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Chapter 1005: "Large free master" has been launched

"This is tragedy!"

Li Yuyangtian sighed, "I really want to know how those souls who passed through and were born and passed on to the world passed their infancy!"

The horror that went through infancy again, and with clear memories, was almost indescribable.

Wetting bed ... well, the word is already taboo for boss Li!

Closed up the consciousness, completely as a ignorant baby, this can survive!

The feeling of distraction and ontology is the same and synchronized. Therefore, the body of Boss Li Li directly closed the distracted consciousness, and came out of sight.

At the time of Boss Li's distraction and reincarnation, Du Bai was also at the crossroads of life.

"I am still alive?"

After waking up leisurely, Du Bai was shocked to find that he was still alive.

"I wasn't thinking about Yuehua's baptismal arts. I went into the fire and went into the devil. Was the spirit burned by Yuehua's fire? Why is it alive?

Du Bai struggled to get up, and when he saw this white and jade cave house, he was horrified again, "Where is this ...?"

The white, jade-like cave house in front of him is immaculately dust-free, with no variegated color, no trace of impurities, and extremely pure.

However, this pure white, the extreme white, makes people feel an indescribable sense of depression.

"Lamb fat white jade? Everything in the entire Dongfu, as well as the floor and walls, is made of pure lamb fat white jade? And ... there is no gap, it is completely one."

Du Bai opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

This cave is carved from goat fat and white jade! But ... Is there such a large piece of white goat fat in this world?

"There is no such thing as a pen in the world, the only possibility is a practitioner! This place must be a cave for a practitioner!"

Du Bai took a deep breath, and was a little excited.

After practicing with the old Taoist priest for ten years, Du Bai also heard the old Taoist prince said countless times that the real practitioners in Zhongzhou have not been found.

It took the old Taoist priest to find no other practitioners, but now he appears?

"I can't die after I go into the magic, presumably this senior saved me!"

Du Bai quickly and respectfully bowed to the ground, "Thank you for your help, Du Bai is grateful!"

After the call of worship, the crows in Dongfu were silent and did not respond at all.

"Isn't this senior ... eh?"

At this time, Du Bai suddenly discovered that his body seemed very different from before!

The body is strong and the blood is strong, but ... the meridians have only practiced two. And height and shape are also different from before.

"How is this going?"

Du Bai was so shocked that he quickly reached out and groped on himself, "Sure enough, this is not my body anymore!"

"For the practitioner, the spirit is the essence. It doesn't matter if you change another body. At most, it takes a bit more effort to forge the body and nourish the energy, and you can come again!"

But Du Bai felt a bit of doubt again, "I went to the devil and caused the spirit to burn, and it was only the spirit that hurt. Since this senior can save my spirit, why do you want to change my body? Isn't this extra?"

Seniors acting with high people must be elusive.

Can't figure out the idea, Du Bai is no longer tangled! After all, once died, it is a blessing to be alive! As long as you can live, change a body or something, it is a trivial matter!

"Duba was grateful for the salvation of the seniors, and I also ask them to see you!"

Du Bai shouted at Dongfu again.

However, no one answered in Dongfu after this call.

"Is this senior absent?"

Du Bai frowned in doubt and walked towards the depths of Dongfu.

Along the way, my eyes are pure white, so white!

"No one? And ... there are no everyday objects in this cave, and it doesn't look like someone at all. What's going on?"

Du Bai's heart grew more confused.

I went around the whole Dongfu and looked for it everywhere. Not only were no figures found, not even the utensils, it was an empty cave house completely.

What's more important ... This Dongfu has no gates and can't go out at all!

"what is happening?"

Although Du Bai practiced for ten years with the old Taoist priests, he was considered to have reached the stage of nourishing his spirits. However, at this stage, we still have to eat!

Can't get out of this cave house, can't starve to death in a few days?

"Since this senior saved me, it certainly wouldn't be to starve me to death here. There must be a way to leave! Isn't it ... a test?"

Du Bai suddenly remembered some stories and legends told by the old Taoist priests. Some senior men would give them some chances in order to select the successors.

However, the opportunity is also accompanied by trials. Sometimes, a moment of misunderstanding, you miss the chance.

"Here ... is it a test? Test whether I can get out of this place?"

Du Bai settled down, "There must be a way to go out, but I haven't found it yet. It is indeed a senior man, and the means is unpredictable!"

Therefore, Du Bai devoted himself to this "test", and searched the entire Dongfuzi carefully.

"Sure enough!"

After a careful search in Dongfu, Du Bai found a dark grid in the hall where he was awake.

Open the dark grid. Inside is a white jade box.

"Is this the opportunity left by seniors?"

There was an eagerness in his heart, and Du Bai quickly opened the white jade box.

Open the box, containing a white jade tablet.


On Yujian, three magnificent and quaint characters appeared in front of Du Bai.

In these three words, a breath of world-wide esteem burst into a blast, like the supreme heaven and earth supreme, the supreme supreme, and I alone.



Pure and extreme only!

"This turns out to be an inheritance of Gongfa? I wonder if it is stronger or weaker than the‘ Guzhen Scripture ’that Master gave me?”

Du Bai was agitated, and quickly opened the tablet.

"Blank? A blank inside? Not even a word?"

When this volume of nine pieces of jade bamboo slips was opened, there was no word in them. This shocked Du Bai.

"Since the predecessor gave the inheritance ~ ~ how can I leave no text? Is it ... this is the legendary jade Jane? A jade Jane that can be viewed only by god?

Du Bai suddenly remembered that the old Taoist priest once said that many years ago, the cultivation of secrets and methods was not written in words, but used jade slips to record the messages of the gods.

"Is this an ancient predecessor?"

Du Bai's heart was more heated and cut, and he quickly affixed Yujian to her brows, releasing the information in her sense.

"I am the Lord of Freedom!"

"I will prove that I will be eternal, transcendence, and be at ease!"

"Born for the fate, feelings! The method of preaching the truth is to wait for the fate!"

A mighty voice sounded in the consciousness of the sea.

"Devil ... Demon Lord?"

At this sound, Du Bai was stunned!

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