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Chapter 1000: Above Heaven, there is Heaven

"I have something to go!"

Li boss fled.

But his heart is still a little strange!

Before getting along with her daughters, it seems there is nothing ambiguous ah! Why all of a sudden, suddenly became this look like?

Although Li Yu is not objectionable, and even some barely disguised pleasure, but always feel that changes too fast, feeling caught unprepared.

This thing ...... too strange!

"Forget it. The heart of woman, sea needle, who knows what they want to do? I do not have time to be a romance!"

Lord of the worlds, "he" is a huge threat, Lee Yu has to attend to other things.

Stepping out of Xianfu, Li Yu came to the south outlying island.

"This piece of jade amulet sent by Tianshui must be something left by a deity, but I don't know if the deity is still alive."

Yu Li Yufu reached for a piece of debris, follow the remaining breath, launched the "fruit of all due to" the law of cause and effect in order to search for the information revere.

Inexplicable silk threads flashed in front of Li Yu's eyes. Following the cause and effect on the jade charm, he found the only cause and effect thread that had not yet broken.

"This cause and effect line ... is the place where jade charms are made?"

No other cause and effect of this deity can be found. The only cause and effect line is only the cause and effect line between the jade charm and the place of manufacture.

"There should be a secret house of this deity."

Li Yu knows too little about the "he" of the main world. If some clues can be found in this prince's secret house, even better.

Following this line of cause and effect, Li Yu stepped out one step and instantly arrived in the wild mountains of Tiannan Prefecture.

This cave is built on the bottom of a bottomless cold pool.

Divided into the water, Li Yu immediately came to the gate of this cave house.

"There is no hidden magic?"

Unlike the secret palace of Diaolou Tianzun, this cave house does not have the overlapping hidden arrays, but has placed countless blocks on the gate.

"Chaos and disorder!"

Reaching for a ban on the gate, the force of "Chaos and Chaos" directly wiped out all the seals and turned everything into nothingness.

"There is no Dongfu hiding the magic circle, is this Dongfu the Dongfu left before the deity discovered that he exists?"

After removing the seal on the gate, Li Yu pushed the gate open and stepped into the cave.

"Sure enough, this is the weather of Tianzun Dongfu."

There is a vast world in front of me.

Fairy clouds linger, and Swiss energy transpires.

The magnificent palaces floating on top of the fairy clouds are like a sacred and glorious heavenly palace!

A variety of exotic flowers and weeds, fairy fruit and sacred trees, struggling for beauty in various parts of the palace.

The ground beneath is a continent. On this continent, there are huge cities.

However ... no matter whether it is the imperial palace or the city, no figure exists at this moment.

"These cities are where this disciple lives!"

Li Yuchao glanced at the various cities on the ground, and nodded, "Presumably there are countless years ago, there is a strong and sacred place for Zongmen! Unfortunately, everything is gone."

There is no information about the existence of "he" in these cities. Li Yu set his sight on those heavenly palaces.

Step out and board the Tiangong Temple.

Looking up at these floating heavenly palaces, Li Yu found the same breath as the broken jade charm in a golden palace in the center.

"That's where the Supreme Retreat is!"

Li Yu ignored the other floating palaces and went straight to the central golden palace.

"Wuwei Temple?"

Seeing the plaque on the palace, Li Yu frowned. "Wuwei? In the record of the Diaolou Tianzun, there is a Wuwei Tianzun in Tiannan Prefecture. Is this place the Wuwei Tianzun Cave?"

If it is Wuwei Tianzun, then the existence of this place will be much longer than Diaolou Tianzun.

Li Yu shook his head. He no longer had much hope for this place.

In the records of the Diaolou Tianzun, Wuwei Tianzun is "the one who left only a pool of filthy blood," and so hung up.

This Wuwei Tianzun didn't know that he existed until he was dying. From Wuwei Tianzun, there is no information about him.

"Since it's here, still have a look."

Step into the "Wuwei Temple", and you will see the pool of blood in the hall!

This pool of blood has not solidified until now.

After millions of years, this blood seems to have just flowed down!

The bright red bloodstains bloomed with brilliant splendor, a violent and overwhelming tyrannical atmosphere, and the violent endless rhyme of breath, surging in this pool of blood.

It is just this residual Daoyun. If it is a character under the Immortal Emperor, it will be shaken directly into this powder by this breath.

"Just aggressive?"

This avenue rule of Wuwei Tianzun turned out to be such a general way of strength that "provides by force"!

Achieving the immortal emperor, that is, the heavenly respect of this world, needs to use his own avenue to break through truth and falsehood, so as to reach the state of "everything is false, only I am true".

"The way that Wuwei Tianzun promoted his realm turned out to be ... Regardless of whether you are really fake or not, it is true only if I can't fight or smash it."

Feeling the residual rhyme in the blood, Li Yu was speechless for a while.

This Wuwei Tianzun's temperament is really "despise life and death, just do not accept it"!

"This pool of blood ..."

Li Yu looked down at the blood on the ground and took a deep breath. "If ... I look back on time, look at the scene where Wuwei Tianzun fell ..."

This is a huge risk!

With the strength of that "he" far beyond Tianzun, once Li Yu looks back on time and sees the scene where Wuwei Tianzun falls, he will definitely meet that "he" in the past time!

Once in person ... will the "he" swallow another snack by the way?

"It's too risky!"

Li Yu is not ready to meet the "he" now. Once he goes back in time and exposes himself to "he", it is the delivery of food.

Reluctantly shook his head, Li Yu left the hall, did not look back on time to look at past thoughts.

"See if Wuwei Tianzun has left anything!"

Out of the hall, Li Yu turned around in the Wuwei Temple and searched it carefully.

"It's a bit of a discovery, but it has nothing to do with that‘ he ’!”

In the apse of Wuwei Temple, Li Yu found a mark of fist.

This is a fist print left by Wuwei Tianzun.

There are also messages left by Wu Wei Tianzun in the boxing marks.

"Ancient rumors ~ ~ In addition to the Supreme Master, there is a realm above Tianzun, called Tiandi!"

"I have been around the world for hundreds of thousands of years. Under a pair of iron fists, no one can resist! The world is invincible, the heroes are bound together, and they are really lonely!"

"I am also aware of the realm of Heavenly Emperor. The power is extremely powerful. With one punch, everything goes to nothing. Therefore, this realm must be Heavenly Emperor!"

This is the message left in the fingerprints.

It is likely that Wuwei Tianzun left a boxing mark when he realized the realm of the Emperor.

"Heaven? Is the state above Heavenly Supreme? With one punch, everything goes to nothing?"

"Wuwei Tianzun such an invincible character, lamenting the invincible lonely character, and finally ... swallowed by‘ he ’!”

With a long sigh, Li Yu turned and left Wuwei Dongfu.

"There's not much time left for me! I have to hurry up to improve."

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