hearing Li Yu's invitation, a little flush appeared on Pan's face.

This man ... why is there no brain? You meet a foreigner. I will go with you. In what capacity?

Even the hostess ...

Well, Pan Yan blushed again!

"What's inconvenient? Go ahead! Everyone!"

Li Daguanren seems to have a negative emotional quotient, but he did not find any meaning in it.

"Yes! We are going together!"

Yin Luo suddenly stood up and gave Li Yu a stern glance.

So ... Her Majesty Yu Huang brought the Harem Regiment and kindly met Tianshui Zhenjun from Tianshui, Tiannan Prefecture.

"Tian Shui has seen Li Daoyou and many Daoyou."

On the top of the immortal mountain on the South Islands, Li Yu and the daughters cordially met Tianshui Zhenjun in the hall held on the back of the dragon tyrant.

Tianshui Zhenjun was a little puzzled about this battle. He didn't know what the "Li Daoyou" was with a group of women.

"I do n’t know if the friends from Tianshui Dao came and I missed it. Please forgive me!"

When Caiyi and others clothed refreshments, Li Yuchao nodded with a smile from Tianshui Zhenjun. "Tianshui friends come here, I don't know what's the matter?"

"This one……"

Tianshui looked up at the girls around Li Yu, hesitated, and continued: "Last time, Li Daoyou told me about Tianzun. A few days ago, Tianshui accidentally heard a message that seemed to be related to Tianzun , Here comes to tell Li Daoyou. "

"Tianzun news?"

Li Yu was startled, and his face became serious.

This is the deity of the world. It has long disappeared, and no trace of existence can be found at all.

Last time, it wasn't from the notes of "The Tower of Heaven and Earth Tower" that Li Yu didn't know what was wrong in this world.

However, the news of Diaolou Tianzun was millions of years ago. It is not clear at all whether the situation has changed.

Hearing Tianshui at this moment, and the news of Tianzun, this is very important for Li Yu.

"Also please tell Tianshui Zhenjun!"

Li Yu bowed his hand.

"Li Daoyou is polite."

Tianshui Zhenjun smiled and shook his head, reached out and took out a broken jade charm. "Li Daoyou, this is a piece of runny scorpion that Tianshui found by accident. Although it is broken, there is a hint of breath inside, which makes Tianshui feel palpitations. I think ...... It should be related to Heaven. "

"It's really related to Tianzun!"

Li Yu reached out and took a picture of this broken jade charm, and felt the residual breath in it. It was determined that this is what a deity left behind.

"Thank you Tianshuidao friends! This thing is very valuable to the poor!"

Li Yu put away this broken jade charm, reached out and took out a piece of Taichu Yuanbing, and handed it to Tianshui Zhenjun. Some help. "

"Too early Yuanbing? The way of ice?"

When Tianshui Zhenjun saw this piece of Yuanbing Bing, he was shocked. "Thank you for your generosity, Tianshui is welcome."

The rule of coldness in the Yuan Dynasty ice was very helpful to the avenues of water system practiced by Tianshui. Tianshui naturally cannot be missed.

"Tianshuidao friends have helped me a lot, everything is foreign, so how to hang on!"

I also learned the news of a deity, and maybe I can learn more. Li Yu is about to face that "he" threat, and this information must be very helpful.

"Taoyou is very kind, Tianshui is grateful. Too early Yuan Bing is very helpful to Tianshui's practice. Tianshui needs to go back to the retreat and feel enlightened, so he will leave first!"

Saying goodbye, Tianshui Zhenjun rose up in the clouds and left the South Islands in an instant.

"Your Majesty, you're looking for" Tianzun ", why don't you let us look for it? Don't rely on these outsiders."

After the water was gone that day, Xie Ling frowned slightly, and turned to look at Li Yu. "Your Majesty, our strength in the South Islands, even if we swept the world, we are more reliable than others.

"Don't worry too much!"

Li Yu smiled and waved, "I'm just curious, it's not a big deal."

Facing the threat of life and death, Li Yu naturally would not tell these girls at home. One to keep them from worrying. Second, this kind of thing tells them that there is no help at all.

"It's the first time I've been here, let's go shopping together!"

Li Yu turned around and took the girls out of the hall. Called Ruyi Jiulong in Jiulong, boarded the car, and circled with the girls in the scenic spot of Tiannan Prefecture.

"This tour has opened up Panyu's eyes."

Returning to Xianfu, Panyu said goodbye to Li Yu. "The exercises given by the Taoist brothers are very valuable. Panyu still needs to go back to enlighten and leave.

"Just be useful!"

Li Yu smiled, "I still have some books here. You can come to see them whenever you have time. It's always good to refer to them."

"Thank you brother!"

From the perspective of Pan Mao, this "reading a book" should be an "invitation".

Coming up this time, Pan Yan also gathered a lot of courage. Hearing Li Yu's "invitation" at this moment, Pan Yan was very pleased.

"So, Panyu retired first!"

Saluting everyone, Panyu set foot on the cross-border teleportation in Xianfu and returned to the Panyu world.

"Your Majesty, when she comes next time, shall we call her mother?"

Cai Yi said with a grudge on his face.

"These people, we still have no weight in His Majesty's heart! All just serve as servants and subordinates!"

Xie Ling lowered her head, pinching her horns.

"Your Majesty is wise and martial, how can our Majesty look like us!"

Wang Shu and Jin Cai sat down angrily.

"Brother, don't you want Tingting?"

There was a tear in Xiaoting Ting's eyes.

"Little conscience ~ ~ Yin Luo stomped her feet.

"I ... I ... know nothing!"

Bi Yan shrank her head timidly.

"So what ... I feel a bit wrong!"

Li Yu was stunned!

Before ... weren't these people like this?

Hasn't this happened before?

Why did it suddenly ... become like this?

I ... I'm still single!

Boss Li wants to cry without tears!

(Actually ... this is a pit!)

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