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Chapter 1004: The avenue cannot be opened.

"The practice of this world is the immortality of the primitive god."

Li Yu pointed at her brows, a distraction rushed out instantly, and turned into a dusty light spot in the void.

"My material origin is to elevate the energy of the five elements to the mysterious yellow energy. The origin of order is the way of order represented by the two yin and yang!"

"The way I go is the integration of the three treasures of Jingqi God, thus achieving the origin. The immortal road of the primitive **** in this world is actually the integration of practicing Qi and refining God."

Reaching out a hand, the distraction that fell out fell into the palm.

"I'm doing my own experiments and I'm a big capitalist!"

Li Yu shook his head with a smile, as if "dedicating to science".

Actually ... it's just a distracting thought, even if the experiment goes wrong, which leads to disillusionment, it will be restored in a blink of an eye. There is no capital at all.

"Then this distraction, to verify the road I deduced."

The light spot in the palm suddenly burst into a radiance.

This radiance is strange and invisible. Existence, but does not seem to exist, as if it was the chaos before the world opened.

"It's still incomplete. If you don't even have this glory, it's real chaos!"

Li Yu sighed, one finger point on this light spot.

There was a loud roar between the gurgles. It seemed like ... there was never a sound.


The light of black and white interweaving lit up, and order was born. Immediately, the five elements flowed, light and darkness alternated, and everything grew.

As if there was a world born in the palm of Li Yu!

"Not enough! Still not enough!"

Li Yu shook his head. "This is just my own strength. It has nothing to do with this world ..."

With a wave of his hand, he was distracted, and Li Yu frowned. "This world's hegemony, merit, merit, virtue, cause and effect, luck, etc., I still ca n’t be transformed into myself. Can I only do it myself? Experience it? "

In order to open up two avenues of "material" and "order" in this world, I really need to do it physically.

"My essence has long been beyond this world! So ... now I, for this world, actually does not exist! How can a guy who does not exist create a avenue for this world?"

People watching movies cannot change the plot!

Unless ... it's an actor, even a director!

Of course, Li Yu's "change of the plot" refers to the creation of the "order" avenue and "material" avenue. Not that he can't mess around and toss.

After all, he has already tossed, hasn't he?

"Creating a avenue is certainly not the purpose, but if you do not create a avenue, you will not be able to reap the laws of this world, and you will not be able to appreciate chaos.

Li Yu shook his head helplessly, "So ... this world needs another traversor!"

Reaching out a little, a distracted fly from the brow.

"My distraction is still too high in nature, I must wash the level to be able to practice again!"

With a wave of his hand, the essence of this distracted spirit fell to the realm instantly. From beyond the heaven and earth, the supreme person with chaotic characteristics fell to the level of mortals.

"That's the same as immortals depreciating the world!"

Li Yu smiled and shook his head. "Fortunately, there is only one distraction. This feeling of falling is really uncomfortable."

"Since it is Xunxianxiafan, it must be reborn. In order to fully fit this world, it will not be regarded as alien by the heavens and the earth, so it will be excluded or even brought down.

This is the distraction of the mortal realm, but it is not His Majesty the Emperor Yu, who runs through the heavens and the world, and cannot withstand the calamity.

"My body is hidden into the void. Use this distraction to have a good understanding of the world's spiritual journey! This is also an experience, and it is also a life."

Li Yu grinned and waved this distraction into "Yu Yutian" and into the boundary of Zhongzhou.

"When I was still hanging around, I had an idea. If I could choose a rebirth, that would be great! Now? Ha ha, isn't that how I want to vote?

Li Yu's ontology turned into nothingness and chaos, eliminating his own existence from this universe.

The distracted distractions turned into a tiny spot of light that fell from the void and fell into the land of Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou Luojing!

This is one of the two capitals in the thirteen states of Zhongzhou and Beijing. In addition to Luo Jing, there is also An Jing.

"What Luojing and Anjing are not Luoyang and Chang'an?"

From the light spot falling from the sky, Boss Li was slandered for a while.

"The royal family of the Zhongzhou Empire is also named Li. Even if the poor are reborn, they have no plans to change their name."

The inconspicuous light flashed away and fell into Luo Jing's palace instantly.

"Ah! Ah!"

At this time, in a palace of the imperial palace, a graceful and luxurious woman was on her way.

"Why not give birth? Why not give birth? Tai Tai Fan, how is it now?"

A middle-aged man in a dragon robe looked nervously at the closed palace door with a look of anxiety on his majestic face.

This is the son of Zhongzhou Empire!

In the fifteen years since he became king, the emperor of Zhongzhou has managed his best and lived with the people, and he can be called Mingjun. It's a pity ... this Mingjun has no sons so far!

The daughter gave birth to a whole bunch, but a son was never born.

Seeing the great empire, facing the situation of no one succeeding, all the people of insight throughout the country were a little anxious.

Once there is no son, the inheritance of the throne is a big problem. It may even lead to social instability and chaos in the world.

Fortunately, the concubine had good news. As a result, the forthcoming child gathered the eyes of countless people throughout the country.

"Your Majesty! Mother-in-law is having trouble giving birth, I'm afraid ..."

At this time, a female official turned pale, panicked, and reported to the emperor with horror.


The emperor was startled, and his face was pale. "The sky is above, the emperor of all ages is above. Please bless my baby, and let him be born safely!"


At this time, a loud roar in the void!

A brilliant sun descends from the sky, and the sun is shining brightly!

"this is……"

At this moment, countless people are paying attention to the Royal Palace and the people who produce the concubines, and they are shocked to see this sudden vision.



Long Yin Fengming's voice rang through the clouds.

In the shocking eyes of countless people, this brilliant sun fell from the sky and fell into the concubine's palace.

"Well ..."

A baby cried, the situation was turbulent, and the lightning flashed.

"Son! My son! My son is born! The prince is born!"

The emperor laughed with joy ~ ~ Yangtian shouted!

"Dari Sun conceived, dragons and phoenixes harmonized, and thunderstorms thundered! The prince was born with such a vision! God bless me! God bless my country!

For a moment, countless people shouted and fell to the ground!

"The name of the gift is Yu! Prince Prince! Hundreds of boxes of precious pearls, jade and golden concubines!"

The emperor ordered with a big laugh, "Well, amnesty! Everyone is celebrating!"

"Long live my lord!"

So ... Boss Li is officially born!

Then ... Boss Li Li directly closed the consciousness!

Lying down! I'm actually wetting the bed?

No, this must never be passed on, otherwise I will be laughed to death!

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