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Chapter 1008: Thieves want to pretend

Merit merit, avoid evils!

As soon as the saint came out, the demon was scared!

Pirates of the Spring is not evil, nor is it a demon, but from Weizhou Xiandao of Sanxian Island in the East China Sea.

But ... he couldn't stand the worship of the "good man".

Although merit and sage don't have any lethality to the robbers, but after this worship, he will damage the luck and damage the merit.

This world is hell!

Three disasters and nine calamities, each severe calamity is nine lives. There are countless senior men and women in the entire practice world, who fell under the sky and died.

After being worshiped by "the man with virtue", he lost his luck and luck, and was a little bit more dangerous when he crossed the robbery.

"It's a big loss! It's a big loss!"

Pirates of Quanzi's heart was extremely depressed. Isn't it just putting up the shelf of Xiuxian Supreme? Isn't that too lazy to care about ordinary people? Isn't it just pretending? As for so tidy me?

What's more, even if he was depressed, he could not attack!

People respect you and give you incense. This is a respect. Can't afford it. That's your own business. Can you blame others?

"There is no way but to see the previous side. If his qualifications are not bad, it is also a merit to send him to Xianmen. Anyway, he can make up for the loss."

With a wave of his hand, Piquanzi flashed a bit of light, and he looked like an unsharp cricket, which instantly became dusty and immortal.

"Countless celestial beings!"

Shi Shiran stepped out of the back room and stole the first gift, "His Royal Highness is here, the poor road has a long way to go, forgiveness!"

The big sleeves fluttered, Hefa Tongyan, and the unsophisticated old Tao suddenly turned into this "real Taoist" appearance, making the other two Taoists in Daoguan startled.

"The Minister doesn't have to be polite."

The three-year-old Li Yu nodded suddenly, politely saluting the robbers, "Li Yu came here and disturbed Chang Qingxiu."

"Where and where!"

Pirates with a smile on his face, like a spring breeze. However, my heart was fiercely vulgar, "You are not only disturbing me, but also hurting my luck! I hope your qualifications are not too bad, otherwise the loss of the old road cannot be repaired."

The right hand was retracted into the sleeve of the robe, and a finger was pressed without a trace. The robbers opened the "sky eye" and looked at Li Yu's qualifications with the technique of hope.

"Look! Eyes are blind! Eyes are going to be blinded!"

Opening the "Eye of the Sky", the bright yellow light of merit and the glittering light of the virtue, as bright as the sun, make the eyes of Pirates feel pain.

What's more frightening is that in this three-year-old child's body, a mighty blood and blood **** burst out, just like the hot sun.

The brilliance of merit and virtue, the blood and spirit of the gods, are reflected in each other, it is almost blind!

"A three-year-old child, why is there such a mighty blood?"

After almost being blinded, Piquanzi quickly closed the "Sky Eye", but his heart was frightened.

That mighty merit and virtue is like the blood and blood of the scorching sun, which is really terrifying! No wonder I can't bear even a stick of incense!

"It is rumored that His Royal Highness His Highness is the reincarnation of the ancient Emperor Yan Emperor. What‘ born can speak ’and what’ ’s ”born out of phase” are very mysterious. The prince also drummed out a kind of rice per kilogram.

Pirates of the rumors thought of those rumors, and then compared with the "bright blindness" just seen, his heart was even more horrified, "Is this guy, what a powerful reincarnation?"

"With such merit, and such immense blood, if it is truly reincarnated, the nature of mind will not be bad. If I can bring him into the Tao, it will be great merit!"

Pirates of ecstasy burst into ecstasy.

If Li Yudu can enter the door, not only will he be able to make up for his previous losses, but he will also earn a lot of merit.

"It's just ... to point this prince, to make him understand that the wealth and prosperity of the world are passing away. Only spiritual practice can lead the world, and long-term survival requires some means."

Pirates' eyes turned, and his mind had a solution.

"His Royal Highness Prince, I and others outside of Fang can also bathe the Emperor, and I am grateful for the poverty."

Sitting on the futon in the main hall with a smile on his face, Piquanzi looked up at Li Yu. "There is no long thing in the poor road. There is only one trick, and Bo Dian smiles."

Reaching for a hand, in a moment, the sunny sky with bright sun suddenly turned into a starry night.

Wave your hands and change the day!

With such supernatural powers, all the guards, together with the two Taoists in Taoism, were shocked!

"God ... Fairy!"

With an exclamation, a group of guards bowed down to the ground with a stun, and shouted, "The gods are holy!"

Only three-year-old Xiao Yu, standing in the hall with a look of indifference, seemed to care nothing about such changes.

In fact, he really didn't care.

"It's just imagination. Although my distracting power has fallen to the level of mortals, my vision is not bad!"

Li Yu looked at Piquan Zi with a smile on his face, and nodded with smile, "Director Dao is indeed a real person, and he has a lot of power!"

"Taishan collapses in front of the eyes without changing its color. A three-year-old child has the same heartfelt as here. If you are not reincarnated, you must dig out these eyes!

Seeing Li Yu's performance, Piquan Zi was even more satisfied. It's just ... this little trick can't move your heart, so it's more fierce.

"His Royal Highness is near, and there is no hospitality for the poor. Only a pot of osmanthus wine can be borrowed from the Moon Palace, and His Highness is invited to taste."

Fleece sleeves, a little Guanghua rushed out of his hands.

"Om ..."

There was a shock in the void, and the bright moon over the sky seemed to be pulled over by this light.

The bright moon is getting closer and closer, and in the end, the huge moon covers the sky. The magnificent moon palace, the giant osmanthus tree with knots and knots, the moon fairy, are vivid and clearly visible.

Even everyone has already smelled the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance in the moon palace.

"Guanghan Fairy, Poor Dao wants to entertain VIPs, but there is no good wine. I also asked Fairy to borrow a pot of Osmanthus wine from Poor Dao."

Pirates called in the direction of the Moon Palace.

"It turned out to be the real person who stole the spring and the wine was thin, and I hope the real person doesn't dislike it!"

In the moon palace, a beautiful and beautiful fairy, holding a pot of wine, came stepping on the moon.

"This is the sweet-scented osmanthus brewed by the imperial palace. It is also tasted by real people and distinguished guests."

The fairy put the jug on the table, worshipped the robbers and Li Yuyingying, and turned and walked away in the moonlight.

"Thank you Fairy!"

Pirates spring arched hands ~ ~ and then a fleece sleeve, the world suddenly changed, the night of the bright moon and the sky, and returned to the bright sky.

The dreamlike scene saw the guards stunned.

"Immortal! Immortal! This is the real immortal!"

The crowd shouted with excitement, worshipped one by one respectfully and respectfully in front of the thief, and admired him for his dedication.

"It looks good! It looks good!"

Li Yu clapped his hands and laughed, "This trick of the Taoist Master has become really good-looking. The tricks of the team in my palace have become much better!"

"Uh? Trick?"

Pirates of the quanzi stopped!

My "Mirror Flower Water Moon" technique is the real way of doing things, not a trick!

Do you really think of it as a trick?

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